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Hunting Haruna

Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 8:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri

1,017 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: USS Ontario
Timeline: After 'Meetings after Midnight' Part II

Haruna still in her delusional state moved her way through the Jeffries tubes. She had already made her way down three decks from Amanda Rose's quarters where she had escaped from Percy. Her hand was still bleeding, but it didn't seem to phase her as she made her way down further to the place she knew the best - The Engineering Hull.

"Computer locate Lieutenant Mizuhara." Anahera asked as she made her way to the Chief Engineer's last confirmed location.

"I am unable to detect Lieutenant Mizuhara's comm. badge." The familiar female voice orf the Computer replied.

She must have destroyed her Comms. Anahera thought to herself. "Computer, upload Lieutenant Mizuhara's transport print to the security sensors."

"This operation will take approximately 33 minutes to preform."

"Understood, Computer begin operation now." Anahera replied.

The computer replied with a beep.

Anahera thought for a moment. Where would Haruna feel safe? "The Engineering Hull." She said aloud. Consulting the map of the Ontario that she memorised one quiet night on watch, she worked out the route to her destination. A smile crossed her lips. "The hunt is on." She said quietly.

Peri's combadge chirped. She'd taken a quick nap as her sleep schedule was messed up with the search for the captain. "Valeri here."

The report was not what she expected at all. "On my way."

She ended the call and again tapped her combadge. "Valeri to Chernova. What on Earth is going on with Mizuhara?"

"Chernova here. Lieutenant Mizuhara is in erratic state, Counsellor Rose believes that she is a danger to herself and others, so I am attempting to locate her and
incapacitate her." Anahera replied.

Peri groaned. "And she's gone into the Jefferies' tubes. She's probably heading for engineering, or to one of the dead zones where the sensors won't pick her up. I don't know if it'll help, but Lieutenant Zero used her DNA signature to beam her back from the pirate ship. If she's where he can find her, he can do it again. And if you need help from ops, I'll be happy to crawl through the tubes after her."

"I'm assuming Lieutenant Mizuhara is making her way to the Engineering Hull, where she feels safe." Anahera said, "Thank you, Lieutenant, but I think its best not to crowd her, if I go in by myself, I feel I'll be able to bring her in safely."

"Okay. I'll be on standby if you need anything," Peri replied. "Good luck."

"Thanks, Lieutenant." Anahera said. "Chernova, out."

Yiv had made it to the Bridge, relieving the Duty Officer who had taken the shift. Settling down in the chair - he was beginning to think of it as his, he awaited the response from Starfleet Command and an update from the search team.

Growing impatient he tapped his commbadge.

'Percy, have we managed to flush her out yet?'

Percy sighed heavily. "No, not exactly. I don't suppose you'd agree to me releasing some fluothane or neothyl into the ventilation systems in the jerfferies tube network?"

'Do it,' Yiv declared. 'Then have Anahera and her Security team get in there and retrieve Haruna. We'll put her in Sickbay. She should be safe and sedated until the Starfleet Medical Frigate arrives on-station.'

Turning to the Helm officer, Yiv ordered the ship to a stop, bringing her out of warp, and delaying the chase of the ship, he thought to himself. Looking at the chronometer, he began counting the time their stop was taking up. Time they might not have to catch up on.

Percy smirked as he was given the go ahead to do what he did best, be unorthodox and think outside the box. He also blushed a little bit because Yiv in command was something he found attractive. "Mister Ra-Gruvloveii, you can command me any day" Percy replied and immediately sought to locate the nearest environmental controls station. Or night thought the Chief Science Officer.

Lieutenant Percival Balor used his access credentials to adjust the environmental systems, sectioning off portions of the starship that Haruna had access to using the jefferies tube network, and re-routing the ventilation flow. He immediately looped in the Security Chief, opening a communications signal to her. "Balor to Chernova get your personnel clear of the jefferies tubes and mask up with ventilation. I'm smoking her ass out the hard way."

A little ingenuity and rudimentary chemistry mixed with physics and anatomy, Percy ran the numbers in his head before making it happened. He raised the temperature in the jefferies tubes a few degrees just to make it a bit more uncomfortable for Haruna, and to aid in the effect. "Cocktail of fluothane and neothyl being introduced in the jefferies tubes network in five...four...three...two...engaging" pipped Percy.

"Goodnight you filthy animal" chuckled Percy. "Commander, Security should be good to enter within the next thirty seconds" added Percy. He began working to calculate in his head some more information. "She should be out for a good fifteen to twenty minutes, but she's strange so make haste."

'Alright,' Yiv replied. 'Commander Chernova, you're free to head in to the tubes and find her - get her out, get her to Sickbay. Keep her sedated at all times.'

"Aye, sir." Anahera said as she opened a nearby hatch and entered the Jeffie's Tubes. She wasn't happy that the Senior staff had decided to use chemical warfare.

Percy breathed a sigh of relief and tapped his comm badge. "I'll be in the Brig and await our problem child" stated Percy and for once it wasn't him. I've never been this problematic thought the Chief Science Officer.

Lieutenant-Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant-Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security and Tactical Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Grace
Chief Counsellor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara
Chief Engineering Officer (?)
USS Ontario

Lieutenant (JG) Peri Valeri
USS Ontario
(PNPC Grace Vetur)


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