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Confusion from the get go

Posted on Wed Jan 27th, 2021 @ 7:52am by Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii

1,648 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Archeology/Anthropology Lab

=/= Begin Log =/=

...if someone would walk into the specialized archeology/anthropology lab they would find a very short Ferengi female wearing the usual teal uniform with a lab coat, along with a very lovely lime green Tholian silk scarf, her burnt red lipstick lips pursed as studied an odd-looking stone thing. "Fascinating, just absolutely fascinating!" She muttered to herself, which she did often as she was the only one who truly only worked in this lab.

Finding himself restless after his shift, Yiv had taken to wandering the largely unrestricted areas of the ship, particularly the Science labs. It had been an interesting experience running into some of the lower-ranked personnel who did a lot of the hands-on work for Ontario. There had been the Saurion historiographer for a start. Yiv wasn't sure that historiography was a science per se, but he opted not to argue the point and found himself wandering into one of the adjoining archaeology labs.

'Excuse me, Ensign, but what's fascinating, if I may ask?'

{Ensign,} Fabla thought, {shall we have some fun with him,} she continued to think, "....are you speaking with me?" The Ferengi asked, "curious, very curious, there must be someone else in here that I haven't seen," she added.

'I ...,' Yiv looked around the room, a little confused. He could see no-one, though that wasn't a cast-iron guarantee with his eyesight at the end of a long day. 'No, not unless they have some sort of personal cloaking device. But that would surely be a different lab, Ensign?'

"Unh, interesting still not sure who you are referring to," Fabla said simply with a smile as she tapped a few more buttons.

'Well by process of elimination there seems to be only two of us in the room, I think you can safely assume it's you I'm talking to,' replied Yiv a little stiffer than he wanted to be. Looking around the lab he confirmed there were no other people there, just empty banks of monitors and a few worktables with artifacts or papers on them waiting to be worked upon.

"And yet you continue to address someone else," Fabla said simply as she continued her work.

'Quite the mystery isn't,' replied Yiv as he rounded the worktable the Ferengi was at. He pulled out his glasses as he went, perching them on his nose, 'this does look fascinating.'

"Yes yes it is, and the more brilliant part is I have no idea what it is," she said beaming tapping a few more buttons staring some new scans, "it was found on a planet called Xylourgos, the last dig site I was at before being transferred here," Fabla said with that beaming smile still on her lips.

'It sounds like an exotic place,' replied Yiv, barely looking at the Ferengi, rather at the artifact itself, 'how did you come across the dig site originally? Not that I know much about archaeology, just what I've seen on screen.'

"An Oberth class surveyor discovered some odd ruins from their scans, they sent it up the food chain, and viola I was put on the dig team," The Ferengi said simply, "oh look at that, I I think I have found a new substance," she said in complete awe.

Yiv raised his eyebrows in surprise, 'well, now, this is quite the artifact.' Not wanting to ruin the Ferengi's moment he left unsaid that being reminded Oberth-class vessels were still active in Starfleet left him surprised. 'An artificial substance? Or naturally occurring?'

"Have no idea, need to go back to Xylourgos to get many many samples," the Ferengi said with a slight sigh seeing as that was not exactly possible now.

'Where is the planet located?' asked Yiv, deciding to dive into the project's details. 'Perhaps it's on the path of a survey ship - you could upload a request to have them stop and pick up some samples, and transmit the data over to you?' He thought for a moment about the jealousy of academics, 'or is that not something that you would wish?'

"No, can't do that, we'll need a specific team to get the samples, ideally the original team that found this, which includes me," Fabla said with a small pout.

'I'm sorry to hear that,' replied Yiv with genuine sympathy. 'I know there's nothing more frustrating or infuriating than being unable to work on a project you've devoted yourself to. Do you know what the artifact is? Or are you still trying to work it out?'

Fabla looked up very confused, " are aware I am assigned here, and that's why I can't get back to where we found this, yes?" Fabla said curiously what this officer did on the ship, " for the artifact no idea, hence why I am studying it," Fabla added.

