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Visiting the Shuttle bay

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2021 @ 3:59am by Crewman Apprentice Talee Malena & Commander Grace Vetur

536 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Shuttlebay


Grace was walking through the corridor, familiarizing herself with the ship, when she approached the doors to the shuttle bay. On impulse, she decided to walk in and have a look around. She'd visited a number of shuttle bays, mostly for travel, and thought it would be a good idea to know a bit more about this one.

She noticed a crewman working on a shuttle. She didn't want to bother her, but she wanted to be polite, so she paused a short distance away. "Hello," she said. "How are you today?"

Talee was back in the shuttlebay working on a new shuttle that needed some TLC, {was this a thing officers just randomly showing up in the most random places,} Talee thought, closing her eyes working on putting her game face on, which was pretty much the face she put on whenever she had to deal with anyone. "Yes, can I help you?"

"I'm just looking around," Grace said. "Mind if I ask how you're doing?"

{Of course, just looking around,} Talee thought growing a little tired of people just showing up. "I am fine, just doing my assignments," Talee said curiously wondering why does everyone still needs to know how everyone else is doing.

"I didn't assume anything else," Grace said mildly. "However, as the first officer, I need to know how the crew is doing as a whole and often you find out more by talking to enlisted personnel than you do with department heads."

"Okay, well seeing as most of us just transferred or arrived here, my guess we are still working on fitting in or getting settled in," Talee said as she got back to work.

"True. And are you?" Grace asked. "Settling in, that is?"

"I am," Talee said grunting a little as she worked on getting a piece of hull plating off using a couple of hover-repulsors to help take it off the shuttle by herself.

"And I'm keeping you from your work," Grace said. "I'm sorry for that. But could I ask that if you see something that needs attention, or have any ideas, could you let me know? I don't want anyone on this ship to feel underappreciated, or that their ideas have no merit."

Talee allowed a small sly smirk to come across her face as she listened to the commander, finding this whole thing hilarious, not what she was asking just who she was asking. {If only she knew who she was talking to,} she thought, "I'll try," she said as she got the repulsors working the way she wanted them to, as she slowly lowered the hull plate off the shuttle.

The smirk had not gone unnoticed, but Grace acted as if she hadn't seen it. The crewman's attitude had been apparent from the beginning. She made a mental note to check her file to learn why. "Thank you." She gave her a half-bow. "Good day."

The first officer moved on to look at another part of the shuttle bay and leave the crewman to her work.

Talee just grunted as she moved the hull plating out of the way and started looking over it while scanning it at the same time.



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