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Posted on Wed Jan 27th, 2021 @ 5:54pm by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Bardan Dunne M.D.

1,125 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Bridge/Captain's Ready Room

After a consultation with the computer, Bardan made his way to the Bridge. The crewman in the turbolift had strawberry blonde hair, pulled back tight enough that it caused him pain to look at her, but there was a bounce in her steps that made him want to smile. Trying to look like a seasoned and squared away professional but underneath, was all the excitement and enthusiasm of youth. And bubbly. All it had taken was 'hello' to have her chatting the whole way about her family who lived on the edge of what sounded to be a rather mystical swamp. He wanted to ask questions but the turbolift doors opened and it was time to begin. He nodded to the officer of the day and headed toward the Captain's Ready Room where he pressed the door chime and waited.

"Yes come in?" Elijah asked as he looked over at the doorway.

Bardan entered and walked up to the desk; as a doctor first, he'd never achieved the military crispness in his movements, or at least so he'd been told in his first year at the Academy. "Doctor Bardan Dunne reporting as ordered, Captain," he said as he offered a PADD with a copy of his orders for his new commanding officer's inspection.

“Ah Doctor welcome to the Ontario.” Elijah replied motioning for him to take a seat. “Glad to have you with us. And as such short notice in fact.” He replied scanning through the orders. “Doctor Palmer moved back to Deep Space 5 with his wife and son, Doctor V’rang and her mate are expecting their fifth litter of cubs and that only leaves me with a few qualified medical practitioners on the ship.”

"Thank you, Captain," Bardan said as he dropped lightly into the nearest chair. "I"ll have to send Doctor V'Rang my congratulations. We met awhile back at a conference. Their oldest is turning out to have quite the aptitude for engineering, as I recall." He chuckled as a memory surfaced. "Apparently, nothing is safe from the child's tinkering."

Elijah smiled. “Please forgive me for this but when I examined your file and saw all your accomplishments I didn’t realise that an El-Aurian in his fifties would look younger than myself.” Elijah replied to him, having made the connection a little later.

"Not the first time I've heard that, Captain," Bardan said with a wry smile. "The difference between our species. For a human, fifty is not young but for an El-Aurian? It's hardly anything at all."

"Indeed you are correct, our Security Chief is an El-Aurian and she barely looks old enough to be a Lieutenant Commander." Was his reply in reference to Chernova.

"There weren't so many that made it off the homeworld," he said after a moment. "Unusual to have two serving together. I look forward to making her acquaintance."

"So tell me Doctor what do you think of the Ontario hmm? I suspect you've yet to take a look around your new assignment as of yet."

"No, Sir, I haven't," Bardan said. "Came straight here to report in. How long have you served as her Captain?"

"I've been Captain here for just over 18 months, before this I was in command of a Sovereign Class in the Gamma Quadrant." Elijah replied to him.

"Oh," Bardan asked. "What ship was that?"

"USS Victory, good looking ship to say the very least." He responded motioning to the wall opposite which housed all his previous commands.

Bardan turned his attention to the display, taking in the look of them, as he asked, "What do you remember most about the Victory," he asked.

“Her ability to overcome the odds no matter how much they were stacked against us.” Elijah responded to his inquiry. “Sovereign Class Ships are some of the best in the Fleet, but an Ambassador Class like Ontario has that classy feel about her.”

"Interesting," Bardan said as he turned back toward his new commanding officer. "I tend to think of the people and the things we did together. Crews become ... more ... over time. Not just individuals doing a job. More. And it's that that I remember." He offered up a wry smile. "As for the ship itself, I tend to remember what made the ship unique. The phaser burn on the deckplate, the one that never got removed. That one stretch of Jeffries tube where everyone went and wrote their initials. The stain in the Deck 1 briefing room near the captain's chair because he was forever gesturing with a full coffee cup."

“Indeed characters make ships.” Elijah said sitting back in his seat. “I still keep tabs on Victory from time to time, she’s a ship worthy of respect.” There was a momentary pause from Elijah as he reminisced. “Anyway back to the here and now, Sickbay is up to date with every instrument you could imagine for all your medical needs.”

"I'm glad to hear that, Captain," Bardan said. "Though I'll do my own inventory, just to be sure."

"Absolutely." Elijah responded to him. "You have my complete support to run your Sickbay as you see fit, afterall you're the Medical Officer and i'm just the man who just provides you a suitable place to do your duty."

"Thank you, Captain," Bardan said. "Though it was more Starfleet's idea for the transfer than mine, I'm happy to be here and I'll do my best to serve both you and the crew of your fine vessel."

"That is all I require." He responded politely to the new Chief Medical Officer.

Bardan nodded and waited. You didn't get through med school and internship and residency without becoming extremely good at waiting. And, while he'd never be the quintessential Starfleet officer, all starch and a ramrod-straight spine, he did understand the basics. Especially after the first mistake or two. You waited until you were released. It was a thing and because he wasn't actually on the rotation yet, it was a thing that made sense. And so, he waited.

"So Doctor i best let you examine your Sickbay and unpack, unless you have any questions for me?" Elijah asked as he looked towards the medical officer.

"Nothing at the moment, Captain," Bardan said as he rose to his feet. "Thank you for the welcome." He nodded respectfully and headed out the door, back onto the Bridge. His job to take care of them now but first, find his quarters and possibly get something to eat.

"Good day to you Doctor." Elijah responded with a final nod as the two of them went back to their work.


A Post by:

Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario


Lieutenant Bardan Dunne, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Ontario


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