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Time on my Hands

Posted on Sun Aug 15th, 2021 @ 11:05am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Thomas Carey & Lieutenant JG Varik & Warrant Officer Arin Merkara

1,999 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: USS Resolute, Constitution Class

The whirring of the Transporter from the 23rd Century seemed so much different to that of the 24th century version. A kind of elegance to it you could say.

As the Main team from the Ontario materialised it was like stepping into a museum, the decor of the Transporter Room and the instruments emphasising just how out of time this pace was.

"Welcome to the USS Resolute, I'm Captain Dawson." The older human man said wearing the Gold uniform. A younger, handsome man to his right-hand side. "I guess you guys must have gotten newer Uniforms since we've been on our mission?"

Percy stepped forward. "Doctor Percival Bálor, Chief Science Officer at your service, Captain Dawson," Percy said introducing himself in a poshest manner of speaking. "We have had time to acquire some sensible fashion designers since you've been gone, though that does go remarkably well with your handsome complexion."

Haruna raised a hand like a child would in a schoolroom.

Looking around, Thomas noticed the out-of-date equipment, and the like. Weapons would surely be from the same era, as well as everything else. Lt Thomas Carey, Chief Diplomat of the Ontario."

"Hello. I'm Grace Vetur, first officer of the Ontario. There have indeed been a few changes since you set out. Our first priority is to help repair your ship. Do you need any medical assistance?"

Still keeping her hand raised Haruna bounced on her heels slightly. "I have a question!" She said.

“Yes?” The Captain of the Resolute asked as he looked towards the smaller Officer amongst them.

"Haruna Mizuhara, Chief Engineer, girl genius" she introduced herself. "What type of warp drive are you using? The constitution mark one, two or the new mark three variant from the Enterprise sub-class with the Dilithium matrix accessible from the two-story engine room? Also are your computers still on a duotronic system which enables local access via toggle switches and push buttons with read and write access via duotronic computer cards and I really want one of your snazzy uniforms, can I get one in each colour... please?"

The two Gold shirted Officers looked at each other and then towards the Human female. "I think for now Miss Mizuhara we should focus on restoring what power we can." The other younger man said to her.

His eyes over the Away Team. Something about them was off. "Lieutenant Commander Rodrigo Sanchez, First Officer." He announced his introduction to them. "Our Chief Engineer is in Sickbay, so it is paramount we ensure repairs are undertaken in his absence."

"Lieutenant Mizuhara and Warrant Officer Merkara are here to help effect repairs," Grace said, frowning briefly at Haruna. "Their uniforms are quite adequate for the task at hand."

She turned her attention back to the Captain and First Officer. "Doctor Varik from medical and Doctor Bálor from science are also here to offer their assistance. Just tell them what you need."

“I would like to speak with your Captain at the best possible convenience,” Captain Dawson commented to them. “We need to talk about the Romulan incursion into this area, Starfleet needs to be informed.”

Varik nodded to Captain Dawson as her name was mentioned.
"With no disrespect intended our medical technology may be better able to assist your chief engineer and others in your sickbay," she said calmly, looking between Dawson and her own away team leader.

Percy Bálor wiggled himself around the herd of people and had a gander at the starship's interior. He was looking for anything that did not belong, any bit of technology or materials that shouldn't have been on a Constitution class starship of that time period.

He was still suspicious of the whole situation. He wanted to make sure that this was simply a starship displaced by time rather than one displaced by other variables such as reality or universe. As he had listened to his shipmates speak, he could not help but picture Commander Grace Vetur as their mother.

"Starfleet has been informed of the situation," Grace replied to the Captain. It wasn't quite the situation they thought it was, but now was not the time to bring up the time difference and the destruction of Romulus in this reality. She hoped they'd find a way to return the crew to where they belonged without having to cause any temporal issues.

"Very well." Dawsone said to them. "If you'll all follow me." He said as they headed out of the Transporter Room. The doors making a rather mechanical and audible woosh sound. "We were assigned to a Five-year mission cataloguing the Beta Quadrant, Starfleet saw an opportunity and with the Klingon aggression they felt it urgent to assign a Ship this far out."

"How has it gone so far?" Grace asked. "Until the attack, that is?"

"We are currently 635 days into our mission and so far, we've encountered numerous spatial phenomena, a few nebulas that house unique properties." Dawson commented to her enquiry. "We've even come across an Ocean world suitable for possible colonisation."

If only they knew that they were out of time, But also that in this current timeline none of this information had ever reached Starfleet or the Federation.

"Have you? How very interesting," Grace replied.

"So I have a question actually." The XO of the Resolute said to them. "Your Ship is rather unique, I'm not familiar with her design what is she?"

"Experimental," Grace replied. She couldn't very well tell them it was an old ship class that had yet to be invented in their timeline.

Thomas kept note on the equipment, and the people around, the odd stares. His father would love this. However, although he did not sense anything arising, he kept his eye and ear open, to make sure nothing started that made a need for him to try and talk them out of something.

