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Bat Out of Hell (Part II)

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2022 @ 5:17am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone
Edited on on Sun Jun 26th, 2022 @ 5:22am

1,145 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Federation Shuttlecraft


He looked back at Zero, "Lower shields, Lieutenant Zero," Percy ordered. He knew how risky this all was. He knew that with shields down they were exposed - vulnerable to not only by coming in contact with large pieces of debris, but also defenses were naked to a surprise attack if whoever or whatever was responsible for this was still out there, lurking about.

He has to trust Siren's piloting skills. "You are doing great, Siren. Just like getting back on a horse. Let it come to you, feel it out" he said encouraging the woman to tap into her fighter pilot background. I believe in you he thought to himself as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes momentarily.

She glared at Percy briefly, not liking the feeling of being patronized. But she quickly realized he was only trying to help, and no doubt wasn't in the best frame of mind either.

When he opened them, they were still safe and in one piece, and his console had alerted him that they were within transporter range of two of the targets, the third was just a bit further away and as he locked the transporters onto the two discarded souls in the vacuum of space, he whispered softly to himself:

"Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark

Steadying the trembling curvature of his hand and the faltering of his voice, Percy proclaimed a successful recovery. "Two are aboard in the back section" he stated. "Siren, bring us about to the heading that I am sending to the conn, we have one last retrieval make."

Siren dared not look back until they'd finished their job. She would process everything later. For now, she continued to focus on moving the shuttle where it needed to go without hitting anything.

It was then that Zero's console alerted suddenly, and Percy was quick to notice the tachyon particles from his station as well as the slight distortion. "We have company," quipped Percy in a worrisome squeal. "Vor'cha class Klingon attack cruiser, she's taken a beating, and is pursuing us."

Siren's instinct was to turn and fight, but in a tiny shuttle, that wasn't remotely an option. "How close? Do we have time to get the last body?" She asked. After that, she could turn tail and run, and not feel ashamed about it one bit.

A photon torpedo shot by the shuttle's port side, several kilometers from hitting the Federation shuttle, but it was close enough to throw the shuttles trajectory off. "Close" replied Percy. "A warning shot?" he pondered.

Then they were grazed by a disruptor blast from the attack cruiser's disruptor canons. "Siren, keep us going, that was not a warning shot. They are firing blindly" surmised Percy. He continued to try to enhance the transporter's range, and was able to do so with some quick thinking.

He got a lock and wasted no time. "Transporting the third one now," he reported and no sooner had he done so did he hear and feel the sparks from near him as the shuttle was hit with more force this time. Zero's console had exploded. "Zero!" shouted Percy as he looked to check on the man.

Lieutenant Zero was no longer seated, but on the deck of the shuttle's cockpit area. "Evasive manuevers, whatever the hell you have in you, Siren. Shake those damn Klingons!"

Siren was quick to get the shields back up, but they wouldn't hold up to a real Klingon attack. The only hope was to run. They had the advantage of size and more maneuverability. Siren zigged and zagged

Percy checked on Zero, crouching beside him and having fetched a medical kit. He appeared to be conscious for a moment. "Zero's hurt, I don't know how badly. He has some burns to his skin, but I think the worst of it is that some of his Borg circuitry is fried. We need to back to the Ontario immediately"

Siren only acknowledged Percy with a grunt, her concentration too focussed on keeping them from being blow up. They were rocked more than once, but they were glancing blows.

Percy knowing there was not much that he could do for the lieutenant, quickly moved back to his seat. "I'll try to get distress signal out before these Klingons finish us off."

Just as he said it, they were rocked more violently, and Siren barely remained in her seat, as sparks erupted from the rear aft side of the shuttle. "Let's hope Comms is at their post." She quipped.

Percy smashed his hand down against the console. "Bad news," he stated. "I can't get anything out. The Klingons must be jamming our signal somehow. We need to put space between us and them, and those attack cruisers can do more than pack a punch. I've seen them run down a defiant with little issue."

The Chief Science Officer did some quick thinking. "If they are shooting blindly, it means their targeting sensors have to be damaged. A moving target is a lot harder to hit and our small size is an advantage. Let's show that Goliath what David can do," said Percy. "Siren, I need your fanciest flying right now and head to the Ontario's last known coordinates."

Siren made a non distinct grumbling noise. "Come on girl, show me what you've got and I promise never to curse a shuttle again." It wasn't fun for the passengers, as Siren pushed the shuttle passed regulation limits, but Percy appeared to be correct. Shots came very close, and pushed them around, but nothing was hitting directly.

"Cut her across the bow of that attack cruiser," Percy commanded. He knew the request was insanity, but he also knew that Siren was crazy enough to do it. "I'm going to vent some tetryon plasma, just avoid getting hit by their weapons because one good shot and we are all going to be space ash."

With Siren's quick flying skills and nimbleness, Percy emptied the plasma in front of the Klingon vessel. "Computer, play music, Earth database, "Bat Out of Hell" by Meatloaf" the Chief Science Officer said as he stopped venting plasma.

"That will slow them down for a few moments, Siren. Now, floor it!" It was a dirty and underhanded tactic, the sort of tactic that Klingons would find cowardly, but Percy had no plans on meeting a glorious death, not today. If they could put enough distance between them and the battle cruiser, it may give them a chance to get a distress transmission out.

A Post by

Lieutenant JG Elizabeth 'Siren' Stone
Chief Flight Control
USS Ontario


Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


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