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Into the Oven (Part II)

Posted on Fri Dec 1st, 2023 @ 12:57am by Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Robin Maxwell

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Various
Tags: 'Lieutenant Peri, has Mister Zero fed through the data needed to you?' Yiv asked.


Yiv's lip curled for a moment, before he shook his head, 'you'll need to put a team together. Just in case. We need to find the ship first and chase her down. Hopefully it doesn't come to a confrontation with the pirates and we can negotiate a settlement.' I hate the gung-ho type, he thought to himself.


"Glad me and my Marines are not going to be bored." Maxwell said in a calm even tone. "I will make plans for varied classes of ship class and be ready when you need us."

"Not yet..." A beep from her console stopped her. "Coming through now." She transferred it to the XO and helm.

'Thanks, Lieutenant,' Yiv replied, stroking a moustache strand with one hand as he sat in the chair, 'Operations, Science, see what you can apply to find the cloaked ship's trail. Helm, once you have breadcrumbs to follow, lock in a course, and pursue.'

"Yes, sir," Peri replied. She began to analyze the data sent by Zerio and apply it to the comms and sensors.

The doors of the turbolift swished open and a rather dirty looking Haruna rushed out. Her hair was a mess and her uniform torn, noticeably across her stomach which she had ripped away exposing her midriff and belly button. The fabric had been tied around her upper right arm to be a temporary bandage on a wound she had sustained earlier. She didn't seem to be phased at all about her appearance however.

She should be in sickbay; however, she had rushed her way to the bridge. She dashed past everyone and right over towards Percy. "Onii-Chan. They are using a Klingon Cloak, plus a local dampening field to avoid target lock. I managed to open holes in it before..."

The tiny engineer began to tap at the science console controls. "If we tie the sensors into the deflector, re-route power from here and here... then do this... and if we also lock this into this. Look, we can generate a huge Tachyon pulse! That should blow their nasty little cloak out of the water... oh, but I'll need to cross this to this..." she was trying her best to explain as her fingers danced over the console.

"Also, we can boost our transporters range using the forward sensor arrays. I can cross wire the system to allow transporter signals to be carried through the ODN network, but I'll need transporter control. Plus, I'll need to reroute power from the impulse reactors to ensure we don't blow the entire system..." she stood up and looked at Percy then to Yiv for permission to continue.

Approaching the Engineer, Yiv nodded as he looked at her plan. 'It seems reasonable - we just need to locate the ship with Mister Zero's method, then we can disable their cloak and dampening field,' he said with calm authority.

'Taking power from the impulse reactors, how will that impact our ability to use the impulse engines?'

Haruna shook her head. "The engines on these old ships don't actually use one hundred per cent of the power generated. Old design, far less efficient. We can still use full impulse and do this" she explained with a cheeky grin. "Trust me on this..."

The Efrosian nodded. 'Fine. We'll proceed. After you get yourself patched up in Sickbay, Lieutenant.'

As soon as Haruna left the bridge, Peri looked up from her console. "Commander, from what I can tell, the ship that took Lieutenants Mizuhara and Rose was not the same ship that took Commander Vetur."

'Another ship?' Yiv replied wearily. Wheeling about, he headed for the center chair and put his hands on the headrest. 'Any further information Peri?'

"Using Lieutenant Zero's data, I compared the information we have on the two ships. They have a different ion trail and the transporter pattern was different as well." Peri shook her head. "I don't know if the two ships are working together or not, but we won't be able to take advantage of anything Lieutenant Mizuhara did when she was kidnapped." She paused for a moment, switching to a second scan she performed. "On a positive note, I found where the ship with the commander went." She put the data on the main viewscreen.

"Multiple targets." Maxwell noted. "In Marine tactics this is like Terrorist or Pirate activity using more targets to be a smoke screen from the real objective. Might taking our Commander to hinder our actions be an angle to follow as well?

Peri raised an eyebrow. "It's possible. But then, they are pirates. All we know is that the ones we've encountered up to now were after Cordanium. The pattern changed when they took Lieutenants Rose and Mizuhara. Taking Commander Vetur could be part of this new pattern, but," she turned to Yiv, "I'm not sure if we have enough information to make any logical assumptions as to why the pattern changed or what the new one may be."

'We'll need a working hypothesis of some sort,' Yiv replied calmly. 'I don't want to send the Marines in blind. We're going after the Commander and I want to get her back alive.'

"I'll go through the data we have, including ion trails and transporter residue to see if I can get you something concrete," Peri said. "In the meantime, we have Lieutenant Zero's data that at least gives us the direction of this most recent ship."

'Let's act on that, then, and get going.' Yiv sat in the center chair and sighed, 'with any luck, one pirate will lead us to the other.' He wave a hand at the viewscreen, 'take us out, best speed we can.'


Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Executive Officer

Captain Maxwell Drake
Marine CO

Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri
Assistant Chief Opertions Officer

Lieutenant Hrauna Mizuhara
Chief Enginner


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