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Audrey Who?

Posted on Tue May 18th, 2021 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Commander Grace Vetur

1,946 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Science


When Grace read--and reread--the report from security on the killer plant, she decided she should ask a few questions. It wasn't very often a plant grew large enough and fast enough to be a threat and she had to admit to a certain level of curiosity.

"Computer, where is Lieutenant Bálor?"

"Lieutenant Percival Bálor is in science lab 2."

"Good. Thank you." She headed for the lab, hoping to catch him before he went somewhere else.

To say Plomeek and Hebitian snare vine went well together was to say pickles in the chocolate cake were a divine combination; it was a disaster and security had made a bit of a mess, but all was cleaned up by now. The only thing that wasn't handled was culpability.

Sooner or later he knew someone would come looking for him, and sooner came a bit too soon. He was just about to leave science lab 2 when the doors parted way and he was met with the face of a formidable woman. "Sorry, we are fresh out of killer Plomeek today, Commander."

Percy stepped aside and recoiled back into the lab, gesturing the woman in. "I suppose you've heard about my new weapon of botanical destruction?"

"Is that what you call it?" she asked, walking into the lab. "Yes, I've heard of it. And seen the computer footage. Would you care to explain?"

"SCIENCE!" he exclaimed. "That is the short answer if the Captain asks," offered Percy. "As for what I'm telling you? I made some decisions based on my research which failed to take into count dormant DNA from the Hebitian snare vine, traits and characteristics that have evolutionarily and through generic modifications had been made obsolete."

Percy shrugged. "Things got messy, but I fixed it."

"A snare vine?" she asked, shaking her head. "At least it wasn't a Venetian wasp trap. I hear some are big enough to eat a mouse."

"I would have been far more careful and prepared with a Venetian wasp trap," he said with a sigh. "This experiment was meant to be great, a hybrid snare vine and Plomeek plant? It would have been perfect for planting on some of our furthest colonies, plentiful in producing Plomeek and resistant."

The Chief Science Officer shook his head. "I need a breakthrough, Commander, something truly remarkable and needed...something that would make a man marveled for electricity, and everyone would ignore the electrocuted elephant in the room."

"Why? Why do you need something that few men achieve, and not until after years of experimentation?" she asked.

Percy sighed. "Because I want my parents to be proud of me, Commander. They wanted something different of me, expected different than a scientist. I only have ever wanted to make them happy and proud of something that I have accomplished, but as good of a science officer as I can be for Starfleet, the approval and accolades of my family remains my white whale."

She walked in and sat down, indicating that he should join her. "You do realize that the white whale was the downfall of Captain Ahab, right?" She looked at him, assessing his mood, for a long moment. "What do your parents want from you?" She wanted to know what would drive him to try something so dangerous just to please his parents when any approval from them would most likely be fleeting? Well, she didn't know that for sure, but all the indications were there.

"Killer plomeek plant," he replied crossing his arms. "I know the white whale was Ahab's downfall, just as I realize that my scientific pursuits are always to make my parents proud of me, to acquire that fame and recognition that I chase ruthlessly day and night...and that my Commander is going to be my downfall." He shook his head in disbelief. Why was he even opening up this much to her?

He did not go owe her his life story, but maybe he needed to get it out there. "Because I am their only child and they wanted me to some sort of genius engineer or something. Tellarite typically has several children, but my parents' relationship only resulted in my mother carrying two children....there were difficulties. I survived, but my sibling did not."

"Does their expectation require you to make some brilliant discovery or to simply excel in your field?" the first officer asked. Part of her was curious, and part of her wanted to help him see he didn't have to invent something universe-altering. And part of her was concerned with what he might try next.

He shrugged. "I really do not know, Commander, I have been trying to get their attention for years. It really is just my thought that if I make some huge discovery or excel in my field that they will finally notice me and be proud of me, but I don't know." The half-Tellarite sighed. "Perhaps, I am just doomed to keep trying and have things like killer plomeek happen."

Unfortunately, it was not as rare a problem as Grace would have liked. "I see. If they value engineering so much, have you considered working with engineering to find a joint project that would benefit both departments? That might get their attention. Killer plomeek might not get you the best results."

"Huh," he replied and thought it over. "Not bad...not bad at all. I could try to work with engineering more, find something that is more cohesively S.T.E.M. and that might just be something that would like." The science officer nodded. "Thank you, Commander. I appreciate that advice, but I am not yet finished with 'killer plomeek,' I will perfect time, and I will be ready for it next time."

