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Aromatic Aeroponics

Posted on Fri Feb 25th, 2022 @ 2:12pm by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood

1,416 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 07 | Aeroponics

The temperature in the aeroponics bay was acutely elevated to match the relatively natural environment of Earth's eight or ninth growing zone, a bit of dry heat that was ideal for the sort of plants that Percy had chosen to have the biology section dedicated to botany and horticulture grow in the aeroponics bay. The bright red salvias were coming along nicely. Salvia in general were a hardy plant that could grow in various climates, but Salvia coccinea that Percy was working with originated on Earth around historic Mexico, but had spread across the Northern, Central, and South American continents.

He was the only one slated to be in Aeroponics for a while, clearing a spot during his off-duty time to slide in a counseling session with LuAnn Lovegood. Percy had to resort to this due to his constant friction with Amanda Rose, and Commander Vetur had made it pretty clear that it was in Percy's best interest to stay away from Amanda, to give her space.

Having LuAnn come meet him in the aeroponics bay was a nice way for Percy to be in a comfortable habitat, and he could avoid potentially running into Amanda. When the doors to the aeroponics bay opened, Percy smiled as he saw LuAnn standing there. "Counselor, just on time. Come in and enjoy, a lot of plants are flowering and in full bloom right now."

LuAnn smiled. "I think flowers should always be blooming here. Different ones, of course, but flowers nonetheless."

Percy smiled and laughed a bit. "Well, that is sort of the point. I plan on having things in bloom in here each and every day, rotating plants out as needed. There are some peppers growing over there," he gestured. "But these red beauties are red salvia, part of the sage family. Actually, these are sometimes referred to as scarlet sage."

"Really?" LuAnn went over to have a closer look. "Fascinating." After taking a minute to appreciate them, she turned to Percy. "What else is on your mind? I'm sure you didn't ask me here just to look at your flowers."

"Correct," replied Percy. "I have been having the usual difficulties with a certain rose, but nothing new. You know those issues fairly well. What I really need help with are matters of the heart, not flowers."

"Ah." LuAnn smiled. "What sort of help do you need?"

Percy looked at LuAnn in a worrisome manner. "I'm involved with an Efrosian," he said briskly. "Lieutenant Commander Ra-Gruvloveii to be precise, but you know that. The problem is I want to really pursue the relationship, advance it. I am not sure how exactly to do that."

She nodded her head wisely. "That's always the hard part. That's because it's different for every person and every relationship. You need to do things together that you both enjoy. Or share something that means a lot to you." She paused. "And go skinny dipping in the moonlight. It's very relaxing and can give you both a tranquil setting to talk."

"I honestly can say that I have not thought about skinny dipping in the moonlight," Percy replied. Truly he had not. Though LuAnn was certainly giving him ideas. "He's kissed me, though mostly a quick peck, and primarily on the cheek. I know physicality with Efrosians is their way of getting to know someone even if it is just plantonically. I'm not sure what to make if his...slowness in that regard."

Betazoids have a healthy attitude about nudity. When you're naked, you are sharing your true self without the outward trappings. It's more honest, in my opinion. You're open and vulnerable. Nighttime is more peaceful as well, as is moonlight. So, moonlight and nudity go well together. Plus skinny dipping is calming and peaceful, which also lends itself to honest communication."

"So, you think I should just set up a date night with him that includes nudity...skinny dipping?" Percy contemplated it. "I am not opposed to it. I haven't exactly seen him naked or anything. Not yet at least."

"It depends on whether or not you're at a point where you can both be comfortable with nudity. If not, start with a walk in the garden first." She grinned. "Then you can think about the fruit."

Percy snickered. "The fruit is certainly in season, ripe, and succulent," the half-Tellarite replied and blushed a bit. "You know, Counselor Rose would equate me to the serpent in the garden, but I suspect she's just a bit jealous that I'm in the garden and she was banished from it...left to be alone with her demons."

"According to some mythos, that would make her Lilith, would it not?" She shook her head. "I feel sorry for Amanda. She needs a good man. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate." She looked at Percy and cocked an eyebrow. "Does your man like chocolate? Fondues are quite nie."

Percy nodded. "Yes, it would certainly make her Lilith, but I agree. I also feel sorry for her. She has had a rough life from what I can tell, and I did not make it easier for her. It was not my intention to make her life any more difficult, but I saw something in Yiv, and she was not going for it." The Chief Science Officer chuckled. "I think so. I think he's the adventurous type when it comes to food...and probably other things. Efrosians tend to live for new experiences."

LuAnn's smile brightened. "Good. Then chocolate fondue, flowers, and a moonlight swim. Sounds perfect--just no snakes. They don't go well with chocolate."

"No snakes," agreed Percy. "Grasshoppers, however, can be delicious when covered in chocolate." He happily chuckled. "Do you think it would be too forward of me to kiss him? I mean really kiss him, not just to soft peck."

"Not on the first date. After that, you have to be able to read intent," she said. "Or go with your gut. I think you have a better idea of how he feels than I do."

Percy smiled. "We've been seeing a lot of one another lately, the first date feels like forever ago," he confessed. "I tend to just lose sense of time when I am with him. I just wish I could find a way to freeze time around us..." the Chief Science Officer had an idea, several actually. Commander Vetur would not like that.

"Don't freeze time, make the most of it." LuAnn smiled. "It sounds to me like you're already on your way to a good relationship." She raised an eyebrow. "Have you told him how you feel yet?"

"I..." Percy paused and looked at his flowers for a moment. "I do not know how I feel. I think I do, but this feels different than anything that I have felt before and that...terrifies me, Counselor. I do not know what he feels or how he will react if he knew how I felt."

"Then take it one day at a time. There's no need to rush love. Or relationships. Enjoy the journey."

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Percy replied. "I will try to enjoy my journey."

"Good. One step at a time." She nodded. "See? You don't need my help at all. You and your flowers are doing well enough."

"Except for your colleague, the weed that wants to have me off this ship and take me away from any happiness."

"That would be up to the Captain. And Commander Ra-Gruvloveii. She'll find a good man before long."

Poor unfortunate souls thought Percy. "I am trying my best not too cause her any additional stress, and to keep my personal distance from her. I do thank you for your advice. You have left me with some things to think about."

LuAnn grinned. "Time heals many wounds. I hear the Captain's relationship isn't going too well, either. Amazing how fast scuttlebutt spreads. But then, that's how most things go, until you find the right one." She patted the bush and turned for the door. "Good luck," she called over her shoulder. He'd need it.

Maybe I should use my artistic skills again Percy thought, but then thought better of it. I need to do better. I need to be better he concluded. "Thank you, Counselor."

Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Balor, Ph.D
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario


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