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Meeting for the first time

Posted on Thu Feb 4th, 2021 @ 6:56am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Ibausil

509 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

Ibausil walked into the Captain's office. With her long lanky body swaying gently as if there was a breeze. "Captain, I have the readiness and logistics reports you wanted." She said with a soft voice.

“Ah thank you Commander.” Elijah responded to her. “What’s the current status of the supplies and the transfers?” He asked.

Ibausil referred to her PADD even though she didn't need to. "Everything is squared away, I have a complete inventory. There are a couple of crew members who were being transferred here on the USS Yamatai when they ran into an Ion Storm who have been delayed. Once they arrive at the station, they will be able to use a fast shuttle to reach us. In the meantime, both of their positions are able to be covered by other personnel."

"Excellent, based on our orders we should be deployed at any moment and i'm pleased to see the Ship is up to scratch." He commented to the Kelpian Officer.

"What are our orders?" Ibausil asked.

"We are going ot the Dreadex Sector, Starfleet beleives there is an exceedingly rare mineral in the region that has seen countless Beta Quadrant powers flock to it in their droves. Plus post Hobus means the area is ripe for exploration."

"And exploitation, if we don't keep the peace." Ibausil added thoughtfully.

“Exactly Commander.” He said in response. “Ontario has so much to offer a region such as this. We aren’t as imposing as an Odyssey or Sovereign Class but we can still do the things that they can do.”

Ibausil was quiet a moment, absorbing the information, "I will keep that in mind. We will need to be ready for a great many things. Does this rare mineral require any special handling? Or will standard extraction equipment work? I want to be ready in case Starfleet asks us to do an assessment of it."

"I'm told that in both a solid and liquid state it remains the same." Elijah replied to the question at hand. "The very nature of this is one reason people are becoming obsessed with it."

"Remains the same? In what way does it remain the same?" Ibausil asked, "Sorry, we probably don't know yet. Exploration needs to be done."

"The assumption is that it holds the same properties in liquid and solid form." Elijah responded hoping that helped with at least a small understanding of the mineral.

Ibausil opened her mouth but closed it again before speaking, "I'm not a science officer, but I'm very curious. There are a lot of different properties they could be referring to. I guess we'll have to sate our curiosity later when we get some samples."

"I agree Commander but first we must find even the smallest traces of cordanium for our research, this region is so deeply unexplored and if cordanium is rich here then we can only speculate the galactic repercussions of such things." Elijah responded to his Operations Officer.

The two proceeded to continue their discussion until they finally went about their duties.


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