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Checking In for a Checkup

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 1:21pm by Lieutenant Bardan Dunne M.D. & Commander Grace Vetur

795 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Sickbay


Grace walked into sickbay to see how they were doing and to ask if she could get her physical. She didn't like leaving the mandatory requirements to a new assignment for long in case she got busy.

Dietsch stood at the nurses' station, entering the data from her inventory check into the system, and looked up when the Commander walked in. Slender, with a high-energy lifestyle that burned away even the hint of fat, has curly blonde hair that she usually wore pulled up into a knot. The level of tidiness generally depending upon what was going on around her and for the moment, was orderly enough though a tendril or two had already escaped, tickling the back of her neck. "Commander," she said as she moved around the edge of the station and walked forward. "How can we help you today?"

"Hello. I'm in need of a physical," Grace replied, looking around.

"If you could come back to the biobed," she said politely, "I'll get the doctor for you." She led the commander to the nearest biobed, discretely placed behind a screen, and gestured toward the end. "It shouldn't be too long, Commander."

"Thank you," Grace said, smiling at the nurse. When she left, Grace sat on the biobed to wait.

"You rescued me from dictating notes," Bardan said as he walked in a few moments later. "For that, you have my thanks, Commander." He picked up a medical tricorder and removed the wand as he asked, "So, you're here for a routine physical?"

"I am. And to see how sickbay is doing," she said. "I enjoy multitasking," she added with a smile.

"Occupational hazard for me, I think," Bardan said as he made the first pass, taking her temperature, respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. "We're doing alright. Sickbay I mean. Fully stocked and the equipment is in good working order. It's all been checked since I've come aboard." He logged the information and then did a second pass, for a more complete look at the Commander.

"Good," she said. "That sickbay is well-stocked and ready to go. Makes my job a little easier." She smiled at the doctor. "At least for now. I'm sure I'll have plenty to do before long."

"Honestly," Bardan said, "makes my job easier as well." He smiled warmly then logged the data to her file and put the tricorder down on the nearest tray. "And how have you been feeling commander?"

"I feel fine," she said, returning his smile. "I think my only problem--if you could call it that--is that I tend to eat lunch at my desk. which is really not that much of a problem."

"Well, the data supports that," Bardan said though he did a quick physical check as well. "As for lunch, you could try limiting the replicator in your office to beverages only. That should get you out and about at mealtime."

"I could," she admitted, "But I rather like taking a few minutes to read." She shook her head. "I know, still not the best reason."

"So you're kind of arguing against yourself, you know," Bardan said. "What do you read?"

"I know," she said. "I read a lot of histories and biographies. Sometimes I read fantasy if I want escapism."

Being the type who read pretty much anything, he wondered how anyone could limit themselves; he'd never been able to do so. "You're in good shape, Commander," he said as he stepped back. "Nothing worrisome though you're cholesterol is on the higher side of normal."

She raised an eyebrow. Perhaps she should spend more time dancing. It had been a while. "I will endeavor to correct that. Thank you." She stood and then paused. "Is there anything you or your department need?"

"Nothing comes to mind at the moment," Bardan said. "Though I'll keep the offer in mind should something come up."

"Please do," she said. "My door is always open." She extended her hand. "Thank you, doctor. It was a pleasure meeting you."

Bardan accepted the handshake, his smile warm and genuine, "the pleasure was all mine, Commander.

She returned his smile. "See you later." Then she headed out of sickbay to do some paperwork.

Bardan stood for a moment, watching her go, and Dietsch moved up to stand beside him. She nudged him lightly with her shoulder as she said, "You know, you read all the time ..."

"Yes, I do," Bardan said, chuckling as he turned toward his head nurse, "but she didn't ask what I read. So ... who's next?"

Dietsch shook her head, rolling her eyes, before turning toward him, the professional back in charge. "Another checkup," she said. "This way."


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Bardan Dunne, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer


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