'Yes, I'm aware of how Starfleet works,' replied Yiv gently. 'I'd think not being able to further pursue the data you'd found would still be frustrating. It seems only natural.' He fidgeted for a moment, then decided, 'nevertheless, it seems I've taken up too much of your time, Ensign. I'll leave you be now.'

This was getting annoying now, "it is lieutenant junior grade," she scoffed looking down at her jacket and looking at the pips.

Leaning in, with his glasses on, Yiv squinted slightly, 'yes ... my apologies. I can only just make it out in this light, even with these on,' he waved at the air vaguely. He was mortified for a moment but carried on nonetheless. 'Efrosian eyes don't quite function properly in a human-standard light. It needs to be a bit lower, otherwise, it's a little overwhelming.' He shrugged, 'the artifact has some beautiful gold colorings. I wish you more success with it.'

"Oh, my apologies why didn't you say anything, I would have adjusted the lights," Fabla said quickly adjusting them, and he's the orange hue is fascinating, in fact, I am detecting a faint energy signature in that area," Fabla added tapping a few buttons to show him.

'Thank you,' Yiv replied, relieved, He took the glasses off and leaned in to watch the Ferengi manipulate the instruments in front of her. 'But this is quite fascinating - is it latent power or generating it itself?' He was pleased he could ask questions rather than stand mute like a dullard, but he was sure the questions were fairly basic for the Ferengi.

"Not sure, to be honest," Fabla said looking at the incoming scans, "for right now it looks latent and at the same time generating itself?" Fabla said completely engulfed in what she was looking at, "'s like the latent power is keeping the self-generating going," Fabla added.

'I take it that's unusual? Unfortunately, this is most definitely not my field,' said Yiv apologetically.

"Yes yes, very unusual as of right now, the only other species that have something like this is the Romulans, and it is a huge device that powers their ships," Fabla said looking at the Efrosian, "...once I get more information you might want to pass it along to your superiors," she added.

He nodded in return, 'I look forward to reading the report, Lieutenant. It seems that it will be an interesting read.' Yiv cocked his head to the side and asked, 'are you suggesting that this also has the same power source as a Romulan Warbird? One of those singularity engines I mean now?'

"No no, well actually, kind of, but I'll need to do some more research and make sure of somethings," Fabla said getting a bit distracted as she scribbled some notes.

He cracked a smile as he watched the Ferengi work for a moment, 'well,' he said after a few minutes of silence, 'can you imagine the applications you could put this to? Scale this up, and it becomes quite the party trick. Imagine not needing dilithium for our engines. Maybe even end replicator rationing if we can modify the way it works.' He was clearly blue-sky thinking, but the possibilities were nice to imagine for now.

"Hence why I told you should send my reports to your superiors," Fabla said, not sure if he realized how dangerous this was, "...I mean this could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands," she added.

'Of course, it could,' replied Yiv evenly. 'I'm not a scientist, but I know a little bit about history - the atom bomb, fusion power, matter, and anti-matter. Every scientific advance is littered with the opportunity to use it for good or for evil. Or even do a lot of evil inadvertently whilst trying to do a little good. Your report will go to my superiors as a matter of course - the Intelligence community isn't quite an oxymoron. Yet. But I'll also make sure it's flagged up for the Science Intelligence division as well. If it makes you feel better?'

"It does, and thank you," Fabla said truly for the first time looking up and at the lieutenant.

The Efrosian nodded, and pointed at the artifact, 'I expect you have a long night ahead of you. I'll leave you to it - I look forward to seeing the report. It was an unexpected pleasure meeting you Lieutenant? I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name?'

"Fabla," Fabla said not bothering with the rank, for her rank was nothing more than a construct and that was it.

'Well, a pleasure Fabla. I'll see you around, no doubt.' With that, Yiv turned on his heel and left the Science Lab. He had no real idea where he was going, but exploring the ship was turning out to be more interesting than he had expected.

=/= End Log =/=


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