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So it is true....

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2021 @ 6:09am by

488 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Archeology/Anthropology Lab

Fabla was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn't realize what time it was. Also, she was unaware that she still hadn't met her superior, direct superior officer yet. Yawning, as she realized that she had been up almost all night studying the device and was no closer to understanding anything.

"...come on come on, give me something, something that I can work with," she muttered looking over the scans that she has run, the problem was she didn't recognize any of the materials nor did the database. "Damn't! Come one!" Fabla cursed almost playfully as she continued her scrolling, stopping, and reading.

Rinse and repeat, over and over.

Drumming her fingers on the desk as she thought, trying to think but one thought kept popping up in her mind. Even without knowing what this was, she could still sell it for hell of a profit, apparently, it was true leopards can't change their spots.

But, something stopped her, that thought of how powerful it was, hell could be something that could treat almost any injury, but that that power source, was just too damn powerful. "Unh, there is something interesting," Fabla said finding a mineral breakdown that was in the database, it was far from an even glimmer of a match but it was something.

Fabla rubbed her eyes, unable to explain but there was an odd pull, a pull to understand what this is or who made it. The weirdest thing about this thing was the etchings, well maybe etchings as the computer couldn't determine if they were even etchings, but there was one species in particular that this device could have belonged to, the Iconians.

It was a crazy idea, no not crazy most likely impossible, well not impossible, improbable yes, but from the few texts that have been written about them, well they were extremely technologically advanced.

...if it was Iconian again highly improbable but the Iconian's did control a rather large swath of the universe at their height, again that information was only from a handful of text, and most of them couldn't even be proven or disproven. Hell, there was more written on the Tholians, who are even more shrouded in secrecy.

Fabla rubbed her eyes again as she felt them getting heavier and heavier.

"Another Slug-O-Cola?} Yes, yes I think so," she muttered as she stood and walked over to a small fridge and pulled out a bottle, "...ah, yes this'll get me going again!" She grinned, as poured the contents into a travel mug. After just a few sips, she was up and rearing to go, again. She hadn't felt like this since her days at the academy. It was well exhilarating, she hadn't felt this excited about a piece of stone since her first dig, really.

As that excitement coursed through her system, her eyes became less bleary as she got back to reading and comparing.


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