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A call from the Camelot

Posted on Tue Jan 5th, 2021 @ 7:23am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Captain Jason Ventres

448 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Into the Unknown
Location: SubSpace Relays
Timeline: Concurrent

"Computer, lock and secure room, then send a message to Captain Elijah Micheals, priority three please." Jason waited for the computer comply as he took a bite from his burger, then scoffed down a couple of fries. He wasn't going to work the whole decorum thing over a comms channel. Now he just had to wait for the Captain to deign his presence nessasary.

"Captain Michaels here to whom am i speaking?" He asked as the channel opened up. Elijah in his ready room.

"Marine Captain Ventres," Jason said after swallowing a couple more fries he'd eaten. "Appologies, I thought I'd be on hold longer. Heard tell you're needing a Marine CO on the double?" He scarfed down a couple more fries, he was hungry. On the view screen, if the Captain looked, he would see the Marine in non-uniform dress, just a plain t-shirt. As far as he was concerned, he was still on leave.

"Then you'd be correct Captain. Ontario has a very small marine contingent onboard but I know that they are good at what they do." Elijah responded to him. "What is your current assignment?"

"I was on leave and taking a pleasure cruise to some other podunk assignment Captain. The uh... USS Botanica? I have a feeling thats been changed."

"We are heading back to the Frontier, i suspect you have been assigned to me." Elijah replied.

"I wouldn't have called if I wasn't" Jason deadpanned without realizing he had said it out loud. "I'll be at the station in about 30 hours or so. Ship had to come out of light speed for me to make this call."

"That's cutting it a little fine Captain but we can make it work." Elijah responded.

"Best I can do on such short notice. Pleasure craft aren't exactly known for their speed. I think the maximum of warp three is to make sure no one has to rush their vacations."

“Okay well we can always rendezvous part way, I’d say if you can ruffle a few feathers or beg, borrow or charm your way to us any quicker then do it.” Elijah responded.

"I'll work on it as soon as we get off this call. These things are not built to keep communications open during faster than light travel. I'll get there as soon as I can." Before he could say anything or even good bye, the comms shut down, as the vessel once again jumped to warp. Sighing he sent an intership message to the Captain to ask for all due speed to his new ship. Sometimes being in Starfleet didn't have any perks.

Time was ticking and the timing had to be exact.


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