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Lotus: Opening the Sahaswara (Part I)

Posted on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 9:33am by Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

1,167 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 15 | Arboretum
Timeline: MD01


Why that was the question of all questions stinging at the soul and grating against the mind of Ontario's very own Lieutenant Percival Bálor, Chief Science Officer and all around brilliant botanical brain, a savant of flora and fauna. He was currently among his element, sitting on the grassy patch of the arboretum near a koi pond in full lotus position as he took in deep breaths and opened his eyes. The lotus towers atop the pond water amid the lily pads was a relaxing sight. The sound of people having a picnic not too far away was not entirely distracting. He was using meditation and yoga techniques that Ensign Chabbra had taught him to clear his mind and lift the weight off of him.

Percy had asked LuAnn Lovegood to meet him in the arboretum. He trusted her and for good reason, Percy had made himself one of LuAnn's patients. Being Amanda Rose's was a quick realization that would never work. So, it was with Luna that Percy had built a connection with. What were you thinking, Grace? he asked himself as he waited for Luna. Part of him wanted to believe it was Grace showing he trusted him, but another part of him saw him this as a bit of sabotage or at the very least doubt. He needed LuAnn to help him navigate them.

LuAnn took a slow stroll through the arboretum as she made her way to Percy, pausing here and there to get a closer look at a flower or bush. She didn't have as many opportunities to enjoy the bit of nature on the ship as she would like, so she took what opportunities she did have. She recognized that she could schedule the time, and she often told herself to do just that, but day passed day and her days seemed to be filled—even with Amanda taking up most of the workload. Perhaps she should ask Percy to help her get the right flowering plant for her office and quarters so she could have more plants nearby? But she knew that she would need far more than just the plants. She’d need the proper lighting and watering system, and then she’d want a support trellis and then half her office and quarters would be a mini garden.

She saw the lotus tower before she saw Percy. "The question of the day is, do other flowers have positions as well, or just the lotus? Is there, perhaps, a rose hip position, or a daffodil position, or even a dandelion position? And would that one be for the flower or the seed? Dandelion wine is supposed to be quite nice, as is dandelion tea.” She smiled whimsically. “I think I might like something called the phlox position."

"Of course. Have you not heard of the Duck Orchid position or getting into the reverse Sneezewort?" teased Percy who then patted a patch of land beside him. "Come, join me. We can lotus together for a bit."

"I'd hate to think of reversing a sneezewort," she said. "And everyone should duck orchids. They're more of a pain than they're worth."

Percy took a deep breath before making a sharp transition in their conversation. "Commander Vetur is setting me up for failure" he put out there.

LuAnn dropped onto the ground and was half-way into the lotus position herself when she stopped awkwardly to turn to Percy. "She's what? Why would she set you up to fail?" She turned from looking at Percy to getting herself back into the right position and waited for his answer.

"Knowing her?" prefaced Percy, and he did to an extent, know the now Commanding Officer of the Ontario. "She would not. At least not knowingly do that, but nevertheless, I feel placed in a designed to fail situation."

He would have to elaborate of course. "She's showing a lot trust in me by letting me go on this away mission, more than that, by selecting members aside from standard regulatory procedures, security comes with and given we lost communication with Federation scientists, medical tags along."

All standard procedure, but it was the individuals that made it daunting. "The problem is that Doctor Marcus is a bit of an ass, and Chernova is great, but both of them are Lieutenant Commanders. Heck, I've read Chernova's personnel record before. She was a First Officer before coming to Ontario."

"You can't look at them that way," LuAnn replied. "That feeds into your insecurities. You have to look at them both as fellow department heads. And when you look at the position and not the rank, you are equals. What they were before or how they act is not the point." She looked over at him, now comfortable in her new position. "Do you want to be judged based on some of your...more colorful endeavors in botany?" There were members of the crew still talking about his killer plomeek. It was not something she would bring up, however.

"Hey," he said back to her with a smirk. "Those colorful endeavors in botany are my legacy, but they don't define me" Percy said confidently. "I don't shy away from my endeavors, all the explosions, disasters, killer plomeek plants make me memorable. What I want though is for Commander Vetur to see me as someone who can lead away teams, or stars forbid, assume command without chaperones."

"Well, for that you might have to tone down the experiments. Trying new things is part of science. But they don't all have to be legendary in their scope and potential for disaster." She looked over at him and smiled. "Unless you're on a planet and have a large enclosed area for experimentation. Then you could have herds of nomadic nasturtiums or Gojira-sized venus fly traps patrolling the area. People might pay to come see something like that." She waved a hand in the air as if erasing that comment. "That can wait for later in your career, too. If you want to gain the respect you're asking for, you have to show that you're worthy of it. And you are. I do pay attention to the people on this ship--even the new doctor who probably needs a teddy bear to tear apart so he'll feel better. Maybe even one that has a squeaker on the inside. Dogs love those."

"I have been on my best behavior lately," stated Percy. It was true. He had been completely avoidant of causing any problems. It had been Haruna that took the spotlight lately. "Not a peep from my laboratories. No explosions, escapes, or anything of the sort."

When it came to Doctor Marcus he could not agree more. "He needs something. Maybe there will be something on Priapus for him. Oh, speaking of which, brush up on your flora and fauna. You're coming with us."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood


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