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A Vulcan and A Ferengi Walk Into A Science Lab

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2021 @ 7:39am by Lieutenant Arev

673 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Chief Science Officer's Office - USS Ontario

Arev had been aboard for only a short time and had yet to meet many of his team as of yet. For a reason, he was unable to pinpoint he kept feeling drawn to the least orthodox member of his department as the first he should meet, Lieutenant J.G. Fabla, of Ferenginar. Scanning through her file was an interesting experience, to say the least, and he found himself intrigued, no matter how much he attempted to discipline the emotional response. Finally, he gave up trying to resist the curiosity posed by having a Ferengi science officer, much less a female Ferengi science officer, serving under his direction and sat the padd down. Reaching out he pressed the control on his console that would activate the comm system and spoke.

"Lieutenant Arev to Lieutenant Fabla, please report to my office," he said.

Fabla was sound asleep in her lab, with it almost being a total of 48 hours and several Slug-O-Cola's later she eventually passed out. And then, this the god awful beeping of her badge, "y yes yes sir, o on my way," Fabla stammered as she slowly realized where she was.

She stumbled out of her lab, readjusting her lab coat as she stumbled down the hall and to the chief's office. "Li lieutenant, um lieutenant Fabla, err...lieutenant junior grade Fabla, reporting for, um not sure what I am reporting for?"

A looked at the diminutive woman standing before him, her lab coat rumpled more than he'd have expected, and a certain bleariness in her eyes that told him she had been asleep. "Did I wake you, Lieutenant?" he asked, blandly.

“N, uh well actually yes, b but I passed out after being in my lab for two straight days, studying the strange artifact,” she stammered as her brain worked to catch up with what was happening.

Raising a single eyebrow at the woman Arev waved her to a seat. "Please, sit, before you pass out and harm yourself," he said.

He then pulled up her file on his console. "Lieutenant J.G. Fabla, of Ferenginar, 26 yrs of age, two years as a field archeologist before being assigned to the USS Ontario." he read, with no expression, and no real inflection to his voice. "While it is ultimately irrelevant to our working together, I have noted that some species take great steps towards "getting to know" each other while working closely. Is that something you would be served well by?" he asked, completely oblivious to how strange of a question that likely was.

Fabla was a little confused by the question, confused well by everything so far. {This is why you don’t binge on Slug-O-Cola’s,} Fabla thought looking at her superior, “yes, well maybe can I change my answer in the future?”

Arev gave her a level stare for a few moments and then nodded, "Yes, perhaps that would be best. Maybe after some rest," he replied.

Fabla’s mind was still sluggish but something in there finally clicked or maybe not, “...sorry, you are the department chief, so it is your prerogative to get to know your staff, “so if you think it’ll help strengthen the department I am fall for it, and if you don’t I can also accept that and even if you choose to do this with a few of the staff that also works,” Fabla said simply.

Arev simply looked at the woman. He himself rarely needed large amounts of sleep, capable of performing adequately at his duties for up to seventy-two hours before needing sleep to recuperate his mental faculties, but very few other races had that ability. "Lieutenant, might I suggest you take the rest of the day off to get some sleep and we can revisit this at a later date." Arev replied.

Fabla just nodded, “of of course sir, um thank thank you sir,” Fabla said trying to stifle a yawn. And with that Fabla walked out of the office and to her quarters to get some sleep.


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