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The Little Black Dress

Posted on Wed May 19th, 2021 @ 8:24pm by Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

859 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

Siren tossed her PaDD at the heavy bag she now had hung. She could not take anymore reading. She knew how to fly, and the minutiae of the latest LCARS update was turning her brain to mush.

She flung herself off the couch and into her bedroom. She had managed to replicate a few needed items. A little black dress was certainly one of them. She hadn't lost her marine build, and had no issues flaunting it. The dress was both low cut in the cleavage, and high cut at the thigh. She threw her hair into a sloppy bun, and called it a style, than carefully applied some makeup. She was getting better at doing that with her left hand, as the fine control to get her eyeliner straight and even was impossible with her right. A pair of 6 inch heels, and she called it good to go. She hoped the pickings at the lounge weren't too slim.

"Mee-ow," came a voice from behind Siren as she walked through the doors of the lounge. The man followed right behind her and had grabbed her attention. "I hardly recognized you all dolled up and on the prowl," he said admiring her aesthetic and choice of fashion. "Little black dress, significant length on those heels...vixen, yet a sloppy girl next door cutesy bun."

Percy was holding a small glass with ice and an amber colored beverage, very likely alcohol based, and given the glossy status of his eyes, probably not his first glass of it. He made his way circling around her and studying her up and down, stopping in front of her. "I see the girls are sculpted and programmed for male destruction."

Siren smiled. "Well, what are you drinking?" Then she looked down at her own cleavage. "And is it working?" She gave him a once over. "You clean up nicely yourself."

"Clean is never an adjective I'd associate with myself," he scoffed and smirked. "Only when I need to impress mothers. You look good, I think you are definitely selling that name Siren. I can see the bodies of men piling up already."

The pep talk was nice, even if he didn't seem interested himself.

He then lifted up his glass. "I'm just having a wee bit scotch, a little something before I call it a night and turn in."

Siren preferred a Tennessee Whiskey, or she probably would have just stolen his drink, but she looked around. Knowing exactly where the bar was, and if there were any available men between her and said bar, was important information to be gained. "Well at least give me the lay of the land." She asked. "Who's the tall one, who appears to be going for stubble, but is coming off looking like he just can't grow a beard. He's cute."

"Ah," replied Percy with a chuckle. "That is Enisgn Tisena, she's a female of her species, don't let the the spotty facial hair warp your mind," he said shaking his head. "She is cute, but probably not your type. You may have better luck with the guys over there."

Siren looked a little chagrined but it wasn't her fault she wasn't familiar with the woman's species.

Percy gestured to the far corner. "They came in together looking to score with some women, but their pick up lines were shite. Now they are drunk, perfect for seduction."

Siren brightened considerably. "I owe you one." Then, to prove she could be a good friend she asked. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"Oh please, good grief. I have hardly wet my palate," he said shaking his head. "I am alright. I promise, just yank my ass out of here if I start making an ass of myself."

"Will do. Thanks for the tip." Siren smiled and waved, then sashayed over to the group he had pointed out.

Percival took a seat at the bar and watched as Siren moved in on the men. This ought to be interesting he thought as he watched the entertainment. She was either going to snag one of them at the very least or reject them. He was not sure exactly what she would do. That was part of what made Siren interesting.

Siren made her move. She wasn't coy or shy, but walked past the group with a smile, letting her gaze linger just a tad on the tallest. Soon, she had a drink in her hand, provided by tall blonde and handsome. It wasn't long before she was walking past Percy on the way out, following the man. She gave Percy a quick saucy wink.

"Amateur!" he shouted as she walked by. He was a wee bit jealous, but he was happy for her. "One? You have a group of them and you only take one?" he shook his head. She would snag someone he thought to himself.

Siren turned and make shushing motions, but was also trying to not giggle. Her tall dark and blonde turned to see what the commotion was about and Siren all but pulled him along. She'd deal with Percy later.


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