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Posted on Fri Jan 26th, 2024 @ 12:39am by Lieutenant Amanda Rose

863 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain

Ibausil ducked slightly as she walked through the door. It was a habit for the tall Kelpian, as humans didn't always make their doors tall enough for the lanky woman. Her voice was soft, just enough to be heard. "Lieutenant Rose? I'm here for my appointment."

Amanda gave Command Ibausil a warm smile. "Come on in. Welcome! Welcome! No reason to be shy."

Ibausil nodded, folding herself into one of the chairs. "Thank you, all of the councilors I've met have had a unique style. Nalanid, a Tellarite, had perhaps the most memorable, a very direct style that he managed to make work. What is your approach?"

"That is not a question that I often receive, especially from someone coming into receive their psychological evaluation. Is there a reason that you are interested in my style?"

Ibausil took a long moment to consider the question, "Curiosity, it also helps while I'm talking. I find myself talking to the councilor often, to help with the anxiety I feel." She motioned vaguely at her head. "I'm a Kelpian who hasn't gone through vahari, so I find myself fearing the worst when often I shouldn't."

"I see," Amanda told Ibausil. "Well, to answer your question first, I tend to prefer a holistic therapy that integrates a great deal of psychoanalytical, psychodynamic, and humanistic theories. Behavioral and cognitive therapies have their place but I tend to see those as more useful when people are in need of making changes and correcting dysfunctions. I firmly believe that if people are able to understand themselves that they can often make the changes they desire without the other formal models." She paused and smiled warmly at Ibausil. "So, why do you think that you should not fear?"

"My species begins its life as prey, so we have those instincts and even keep many of them when we become predators. Everything can be a threat, so we tend to treat things as such. When it comes to interacting in a safe place, such as with the other crew members or aliens such as yourself, it's much less useful then it sounds. A more concrete example perhaps, when I delivered a report to the captain earlier today it was scary. Even though the report was good and complete and there is nothing for me to fear from him." Ibausil explained.

"Fight or flight is the most natural response in any being, Ibausil," Amanda told her comfortingly. "Learning to differentiate between types of fears are more difficult. It takes time. The most important thing about them is not to allow them to control you or cause you to freeze into inaction. But never forget that your instincts are there for a reason and that is and was to protect you."

Ibausil nodded, taking in what Amanda said. "What do you think about our mission?"

Amanda laughed. "What do I think? I think it is another mission. I do not see that I will have much of a role in it but I will be here for any crewmembers. That is my solemn duty and oath - the crew's welfare." She paused and asked the Kelpian. "Does it worry you?"

"Everything worries me, from the state of our supplies to that we'll be providing order for an area of space that has seen little of it recently. It is impossible to be perfectly ready for the unknown. There are always situations that you can't prepare for and it is my job to see that we have everything we need for them when they arise." Ibausil answered.

"OK. But does the worrying actually solve any of those problems?" Amanda asked sweetly but probingly.

"It focuses me, I have to find what worries me the most that I can do something about, and then do it." Ibausil offers.

"That's good to hear!" Amanda replied, knowing that was how things should work. "But what about the things that you can't?"

"Distract myself by working on the things I can, it's mostly true, but I'm not perfect. I'm afraid I spend too much time afraid." Ibausil joked.

"You certainly don't look like the lion from the Wizard of Oz," Amanda replied humored but choked it back knowing that reference was probably lost on the Kelpian. "Well, perhaps that is something that we can work on. I can't imagine that you like feeling that way...."

"No one wants to feel afraid. It is the way I've always felt, I've turned it into a tool to help me with my work. However, sometimes I wish I would just go through Vahari and lose the prey fear that sticks with me. How do you think we should work on it?" Ibausil asked.

"Well," Amanda started thoughtfully, "we could start by figuring out what your triggers are and then work on recognizing them and understanding those triggers for what they are."

Ibausil considered for a moment, "If you go by the stories, it's triggered by the coming of death. There is much we still don't understand about our abilities."

"Death is a long way away for you," Amanda replied warmly. "And not trying to learn guarantees that it will be a mystery."


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