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Fire the Interior Designer

Posted on Mon May 24th, 2021 @ 1:34am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Captain Elijah Michaels

805 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 01 | Captain's Ready Room

Once the doors to the Turbolift opened after the slight jerking of the old lift, undoubtedly a small characteristic someone decided would be mostly unnoticeable and had opted to leave unsettled, Percy, carrying a small army of PaDDs crossed the threshold. The stack was nearly up to his clavicle. He had felt that little jolt and would be having a word with engineering about it.

As he exited the lift and made his way across the Bridge, nobody seemed to take the risk of stopping him. He looked bust, and it was unwise to get into it with a Tellarite, even if Percy were only half. He made it to the doorway, the Captain's Ready Room and pressed the chime.

"Yes? Come in." He said as he looked up from his desk and his work to see the door of his Ready Room.

With the response, the doors parting way, Percy fumbled with the stack of PaDDs and shifted them a bit as he walked on through. He could barely see the Captain at his desk, but he did take a gander at the furnishings. hideously sterile and bland thought the Chief Science Officer.

"Lieutenant Percival Bálor, Chief Science Officer," he said introducing himself before letting the stack of PaDDs slide across the man's desk. "You're welcome," he said to the Captain. He snorted as he gave his uniform and tugged at his uniform, smoothing the wrinkling.

Percy looked around. "Bland, boring, and uninspiring. Who decorated this? A Vulcan? Fire the Interior Designer."

Elijah glanced up from his PaDD towards the officer then gazed back down again. "I didn't realise furnishings and design were required reading at the Academy these days." The Captain said as he set the PaDD down.

"They are not," replied Percy with a gut chuckle. "The PaDDs are not interior design and furnishing recommendations, Captain, that was simply an observation of your Ready Room," explained Percy. "You need some more artwork, some more color in here. Do not be afraid of a bit of pattern and texture either."

The half Tellarite shook his head. "Anyways, not what I came to see you about," Percy said as he neared the man's replicator. "Butterscotch coffee, sweetened, back, hot," he said placing an order for himself and then looking over at the Captain. "May I get you something too, Sir? I'll be here a while. I'd say clear your morning schedule, but I haven't seen a Yeoman around. So, I'll assume you are lacking in one."

"Lieutenant you have a nerve....." Elijah replied to the officer. "First you insult the decor of my ready room, then you make free use of my replicator and now you plan on camping out in my ready room for the day." He said rolling his eyes. "What do you want?"

"I'm Tellarite," Percy replied. "Maybe not full, but you'll want to remember that, Sir. I have not insulted the decor...I have suggested improvements."

Percy gestured to the PaDDs. "Those are just more suggestions for my department. Evaluations and observations of ship's science personnel, several officers on other postings that I'd want to snatch up should we have openings, and several proposed ongoing projects that I would like to start."

Elijah rolled his eyes and looked down towards the PaDDs. So many of them.

Shaking his head Percy passed about the room. "I know," he said not really allowing the Captain to get much of a word in edgewise. "You probably need several months to read through my ideas and proposals, take all the time you need, I am not going anywhere." The half Tellarite chuckled. "I think I will quite like this starship."

"Yes well given the fact we have an uncharted region of space, a substance so unique it has every known power in the Quadrant flocking to it I would say that this should be the last of your concerns."

Percy huffed and snorted. "That sounds more like a you problem than a me problem," replied Percy brushing it off. He then sighed and shook his head. "Well, you have my requests. Do with them what you will. Feel free to comm me if you find something science," added Percy heading towards the entranceway leading back to the Bridge of the Ambassador class starship.

The Chief Science Officer had his first personal encounter with the ship's Captain, and Percy had walked away from it knowing that he has bucked proper etiquette, pushed the Captain, and potentially made a bit of an enemy, or perhaps he had made an ally? Only time would tell how Elijah Michaels would take having Percy aboard. Lieutenant Bálor made his way to the turbolift with a prideful smirk sitting smugly on his face. That was amusing thought the science officer.


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