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A Plomeek a Day...

Posted on Wed May 19th, 2021 @ 9:33pm by Lieutenant JG Varik & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

1,501 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 07 | Sickbay

After their run in with Percy's killer Plomeek snare vine hybrid, he carried Doctor Varik down a corridor, and rounded another. She was in his arms as he plowed on through the opening doorway of Sickbay. "Doctor! Hello?!" he called out finding Sickbay rather empty with the exception of two technicians putting some equipment away.

"The Doctor just stepped out for a few minutes," one of the medical technicals explained. Though the man was concerned with the Vulcan in the Tellarites arms. "What happened?!"

Percy grunted. "She met a Plomeek she didn't like," he said over the sound of Doctor Verik coughing up a storm. He sat her down on a biobed and barked at the technician "Hypospray, now! Benjisidrine, 5cc" he said to the one technician.

To the other he glared. "You, Tri-ox compound intravenously." He grabbed the hypospray as soon as it was loaded and pressed it against the woman's neck to help combat the toxins she had breathed in.

The Tri-ox intravenously would help alleviate the woman's breathing difficulties. He watched as the technician searched for a place to put it. Clearly, they were not used to working with veins and needles. Percy assisted. "Here," he said pressing on the woman's arm with his thumb.

"There you go, Doctor," he said easing the woman back up into a seated position. "Just relax ya self a bit, breathing will become easier."

The combined effect of Benjisidrine and Tri-ox did indeed alleviate Varik's fits of coughing. She was able to sit and gulp in a few breaths. From her slightly shriveled state sat on the bio bed she clicked her fingers at one of the techs and mimed the action of a medical tricorder and probe. While the Tech went to retrieve the scary Vulcan a medical tricorder Varik grabbed the hypo, set something on the controls, and injected herself again.

Furnished then with a Medical Tricorder Varik started scanning her lung area between coughs.

Percy snatched a PaDD and started tapping away at it, pushing it into the technician's chest. "Go to the botanical lab, and fetch me a few leaves of that plant," he instructed. "Don't worry if security is there, just get me those leaves and come back here."

"I believe the established declaration in situations such as this is to lament my current state by the use of certain colourful metophors," Varik observed to Percival between the odd cough.

Percy shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, that is one possibility. We could also high five or fist bump, but I know touching isn't really a Vulcan's cup of tea," replied Percy. "I'm glad that ya are feeling better though. Causing the death of a shipmate comes with a lot of paperwork" he added teasingly.

Varik looked distinctly unimpressed with the prospect of a 'high five'. "Something of which I am well aware," she responded gravely. "While my present condition is , ipso facto your fault by way of creating 'Franken-Plomeek' I should also thank you for rushing me here in such a timely manner. My blood oxygen was, I suspect, getting low given the readings I have taken just now.

"Yeah, sorry about that," the science officer replied. "I did get a wee bit carried away with my plant experiment, didn't take into account the snare vine's dormant traits and characteristics along its evolutionary line." He nodded in agreement with her assessment. "I tend to leave medical matters in the hands of physicians and medical personnel, but accurate. It was dropping, and you're welcome."

"Carried away would be an understatement, unless you were being literal." Varik observed, and shifted on the bio bed, sitting up straighter as her breathing got easier. "Your apology is accepted. It was in the very least a new and... (cough) ...unconventional experience. I have learned more about myself, which has value. However and find it likely that I will be avoiding Plomeek soup for a while."

The Chief Science Officer shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, what more can I say. I'm half Tellarite and half Human, the human side is mostly Irish. Of course I'm a skosh bit eccentric." He smiled at the physician. "Yeah, me too. I don't think I'll be having any Plomeek for a while."

Varik's lungs burned with the fire of a red dwarf star. She didn't want to medicate herself any further for the moment so she could stay alert just in case there were any more affectees of the pesticide Percival had been forced to deploy. This was acceptible given she suspected no serious damage and her sturdy Vulcan physiology could take quite a lot. The Vulcan took a couple of long, deep breaths which kicked off another short coughing fit. She scooped hair out of her face that had fallen forward as she leant over to cough and took the opportunity to slip a air band from her wrist under her uniform and wind her unconventionally long dark hair up into an annoyingly perfect bun.

"Half Tellerite is a remarkably uncommon physiology," she commented. "You can repay me for Franken-Pomeek by... (cough) allowing a certain Vulcan Xenobiologist to run some tests and analyses."

"Aww," he said with puppy dog eyes and a hoggish snort. "You are fascinated by my genetics. That's adorable," he added teasingly. He was used to it. Though it was entertaining to have a Vulcan intrigued by him.

Percy hopped up onto a bio bed. "Scan me, poke me, prick me, prod me," he said sing-songy with an accompanying smirk. "I'm just happy not to be on a Starfleet Academy lab table, pincushoned to a tray with a laser scalpel hovering nervously over me getting ready for a y incision."

Clearly still in some discomfort Varik eased herself off the bio-bed and scooped up the Medical Tricorder again, this time turning it towards Percival.

"As am I," she agreed flatly. "Fascinating," she added as the scan results started to come through. "Was there any medical intervention during your gestation?" It was a blunt question bluntly served in a way Vulcans were renowned for.

The Chief Science Officer crossed his arms and looked at the medical officer. "You are scanning me with a medical tricorder pointed directly at me with your Vulcan suspicions at yellow arts, and your pointed ears are practically giddy," Percy replied. "Yes, there was medical intervention during my gestation. Human and Tellarite sexual relationships do not naturally produce children successfully as you are aware."

He smirked as he uncrossed his arms. "My parents sought fertility aide to even conceive me, and Tellarite litters usually yield about six children. My parents, not so much. There were just two of us initially, but I was the only one to survive birth, and even then, I spent several weeks in a neonatal intensive care unit."

"That is unfortunate," Varik commented soberly. Her gaze moved from the tricorder to her scan-subject's face for a couple of seconds. The tellerite part of his upbringing was cleaving through her leading questions , he didn't need any mollycoddling or coaxing as some did. Straight to the point. No bushes to be beaten about was a refreshing situation to be in. "Was genetic intervention all before birth or was some required after?" she asked.

"The genetic intervention was all prior to my birth," answered Percy. "It was cosmetic changes, surgical alterations made after my birth during childhood that helped a bit, to make me look and have mobility more like a Human."

"I see…" If it were possible for a Vulcan to looks like a kid at Christmas that's what Varik looked like at this moment.

Squirming around a bit feeling like he had allowed himself, a scientist, to have become a bit of an experiment himself looked at the medical officer and raised a brow. "Perhaps, you should take the scans you have taken and study that data, and get back to me?" Percy added with a chuckle. "You know where to find me...just follow the sound of explosions and screams."

Percy's mild discomfort was obvious, in walking the line between Xenobiologist and MD it seemed Varik might have placed one of her steps a bit far from the divide.

"As you wish, Doctor Balor. Perhaps, once you have had the opportunity of putting your lab back to its normal state you would agree to join me for a meal in the mess hall?" Varik was quite new to the ship and was relatively solitary, it seemed to her that she and Percy could develop an interesting sort of friendship, if he was willing.

"A meal? I never pass up a meal," he said with a chuckle. "Granted I don't make it a habit to dine with Vulcans, but in your I'll make an exception. You seem alright for one of the pointy ear folk."

Varik answered this observation only with her eyebrows and a swift nod. She spied the medical tech return with Percy's leaves left him to get on with clearing up the franken-mess.


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