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Dangerous Waters (Part II)

Posted on Mon Aug 8th, 2022 @ 6:31pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Ensign Rishi Chabbra

1,447 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Various


"On screen," Grace said. They needed to have a look at the plasma wake. She was keenly aware that there were likely both pirates and civilians in the nebula. They couldn't ignore them just because there were pirates. They had to do something.


"Remember. if there is a cloaked vessel, it would be giving off a buildup of tachyon particles." Anahera said. "Since Mutara class nebulae don't produce tachyons in high concentrations, I suggest we add a scan for tachyons to our sensor scans." She added.

Grace nodded in agreement.

"The nebula would also affect various systems" noted Rishi Chabbra as he worked on fine tuning the sensors. "That would include in all likelihood hood their cloaking device and subsequent systems. Given that they are also damaged from a recent exchange with other vessels..." the ensign turned in his seat with a grin of delight.

He gestured to the viewscreen. "That would be more than just a plasma wake," he proclaimed. "They are right there nestled in the thick of the nebula, poised to strike, but they should be about as blind to us as we were to them. Our sensors were having a difficult time with the nebula and we weren't even inside of it. They are."

"If they are blind to us, how could we slip in close enough to beam everyone off the Manatee and get out of the nebula before we're detected?" Grace asked. "How could we make ourselves harder to detect, or how could we create a diversion to accomplish our goal?" If they transported everyone into a cargo bay and set it so that no weapons would transport with them, security could detain them until everyone could be sorted out. That could prevent any pirates already on the Manatee from causing trouble on the Ontario.

Yiv was fidgeting at his duty station, scanning the comms traffic for the area. Naturally, there were no Klingon signals. The ship was cloaked and was likely rigged for silent running. Like one of those damned Terran submarine boats. In truth, he felt he was useless at times like these, and was on the verge of asking whether he could be dismissed to see to his Percy.

"We need a diversion, that won't give away our position, perhaps a delayed torpedo explosion. They wouldn't be able to see it, but they'll feel the shock wave and not know we caused it." Anahera suggested.

Rishi liked the idea. "If we wanted to really spook them, we could fire it into the nebula. We may hit them, we may not, but they will feel it almost for sure."

Grace nodded. "Prepare two or three. Launch them just before we're ready to transport a team over to the Manatee to facilitate the evacuation."

She glanced at Yiv. "Of should we just transport everyone here?"

He gave a start. Of course, he was the Executive Officer now the Captain's insides had decided on a spectacular show of rebellion. 'I ... uh.' Yiv calmed himself, and thought, 'perhaps we should beam them here, it seems the faster option, and time will be of the essence if there's a cloaked ship out there, regardless of how effective our distraction is.'

Grace nodded and turned to ops. "Transport everyone on the Manatee to cargo bay 2 as soon as we're in range. Make sure all weapons are sent to security. We might as well see what the pirates had on them." She was certain there were pirates among the crew.

Peri nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"Anahera, take a team to the cargo bay. Check everyone. Anyone who was not part of either ship send to the brig for questioning."

Grace paused, then looked at science and ops. "And launch torpedoes. I think now is a good time for that distraction."

"Aye, ma'am." Anahera said. Left the Bridge and contacted members of her team to meet her in Cargo Bay 2.

A few seconds later Rishi detected something of significant size and moving in the nebula, a ship was stirring. "Klingon Vor'cha class exiting the nebula, Commander. They appear to leaving away from us and the Manatee" reported the ensign.

"I've lost them again" he quickly added. "They cloaked once they were clear of the nebula. They could be gone, or they could be..." he didn't want to say it, but right on top of them or anywhere came to mind.

"Keep scanning," she said to Rishi.

"Ops, do you have the survivors?" Grace turned to Peri. "And alert Starfleet of our situation." If nothing else, that might make the pirates think twice before attacking.

"Two more minutes. We have to double check everything." Peri then sent a quick update to Starfleet. She had no idea where the nearest starship was, but she hoped it was close enough to help if they got into trouble.

Grace nodded. As much as she'd like to do a grab and go, they needed to be sure they got everyone safely aboard. "Helm, as soon as everyone is aboard, go to warp." She hoped the pirates wanted to get away as much as they did.

"Aye ma'am, ready to get the hell out of here." Siren replied.

Grace couldn't help smiling. It was an apt expression. "Let's hope we don't have to shoot our way out."

"I certainly hope not" Rishi proclaimed. He was breathing a sigh of relief that the Klingon attack cruiser chose to cloak rather than fire on them.

'I hope it doesn't come to that,' Yiv said loudly, 'but,' he continued confidently, 'the crew of the Ontario is wilier and more capable than anything the Imperial Fleet can throw against us. We'd prevail.' He returned to his console; the moment of bravura passed.

"Everyone's aboard," Peri said, smiling in relief. She hadn't quite held her breath, but it was close. "I've also copied the Manatee's computer logs and sensor data for review."

"Excellent work." To Grace, that was the easy part. "Shields up and let's get away from here."

Just then there was the distinct sound of a transporter. Before anyone could react, Haruna was gone.

"Red alert," Grace ordered. "Trace that signal and get her back."

A message appeared on Yiv's console informing him that the counselor had also gone missing.

'They've taken the Counselor too,' Yiv called out, glancing at the readout from his console. 'A few other crew as well. Just beamed right off the ship.' Getting to his feet, Yiv approached the science console, 'got any idea of the source?'

Rishi Chabbra looked at the Efrosian, still in shock by what had happened and a bit bitter about it. "A Vor'cha class attack cruiser would be a pretty safe bet," he said sternly. "But I can't trace the source. I'm trying my best, but something is scattering any attempt I make."

Grace tapped her combadge. "Vetur to
Maxwell and Acker. Report to security."

She tapped her combadge again. "Vetur to Chernova. I'm sending the Marines to security to help with a deck-by-deck search. If they've taken our people, they may have left some of theirs behind. Also, check every person in the cargo bay. If they aren't confirmed as being from one of the two known ships, send them to the brig. Doubtless there are pirates here somewhere. We need to find them."

"Understood, ma'am." Anahera said.

"Chernova to Summerby." Anahera said tapping her comm.

"Summerby here, ma'am."

"The Marines are on their way to you; I want you and the rest of the department to search for any intruders and to record any missing crew members. Chernova out."

To Yiv she said, "I want a complete list of who's missing."

'Aye ma'am,' he replied with a nod. Getting up from his station he moved to a more appropriate console to begin collating reports from across the ship.

"Science," Grace said, turning to Rishi last. "Keep looking for that ship. Use a probe if you have to. If they don't have our people, there's another ship out there that does. Do your best to find it."

With Captain Michaels under the weather and being treated in Sickbay, this time Rishi knew his response was justified. "Aye Captain," he said to Grace. "I will keep at it, ma'am."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence and Executive Officer

Ensign Rishi Chabbra [NPC]
Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/ Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Celeste Summerby
Security Investigations Officer

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Peri Valéri
Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone
Chief Flight Control Officer


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