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Dangerous Waters (Part III)

Posted on Wed Sep 28th, 2022 @ 4:35pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams & 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker & Ensign Rishi Chabbra & Chief Petty Officer Celeste Summerby
Edited on on Sat Nov 26th, 2022 @ 9:22am

882 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain


"Science," Grace said, turning to Rishi last. "Keep looking for that ship. Use a probe if you have to. If they don't have our people, there's another ship out there that does. Do your best to find it."

With Captain Michaels under the weather and being treated in Sickbay, this time Rishi knew his response was justified. "Aye Captain," he said to Grace. "I will keep at it, ma'am."


At the science station Rishi continued to scan and search for any vessel that was out there lurking. He had launched some probes to enhance his search attempts, but so far they were in vain.

Williams had the security detail waiting at the rally point. "Okay. Full sweep of the ship, every deck, every Jefferies tube. This is a search and rescue mission. You find anyone, check in and take them to sickbay. Understood?" He waited for any questions. "GO!"
"Rogers, Michaels and Stevens, with me." He led the 3 officers on their way to the cargo bay.

"Alright Marines," Lieutenant Acker watched the small group of Marines, gathered on deck 2, armed and ready. "We are doing deck by deck searches. Since deck 1 has been taken care of, we start here. Understood?"

"Yes Sir," one of the Marines said, answering for the small group.

"Move out," Dahlia said, walking with them. Deck 2 was where the Junior and Senior officers' quarters were located, as well as the VIP/guest quarters. This meant there were a lot of hiding places, as well as the chance of hostages. Neither seemed like a good plan. Plus there was the chance of causalities. All of it made Acker frown, ready for the worst case scenarios.

Williams and his team arrived at the cargo bay door. He had Rogers and Michaels take positions on either side of the door. With Stevens beside him, he nodded, and Rogers activated the cargo bay doors and they started to open.

Once the cargo bay doors opened enough for him to enter, he dived into the bay, taking cover behind some crates. He scanned the room, rifle at the ready, then let Rogers, Michaels and Stevens it was okay to enter. He signaled to the others to keep their weapons ready.

Further scans of the bay showed no life signs. Using hand signals, he told his people to move further inside the bay, and keep down.

After several minutes, he verified that there was nothing. "Okay, nothing here people, next cargo bay. Move out!"


Grace had one square in a bottom corner of the viewscreen set up to monitor the deck-by-deck search. That gave her enough information to focus on the other problem: what happened to Rose and Mizuhara. "Ops, has the transporter chief been able to locate the transporter signal?"

"Only that there was one. It appears to be Klingon," Peri reported.

Of course it did. "Any luck locating that cloaked Klingon ship?" Grace asked science and security. It was technically security's job, but science had been monitoring the nebula and might have a better idea of where the cloaked ship went. "Look for tachyon particles and a residual ion trail."

At Tactical, Summerby let Chabbra reply, as she checked weapons and shields after the exposure to interference they'd experienced in the nebula.

"I don't believe they are here any longer," reported the science officer. "Though I may have something to work with. I don't believe they are as capable of masking their trail, not under present conditions. If we can trust these readings then we should be able to follow these bread crumbs."

"It's the best we've got at the moment," Grace said. " Plot a course and prepare the ship to head out."

Rishi nodded. "Sending coordinates to helm, ma'am" the science officer responded promptly. He was hopeful that the Ontario was going to be on the right path, following the breadcrumbs to the location the pirate vessel was heading.

"Valeri?" Grace asked, turning to ops.

"Message sent to Starfleet Command, ma'am," Peri replied.

Grace nodded her thanks and turned to helm. "Head out when ready."

Siren had her itchy flying fingers ready to go well before she received her coordinates, and had the course laid in before Grace could finish her command. "Aye ma'am, course set. Engaging." Siren often wished the starship could give something comparable to 'vroom vroom' but with the stabilizers, even taking off quickly was pretty anti-climatic.

The commander nodded. She was grateful Siren was back at the helm--not that the other pilots weren't good, but if they needed spectacular flying, Siren was the person to do it. Grace hoped they weren't heading into a trap. But as far as she was concerned, they had no other choice. She wouldn't leave anyone behind, and to her, that meant not letting pirates kidnap her crew. Granted, she wasn't in command, but with the number of times she'd been put in charge, she felt like they were.


Lieutenant Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Ensign Rishi Chabbra
Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant JG Jason Williams
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario

Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Celeste Summerby
Security Investigations Officer
USS Ontario


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