"Very experimental," Percy added seizing an opportunity. "Say, the Resolute wouldn't happen to have any Tribbles aboard, would you? Commander Vetur here is awfully fond of them, and I'm always looking for things to add to my laboratories."

"No Tribbles." Commander Sanchez responded to the inquiry. "Our Science Labs have a wide selection of things you might want to examine once repairs are completed."

"Mr. Bálor likes to collect things without proper authorization," Grace said. "I do not want a Tribble, nor can the good scientist take anything from your ship." She seriously considered sending him back to the ship. She probably would, if he tried anything else.

I mean it is practically preserving history if I take something. She doesn't need to know Percy thought to himself. Then his thoughts shifted to Yiv. If I mess up here, I rusk messing everything up he reasoned himself into yielding. "Can't blame an excited scientist for trying, Commander" he said flashing a small smile in her direction with an apologetic gaze.

Grace raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was up to now. Turning back to the Captain she said. "Shall we see how quickly we can get you back together?"

"Yes that'd be much appreciated Commander." He responded with a nod. He was still mildly curious by this group he knew they were Starfleet and they didn't seem to be impersonating if they were not. But something felt......Off?

"Lieutenant Mizuhara, Warrant Officer Merkara, how long will it take to effect repairs?"

"Not sure" Haruna replied simply. "I'll have to take a... closer look at... well... you know... everything?"

Walking over slowly, he stopped behind the Captain, "they grow suspicious Captain. Perhaps letting some know who we are and the situation to some extent?" He quietly stated as the officers were talking to the other group. Captains know of the Temporal prime directive. They should know not to ask about future events."

Percy inched closer to Grace, hearing what was being gently mentioned. He cleared his throat "General Order 157 was not put into effect until 2268," he said in a very hushed voice. "Prior to that, it was a guideline at best that some captains were atrocious at adhering to. There's no telling yet what this Captain is like."

Grace nodded. "Agreed. It is better not to say anything just yet." She would have a word with the department heads when they got back to the ship about not acting suspicious in situations like this. But she was afraid it was already too late for discretion. Although, she was surprised their scientist hadn't noticed the stellar changes yet.

Though he had not said anything, Percy was noticing the changes. It was difficult to do anything with so many eyes around, and those eyes were increasing in suspicion. Percy nestled himself closer to Grace. "Notice anything...different?"

"Besides their suspicion?" she whispered.

Percy nodded. "I can't blame them there. Lieutenant Mizuhara alone is suspicious," teased the half-Tellarite.

"She's a bit too...eager, yes," Grace admitted. "She's practically drooling." She made sure no one could hear her or read her lips.

The Chief Science Officer was inclined to agree. "I'll stick close to her Commander, and keep her out of trouble." Percy didn't know how to quell the suspicion of this crew, but any look at the stars would have surely been unsettling.

"Who will keep you out of trouble?" Grace asked him quietly.

Yiv, or rather the goal of staying on Ontario to have a chance Percy thought to himself, but he did not dare disclose that. He simply smirked and fired a look of content at her. "My conscience of course."

"Of course," she replied, clearly not believing him.

Haruna was playing with her tricorder as she walked, obviously taking scans and readings as she followed the team. For once she seemed 'slower' than usual as she observed everything that her tricorder took and scanned.

Percy observed Haruna. She was amusing though he still wasn't sure how he felt about bringing her on this candy store of an away team. He then looked over at the First Officer. She had that look as though she were going to speak.

"How long will repairs take?" Grace asked Haruna.

"I need to go to their Main Engineering to determine that" Haruna said a sly smile stretching across her face. "I need to see what I'm up against and that's the best place to do it" she explained simply. She reached over and simply gripped Percy's sleeve. "It’s ok, I'll take Onii-Chan with me. He can help me with their systems"

Arin shifted uncomfortably. Her large tool case in one hand and a wheeled version in the other. While she understood the suspicion, she was getting agitated.

"I want a report in thirty minutes," Grace said. She wanted to go back to the Ontario, but she wasn't sure if it would be a good idea just yet.

Percy knew that what Grace said wasn't addressed to him, but he was looking to right some wrongs on this mission, and he needed to do that if staying aboard the Ontario was going to be in his future. "You'll have in thirty or less, Commander," Percy replied.

The half-Tellarite Chief Science Officer looked at the Chief Engineer. "Mizuharachan, let's get there. Make your assessment on repairs and report back to the Commander, don't sugar coat and don't add a buffer. You can do this."

Grace sure hoped she could do that.

"Right" Haruna said as she cracked her knuckles. "Let’s get to Main Engineering. It’s this way!" she said pointing down a corridor which lead towards the lower sections of the ship.

"I'll check on you shortly," Grace said, still not sure it was wise to send those two off together.

Arin followed along silently and happy to be ignored. That way she could get more work done.


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor, Ph.D
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara
Chief Engineer
USS Ontario

Warrant Officer Arin Merkara
Propulsion Specialist
USS Ontario


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