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Posted on Tue Dec 13th, 2022 @ 4:57pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

1,570 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 01 | Bridge - Ready Room

Everything was wrong by the time Percy's ears tingled with ship scuttlebutt that some crew had been taken. Names were in circulation, but with such uncertainty and spin, he was not entirely sure who or what to believe. He feared the worse that Yiv had been among those taken but others were murmuring about Captain Michaels, but unless they snatched him from Sickbay, Percy knew that to be someone's fantastical stretch.

Seeking to avoid a 'Dewey defeats Truman' false narrative, Lieutenant Percival Bálor was quick to leave the lower decks and seek higher ground. He was supposed to be staying away from the Bridge until he was properly healed but nothing was going to prevent him from checking on Yiv.

He did not bother changing out of his poppy print shirt or denim jeans when he stepped onto the lift. A few minutes prior he heard that Amanda Rose was among those taken and with her Haruna. When the lift reached the first deck and the doors opened to the bridge, Percy saw Yiv. he's safe thought Percy.

Though he wanted nothing more than to run across the bridge and wrap his arms around the Efrosian, their bittersweet reunion would need to be postponed. He stood in the lift and observed the bridge officers busy. "Commander Vetur," he called out.

"Permission to enter your bridge," he said knowing that one did not stroll onto the bridge in jeans much less show up in a briefing soaking wet. "I wish to speak to you in private," he added.

She looked at Percy, one eyebrow raised. It was a most unusual request, even from him. "Very well."

She turned to Yiv. "You have the bridge."

Grace stood and went to her ready room.

As soon as they were both inside, she turned to the science officer. "As the situation is a bit...tense, I'll skip the niceties. What do you need to tell me?"

"Right," Percy said looking at Commander Vetur. "We can skip the niceties and get to the point. I'm sorry," he said with a tone that was not his usual playfulness. It was solemn and remorseful. "I took the away team out and we nearly were killed. Zero was injured, Siren and I were damn lucky, and now these barbarians have Haruna and Amanda."

Percy shook his head. "Commander, I take full responsibility for this whole mess. I've blindly led the Ontario into this situation, and I want to help fix it. I don't care what sensors say or what my eyes saw. There may have been a Klingon Vor'cha class attack cruiser, but those tactics are not Klingon."

"No, they aren't. They're pirates." Grace sighed. "I am very much aware that they are using a Klingon ship, but their behavior and the report from the Manatee confirm this assumption. So does the kidnapping. We do not expect them to behave like pirates, but we do expect to find them and get back our crew members. Any help you can give us would be appreciated."

The Chief Science Officer nodded in agreement with Grace's assessment and reasonable deductions. "If these were any ordinary pirates, they would have disabled, ransacked, and left. The level of brutality is causing me to think that we have found these Bandits of Black Rain" added Percy.

"In which case, I am increasingly worried about Haruna and Amanda's safety" he noted. "What unnerves me more is they seem to be a step or two ahead of us. I should have been roasted pork, not here. They let us go, Commander, and I don't think it was as a message."

"I agree. And by all we've seen, we're outgunned and out-manned. They've already destroyed one starship. Why take two officers--and one a counselor--instead of attacking? None of this makes sense. Not yet, anyway. We don't have enough pieces of the puzzle. If they are these pirates--and I don't discount that--what game are they playing and how can we find out and turn it on them?"

Percy's immediate response was a frustrated snort before sighing. "Our Chief Engineer and Ship's Counselor. There are more than enough souls aboard to take, and if at random, the likelihood of taking those two?" He shook his head.

"I suspect they need them for something. Perhaps Haruna was needed to repair something valuable to them? Amanda might have been collateral. These pirates have been ruthless thus far, but perplexingly strategic."

"That is possible, but it is also possible they were taken to prove they could take anyone at any time," Grace countered. "They destroyed a Starfleet vessel but left a civilian one with most of the crew alive. Why?"

Percy's mind conjured a plethora of possibilities before presenting one. "Perhaps as bait to lure us out here. Of course, we are going to respond to a ship in distress, especially a civilian one. With their might? They can pick off Federation starships like swatting flies."

"Yes, but they'll get one, maybe two, before Starfleet finds out. So, while it will work, it won't for long. Once starships are apprised of their activities, precautions will be taken and they will be at a greater risk of being caught. So, we need to look for more options." She raised a hand. "I'm not saying you're incorrect. I'm saying we don't have enough information to know what their plans are. Not yet, anyway. We need more information. And we need our people back."

Percy nodded. "That is the most important part of all of this, Commander. They have our people, and I will not get a restful sleep until they are back safely" the Chief Science Officer stated. "Even if Amanda Rose and I have had our differences. They had better not harm her" added Percy.

"We will do our best to get them back safely," Grace assured him. "If they intended to kill them, it would have been easier to do so immediately and leave the bodies. That does give us some assurance." Although Grace wasn't sure exactly why the counselor and engineer had been taken.

"It is alarming at the randomness yet precision of these pirates," stated Percy. "Somehow is seems completely disorganized yet also very structured. It is perplexing, Commander. I will do whatever is necessary."

"As will I." Grace sighed. "I agree with you. This is definitely organized chaos. I believe they want us to think the attacks are random, but it's too coincidental. See if you can find anything concrete, we can use to find the Klingon ship. Our first priority is to get Rose and Mizuhara back. Then we'll find out what we can about the pirates."

Percy nodded in agreement and appreciation that Grace had taken the time to meet with him. "I wish Mizuhara was here because as questionable as her attention span may be, her love for older ships very well could have been useful. I'm not an engineer by any stretch, Commander, but I am a gambler. My instincts tell me these pirates put more focus on their fire power than the engineering maintenance of their ships. That might just be a hunch to follow up on."

"We're looking for ion trails and any other signs of a ship in the area. They may be careless, but so far, they've either been extremely lucky or they've put a lot of thought into what they're doing. You may be a gambler, but I prefer to be aware of the odds and watch for the tells. There's something that bothers me about these pirates. I'm going to do some research of my own to see if I can find anything."

"Time to hit the books, Commander," Percy said calmly though underneath it all he was unnerved. He needed to do what he could to help, but he also knew he was tense. "I'll be drinking a lot of Chamomile tea until they are both back aboard."

"Indeed. Let me know what you learn. I will do the same." She paused. "Percy, we will find them."

Percy looked at Grace. "I know that," he said confidently. "I believe in you" he added with an affirmative nod. Grace was more than Commander Vetur. She was more than the First Officer or Acting Captain. Grace was someone Percy put his faith in.

She smiled. "I appreciate that. Especially now." She liked Percy--except when he took shortcuts with his horticulture. But apart from his experiments, he was a good officer and his help was invaluable. "Thank you for your assistance in this. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"No, not right now. My priority is our people and these pirates," he responded. Normally, he'd have several projects occupying his time, but he pushed all of it aside. This was more important. "Thank you, Commander."

"Thank you, lieutenant. I look forward to hearing about what you discover."

As soon as he had anything, Percy would let Grace know. He proceeded towards the doorway. Back to the bridge it was and back to work, but he'd want to get into unform first. He paused in the threshold of the doorway. "Permission to return to duty, ma'am?" Percy asked.

Grace grinned. "Granted."

"Excellent" the Chief Science Officer whispered to himself as he stepped onto the bridge proper.


Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer


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