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The Belly of the Beast (Part II)

Posted on Thu Dec 1st, 2022 @ 7:43am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Edited on on Thu Dec 1st, 2022 @ 7:44am

1,250 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Pirate Ship


"Haruna," Amanda replied with a practiced non-rolling of the eyes, "I'm a Starfleet Officer and I have been in more than one dangerous situation, whatever you may think of me. I'm well aware that we are being watched. The fact that you mention that actually harms us. Do you not remember the rules about what to do when there are hostile parties observing?" Before Amanda could remind Haruna of always speaking in code, Haruna prattled on.


"The plan is simple. That camera must have a blind spot. I want you to do something distracting to keep their attention, I'll get under the camera and cut it off. That should force the guards to come, since it’s by the door I can attempt to slip past them, or pick pocket one of their weapons" Haruna explained simply, her tone of voice had changed, it was more serious and more direct; it was like a totally different Haruna.

"Haruna..." Amanda growled in a whisper. "Why don't you just tell these kidnappers your entire plan? Do you not think that they can hear you, as well as see you?"

"That's why I whispered it. Duh!" Haruna replied. "Plus, you didn't think I'd tell them my entire plan, right?"

"You're an engineer, right, Haruna?" Amanda replied patiently, realizing that she was going to have to walk the child-minded woman through this logically.

Haruna blinked a few times whilst staring at Amanda Rose. "No. I'm the captain of the Starship Enterprise..." she answered sarcastically. "Seriously, I'm wearing yellow here..."

"So, what makes you think that it would not be easy enough for these people to have audio devices that could not be enhanced to hear a whisper?" Amanda asked with simple logic, ignoring Haruna's sarcasm.

"I didn't think of that..." Haruna admitted. She turned away from Amanda for a second, cupped both hands around her mouth. "HEY! CAN YOU HEAR US IN HERE PIRATE PEOPLE?" She yelled at the top of her voice.

Amanda sighed and shook her head, "Haruna..." she warned despairingly.

"Worth a try, wasn't it?" Haruna asked with a slight shrug. "I mean now they know that we know that they are watching us. So, that means we know to be careful. The more you know the better right?"

"I've known it since the beginning, Haruna. That's why I asked you to follow my lead." She smiled wearily at Haruna, "If you would, please...."

"Fine," Huffed Haruna in a sulk. "But if it doesn't work, we'll do it my way."

The door opened and a woman walked in. She was dressed in snug-fitting black pants and a blood-red blouse. She paused to look at the other two women.

Amanda inspected the woman who entered. She was a woman who clearly was used to being in charge. The woman also was proud of her body. She was not afraid of drawing attention to it to distract others or to gain compliance. "And you are?" Amanda asked straight-forwardly.

"I am Lady Scarlet. I have the dubious honor of being your host...for as long as you remain here." Her smile did not reach her eyes. She watched them, assessing their response.

"Well, if we're speaking like that..." Haruna said. "I'm Girl-Genius Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara. Chief Engineer of the Starship Ontario, the best maintained Starfleet Vessel you'll ever encounter. I don't have the pleasure of being your prisoner, it's no fun when you confiscate an engineer's tools. Like seriously, what's up with that lady?"

"Haruna!" Amanda scolded the Engineer. "We just talked about this!" She turned back to Lady Scarlet and gave Scarlet a wan smile. "Well, if we are your guests, Lady Scarlet, then why have we been isolated and taken unwillingly from our ship? Certainly, guests would have better accommodation and treatment, no?"

"Pft" Haruna said in response to Amanda pouting. "Who made you in charge here? I only told them what they already know..."

Lady Scarlet was amused by these two. "You get treated like guests when you act like guests," she said, addressing Amanda first.

Then she turned to Haruna. "And if you are the genius you claim, surely you would know why I would not allow you to have any tools?"

"Lady Scarlet, I am at your disposal, despite the way that we were brought here. Do excuse Haruna, for she is little more than a child. Her manners do require refining and I apologize that I have been unable to do that with her yet," Amanda replied politely.

"I am not a child! Just because I don't 'pleasure myself' like you do." Haruna snapped back at Amanda. "I'm a girl genius!"

Amanda ignored Haruna's antics, and simply waited for Scarlet to respond.

Lady Scarlet wasn't sure what to make of these two. She'd dealt with Starfleet officers before but these two were...a breed apart--if not the runts of the litter. "I was going to put you in separate quarters, under guard, but I now think I should lock you in here and see who comes out victorious. I'm sure my men would enjoy watching the spectacle."

While the thought of being in separate quarters from Haruna was desirable, Amanda knew that she had an obligation both to Haruna's mental health and personal growth. She also had obligations to Starfleet. "I am afraid that they would be rather bored. There will be no such spectacle," at least from my end. Amanda smiled politely at Scarlet and shrugged apologetically.

Lady Scarlet looked at Haruna, then back to Amanda. "Good. So, tell me, what is Starfleet doing here?"

Amanda responded simply, "Fulfilling our primary mission, which is exploration. So, why have you brought us here?"

"And I thought Starfleet officers were painfully honest." Lady Scarlet frowned. "You are not in this sector to explore. You're here like everyone else, for the Cordanium. You're in the nebula to answer a distress call. I want to know the details. Why is Starfleet interested in what is going on?"

"I'm afraid that you would be talking to the wrong person," Amanda countered. "If anything like that were going on, it is above my proverbial paygrade." She shrugged nonchalantly and silently hoped that Haruna was taking lessons. "What is the importance of the Cordanium, if I may ask?" She smiled at Scarlet politely.

Lady Scarlet just stared at her. "I'm astonished at your ignorance. Cordanium has the potential to replace dilithium crystals." She turned back to the door. "And since you have nothing to offer me, there is no reason for me to remain."

How do I keep her interest? I need to keep her talking or at least get us out of here. "I'm a counselor, not an engineer. If you need help with your crew and its morale, I'm your gal. However, the engineer is right over there," she pointed over at Haruna. "Quite talented despite her immaturity...."

"I doubt that. I've been observing you--and your conversation." Lady Scarlet looked at Haruna, then back to Amanda. "I wouldn't trust either of you to change a light panel. If you have anything of value to offer, let me know." With that, she turned and walked out of the room, the door closing behind her.

Amanda sighed and looked over at Haruna and shrugged. "Well, if she sees no value in us, then that is her loss."


Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara
Chief Engineer
USS Ontario

Lady Scarlet
NPC- Grace Vetur


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