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When Pigs Fly

Posted on Fri Jun 11th, 2021 @ 9:10am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Warrant Officer Arin Merkara

2,273 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 15 | Zero Gravity Gymnasium

Springboarding off one of the bulkheads and somersaulting through air dressed in pastel blue basketball shorts, reminiscent in length to those worn on Earth's basketball courts in the 1980s, several inches above the knees, a white crop top, and a sweatband around his heed, the half Tellarite was clearly dressed for an athletic outing.

The zero gravity gymnasium was as the name specified, null of gravity. Therefore, a pig or Tellarite in Percy's case could fly in a questionable sense. Though currently he was ricocheting around off the bulkheads, launching himself higher and higher at varying degrees and velocities.

Several obstacles were adrift around the gymnasium, rackets and and ball. Percy had snatched one of the rackets and took a swing at the ball sending it arching upward and starboard. He had asked his two new acquaintances to meet him after their duty shifts were over, but all he said was to meet him at the Zero-G gymnasium and be dressed sporty.

Having accepted Percy's invitation and vague instructions, Yiv had donned his standard Starfleet PT gear and had ambled his way down to the Zero-G gymnasium. The Efrosian hadn't been there before - he had had little cause to, in fact - and was intrigued at what he would encounter. Stepping in inside, he glanced about looking for the line where the gravity cut out. Craning his head, he saw the Tellarite larking about in the air above him.

Yiv raised a hand, 'hello up there!'

"Hello down there," replied Percy looking down at Yiv. "The Zero gravity is fine, Yiv," he said calling out to the Chief Intelligence Officer. "Come up here and join me."

The Tellarite tumbled through the zero-gravity environment like a cannonball. He had summoned them all there to have some much needed fun, and a zero-G gymnasium was one of Percy's favorite ways to relax because it made him feel agile and light as a feather, not something he was accused of on an everyday basis. He was not exactly 'chunky,' in fact he was rather slim for a Tellarite. He was not very agile though and was often said to be a bull in a china shop.

"I got out some racquetball equipment. I figured we could just whack the ball around and have some fun without the restrictions of gravity."

Arin had gotten the message and finished up a task in Engineering. She filled out the log so that the task could be taken off the list and help keep things operating properly. A quick trip to her quarters and she took a bit of time getting sorted. A tight sports bra. Zero g meant her girls might be tempted to flop around. Over that she put on a tight navy blue muscle t-shirt and a pair stretchy knee length shorts. Ankle socks and thin Converse style high tops completed her outfit.

Stretching on the way, she didn't know what to expect. The door slid open and she tossed her towel on a nearby peg as she neared the demarcation line between normal and zero G. Stopping for a moment, Arin savored the feeling of weighing in at a mere percentage of what she did normally.

"Not your worst idea, science lad." Arin teased. She didn't know the other person. "Arin Merkara. Engineering" She offered.

Percy squealed at her. "Hey!" he shouted back the woman. "Don't they teach you any manners? You walk in here with two superior officers and you don't sir us?" he said completely teasingly. He liked the Arin. She was very smart but also had a bit of recklessness to her that he found charming.

Percy squealed at her. "Hey!" he shouted back the woman. "Don't they teach you any manners? You walk in here with two superior officers and you don't sir us?" he said completely teasingly. He liked the Arin. She was very smart but also had a bit of recklessness to her that he found charming.

"Superior in stench maybe. Plus you aren't exactly in the uniform O' the day there SIR." Arin offered, the sir dripping with sarcasm. "I guess this kids game of whacking a wee ball with a wee racket will have to do." She added, hiding her grin.

Percy then made his way over toward a bulkhead and sprung himself off of it, wooshing his way silently through the zero-gravity environment. "Now you both can die happy. You have officially seen a pig fly."

Chuckling as he launched himself into the air, Yiv managed to launch himself into a corkscrew spin, 'this is quite enjoyable!' He nodded at Arin, 'Yiv, Chief Intelligence Officer. A pleasure to meet you.' He turned to Percy, 'alright, how we doing this? Can't say I've horsed about that much in zero-g.'

"If you can dodge a racket you can dodge a Tellarite," teased Percy whirling the racket towards Yiv, but with the zero gravity he was in practically no danger of being injured.

Percy looked around. "Well, first things first. Criss that line" he gestured "and you'll be outside of the zero-g. If you deactivate the zero-g, we are going to fall fast and hard. I wouldn't recommend it. I was thinking just something simple, enjoying weightlessness and snacking a ball around. It helps me get my anger out."

Briefly wondering what would make the jovial half-Tellarite angry, Yiv decided it was none of his business as he caught the racket in his hand, sending himsel into a slight top-spin. 'Sounds good to me - smashing some balls around sounds like it could be good for us.'

"Sometimes smashing some balls around is therapeutic. Who knows, maybe my smash therapy can replace the need for a ship's Counselor," teased Percy. He took aim at a bulkhead and whacked a ball with his racket.

Looking back and forth, Arin said to both. "How exactly is this going to work with 3 of us. I take the winner or just wipe the proverbial floor with both of you seeing as there is no gravity?"

'I think we can all go at the same time,' replied Yiv, thwacking the ball to a bulkhead opposite Arin. He wasn't a particularly competitive sportsman so he was happy to whack it around for a bit. 'So none of us are hanging around.'

"Competition?" Percy laughed and shook his head. "I was not even thinking completion, but if you want to make things interesting..." he added with a shrug. "Go ahead and try to wipe the floor with me."