"As long as you don't try to get it this week," she cautioned. "Or next." She smiled. "I have no doubt you'll figure out the proper balance."

Percy smiled like a child trying to convince their parent of their innocence. "I will behave and be more careful next time, and I'll wait until I throw myself at an experiment without a thorough analysis," said the Chief Science Officer. "I suppose you would do me a wee favor, Commander, and help me acquire some Bio-mimetic gel?" he inquired, his facial expression was that of a teenager who was asking to borrow the car after being grounded.

"Bio mimetic gel? For what purpose?" she asked. She had no doubt he'd be trying something else before long. The expression on his face was enough for her to worry.

The First Officer was good at poker, at least Percy suspected she would be if she played. There was hardly a tell on her face, though professionally, she had to have some concern. "Oh, I don't suppose we can get away with just saying 'science stuff' can we?" he replied somewhat teasingly. "There's a planet on a planet in the galactic south, it has incredible potential for medicinal uses, but a blight the past few years has taken a toll on the crop."

Percy pressed on. He knew he has not sold her yet. "This plant is near extinction, Commander, and conventional means are not saving it. I think the answer is in bio-mimetic gel. I think with some tinkering, I can convert the bio-mimetic gel into a bio-mimetic hydrogel, something these plants will ideally accept and adapt to. Many plants, as you know, are sessile organisms meaning they respond to environmental stimuli, sometimes with movement. These plants grow more in width, spreading and covering the ground. My goal is to get these plants to function with this engineered bio-mimetic hydrogel. If my hypothesis is correct, the plants themselves will soon be stronger and able to ward off the blight by adapting. In time, this plant species will recuperate its dwindling numbers."

"I think you should focus on something less...dramaatic," she said with a smile. "There are a number of plants that grow quickly to help colonies. Why not work with one of those? Or find a better insecticidal fertilizer." She shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't authorise bio mimetic gel for your experiments." While she had great faith in his ability to perform his job, he was still too eager to make a name for himself right away.

"Ah fine, hinder my greatness," he said throwing his hands up. He was teasing though. "I know...I know, all the risks and dangers of bio mimetic gel. You cannot afford to put your career on the line feeding into my madness. How about a tribble? May I have a tribble, Commander? I promise not to feed them after midnight."

"I don't think the Captain will agree to that. One grain of rice and we have to sell the ship." The twinkle in her eye indicated she caught his humor and was adding a bit of her own. "Maybe a sea snail would be more in order? I hear they grow quite large on some worlds."

Percy crossed his arms. Alright, so no to the tribble. "Pyrithian bat, practically harmless, excellent echolocation, and easy to maintain. It's a good is either the bat or you're going to get me bugging you about putting in a request to return to a starbase for the addition of Cetacean Ops."

"Tribbles breed like...tribbles. If you feed them, they breed. I don't think we can get any of the sterile ones, either. And no to Cetacean Ops." His requests were getting more extreme. Grace should have cut her losses when she had the chance. "Have you looked at what is desperately needed and work on one of those problems?"

Percy chuckled. "So, is that yes to the Pyrithian bat?" he inquired with a brow raised.

"That was your goal to begin with, wasn't it?" she countered. "Give me a list of things you can't possibly have just to get a bat?"

"A magician never reveals his or her secrets," he replied. He reached for a nearby PaDD and handed it over to Lieutenant Commander Vetur. "One formal request for a Pyrithian bat, and a pleasure doing business with you. Next time you have a Ferengi problem, you know who to go to."

She looked over the request with care, then added a caveat that if anything went wrong, he would not be able to make another request for six months. More if there was any structural damage. Then she affixed her thumbprint.

"I love some good fine print," Percy snorted. "Smart, very smart. I won't damage the ship, Commander, I live here. All my projects are here. I can assure you...if anything is going to go wrong it won't be me," he added with a shrug. "As the Ferengi would say, you have the lobes for business."

"I'm a diplomat, Lieutenant. It's always about the details." She smiled. He was good at getting what he wanted. "Now that you have your requisition, I'll bid you adieu."

"And miss this pretty sight?" Percy quipped and questioned. Though he knew he had taken too much of Grace's time as it was. "So long, farewell. I'll try not to cause any more trouble aboard," added Percy as he held one hand conveniently behind his back, fingers crossed.

She looked at him skeptically. "Good luck, Lieutenant." She didn't think it would be long before he was in trouble again.

The sad thing was, Grace was probably correct. There would be trouble again, trouble many times over, and Lieutenant Percival Balor would be behind most of it.


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Percival Balor, Ph.D
Chief Science Officer


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