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Alstroemeria: Checkin' on a Friend

Posted on Sun Jul 10th, 2022 @ 12:23am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone

902 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 02 | Percy's Quarters

Apparently pulling bodies out of space got you a 'why don't you take a little time off'

Siren wasn't happy about it, but it was only for a bit, and she could use a decent meal. While it had been upsetting, the bodies were nobody she knew, and Siren couldn't honestly say she was grieving over it, she was just pissed and frankly would like some revenge. Now that she'd been cleared by medical and given the equivalent of a night off, she wandered to Percy's and sounded his chime.

Percy had a PaDD in his hand and was tapping away hurriedly when the chime to his quarters alerted him that he had a visitor. He had done everything mostly 'by the book' when it came to establishing the link to the engineering station of the bridge, and it was not as though what he was doing was illegal. He had not breached security. So, he was unsure who was causing him to leave his sofa.

He zoomed across the room, still typing out his message as he reached the thresh of the doorway which opened for him when he reached for the control panel and muscle memory hit the proper control to unlock his quarters and open the door. It had better not be Amanda he thought knowing that eventually, a counselor would be tasked to check on him. He preferred it be LuAnn Lovegood.

Instead, it was Siren. "I know they did not send you to evaluate my emotional well-being, and if they did, they are desperate beyond words" he teased, glancing up to show that he did have some attention to give to her as he multi-tasked.

Siren gave out a hearty chuckle. "Oh geez, can you even imagine? They just 'gave me some time off'" she held up air quotes as she said it, then let out a sigh. She looked him over briefly. "You're busy. I didn't actually need anything." She stood there, suddenly a bit awkward. "I'll let you be."

"No," he said shaking head. "They gave you time off too? For feck's sake. The Ontario is skirting by a nebula that can hide starships from sensors, and we just narrowly escaped a Klingon attack cruiser. You should be on the bridge right now at your station, not given time off. Why did they give you time off? I'm the one with a concussion."

"I'm sure my mental well being is of utmost importance." She snorted. "I wouldn't have lasted this long is Starfleet if I couldn't handle dead bodies. I should be on the bridge." She agreed. "How is the head? Not hallucinating or anything are you?" She teased.

"My head?" Percy chuckled. "No complaints," he added in jest as he finished off the message that he was planning on sending to Haruna. "I'm fine, but the Ontario may not be, and I am more concerned now that you aren't up there on the bridge, Siren."

She smiled. That was nice to hear. "Well, I suppose I could always directly disobey orders and just saunter up to the helm. Hell, what's one more trip to the brig?"

"We have to be who we are, Siren," Percy said as he sent off the message. "That is what makes this crew anything worth its weight. You are not Lieutenant Junior Grade Elizabeth Stone, rule abiding Starfleet officer; Lizzy follows rules and regulations, but Siren? No chance in hell" Percy lectured.

He tossed the PaDD down and crossed his arms. "I've already alerted Anahera to my suspensions and have her on heightened alert. I just sent Haruna my theory on how to expose a starship hiding in the nebula, but the USS Ontario is heading into a trap. The bait was set with the S.S. Manatee. Our shuttle wasn't a target, Siren, it was a distraction, they kept us alive for a reason."

Siren pursed her brow in concentration. Did Percy have a point, or was he riding a concussion induced delusion? 'screw it' She decided, and suddenly kissed Percy on the cheek. "Thank you." She had a bridge to saunter onto.

Percy nodded "That's the Siren I know" he commented with approval. "If you run into any problems, the turbolift malfunctioned and took you to deck one and you conveniently stumple out of it and find your way into your seat. If the Ontario is going to be attacked, it is going to need its best pilot at the helm."

Siren smiled as she turned to leave. Percy was going to owe her when she ended up in the brig, but totally worth it.

The Chief Science Officer watched as Siren left his quarters, the doors closing behind her as he unbuttoned his floral printed shirt and made his way towards his replicator. "Obd bottle of blueberry soda, chilled." This was going to get dicey and he knew it. The hair on his arms and neck were practically standing on end. He was just waiting for the lightning to strike.

He took his bottle of soda and walked through the living area of his quarters, passing by his freshly potted alstroemerias, and sat down on the sofa once more to wait this out and hope for the best.


Lieutenant Percival Bálor, Ph.D
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario


Lieutenant JG Elizabeth 'Siren' Stone
Chief Flight Control
USS Ontario


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