Arin floated over, picked up a racket and pushed back to opposite wall forming a triangle formation between her and her fellow players. "So rules, if we need any. First one to miss buys the first round at the lounge?" Arin offered.

Percy nodded. "Sounds good enough to me. The first one to miss it buys the first round at the lounge, no other rules needed, just don't get injured. I can't deal with command breathing down my neck." The half Tellarite knew he was probably the least athletic of the bunch at least he felt he was.

'First round to the loser,' echoed Yiv happily as he hefted the racket to get a better feel for it. 'Percy, it's your idea, so you get first ... serve, I guess.'

"Half pig serving," Percy said as he took the suggestion and went with it. He took aim for where Arin was and gave as strong of a serve as he could muster. He knew that he was going to be the one getting drinks for the rest of them.

Arin saw Percy hit the ball pretty hard. So hard that it sent him spinning in the zero gravity environment. All she had to was keep it moving. She knew she could hit it, the trajectory would be another story. Hitting it she aimed as well as she could for Yiv. It was going in the general direction but Yiv would need to move a bit towards center to get it.

Trying to lurch in the direction of the ball, Yiv managed to stretch out his racket, and hit it back in the general direction of both the other players, either could reach it if they stretched.

Percy made an attempt to reach it, but the half Tellarite failed and snorted at his blunderous efforts. "Well, go figure. I guess the drinks are on me tinight," he added with a chuckle. He took his loss in good stride.

'We've barely gotten started!' Yiv cried, his competitive streak blossoming as the game went along. 'C'mon, a few more rounds to make it worth the drink?'

Arin launched herself lightly and went after the ball. Once she hit the opposite wall, she turned around. Reaching her place again, he grabbed a handhold and stabilized herself. "I guess it's service to you." She said speaking to Yiv. She lobbed it as hard as she dared without spinning herself.

Launching himself into a corkscrewing dive, Yiv found it difficult to concentrate on keeping his stomach under control, and snatch the ball out of the air.

He succeeded, just, and whilst spinning attempted to send it in Percy's direction with a loud thwack.

"Nice one," replied Percy trying to recover from his blunderous beginnings. He managed to propel himself upward with enough momentum that he could reach the ball and gave it a backhanded whack with his racket squarely towards Arin's chest.

Arin guided her arm so that when the ball was near she be able to hit it. The racket nearly slipped from her gripped but she managed to grab it again, hitting the ball firmly against the bulkhead and moving towards Yiv. "They should put a lanyard on this thing."

"Aye, they really should," replied Percy. "You two are making me want several shots of whatever we can get into."

'Shots?' grunted Yiv as he strained to hit the ball, but missing as it bounced back off the wall. 'Sounds like you're planning a heavy night, Doctor.'

"Well, I'm half Tellarite and my Human half is Irish. So, I think you should be nervous about keeping up. It's alright if you need a Shirley temple."

Arin's got a bit thicker as she taunted them. "Aye, and what makes you think you can beat me in the lounge when ya can't even beat me here." She rolled her eyes in semi-honest and weary manner to the both of them. "Men."

"Men," Percy echoed smugly. "I thought it was a given that you'd outdrink Yiv and I. That is your second home isn't it? Engineering and the bar?" added the science officer with a snort.

'Never met an Engineer who didn't have a reserved seat at one,' Yiv chuckled as he floated in place, feeling better after his exertions in Zero-G.

"Do you ever consider the lot of you are the reason we drink so much? Always running from repair to repair. Ungrateful swine." She grinned.

"You'd be bored if my type wasn't here breaking things and pushing systems to their limitations," replied Percy. He turned his snout up. "How's that for ungrateful," he added teasingly.

Yiv tumbled in place slowly, enjoying the Zero-G and the interaction between the two other crewmembers. Percy might have his trouble with actually talking to women, but he seemed alright when it came to a bit of flirting. Yiv smirked as he corkscrewed around looking for the ball.

Percy wiped a bead of sweat from his temple. "Who turned the oven on in here?" he said with a bit of a squeal. "It's so hot in here, the waitstaff is on their way with a side of applesauce. May as well just stuff and apple in my damn mouth, I'm roasted."

Laughing Yiv called out, 'probably a sign you should get on the treadmill before the wait staff get you on the spit. This Zero-G stuff is more fun than I thought. Though I think it's probably the company.' He beamed a smile at both of them.

Arin laughed out loud. "You should come work with me Perky," Arin said, mangling his name on purpose. "Get you near a few fusion reactors and plasma conduits. You'll be a mess." She added, "if your ready to quit though....." She was a bit warmed up but unwilling to knuckle under.

"Perky?" The half-Tellarite fired back. He knew she probably had a slip of the tongue moment. "What's that supposed to be? Trying to call me porky or did you have a Freudian slip?" added Percy with a snort. "We can stop on by the ship's tailor if you need refitted for something with a little more lift and support."

'Huh, shall we go get a drink before this gets out of hand,' replied Yiv with a laugh, and a spike of envy that Percy was getting on so well with another member of the crew. 'I do believe I'm owed some liquor?' he said langurously as he did a roll in the zero-g.

"You don't have to ask me twice," said Percy. "Let's go!" There were drinks involved. Percy could move at near warp.

"No Freudian slip. Since perky is your polar opposite. Irritable, uncheerful, unambitious ....should I go on." Arin said, ending with her tongue stuck. Then added, "as for lifting and wish." She floated down to the edge. Come one Perky. Time to burn your credits in the lounge. I don't do synthehol."

Percy cringed at the word synthehol. "I'm not a fricken sadist," he said shaking his head.


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