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Meetings After Midnight (Part II)

Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 11:03am by Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D
Edited on on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 11:06am

1,302 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain


"That doesn't even make sense!" Haruna snapped back. "You say I need to fir into societal norms, but I shouldn't change?!" Her eyes narrowed as she stared directly into Amanda's eyes. "Why can't society CHANGE TO ACCEPT ME! Instead, I've got to change to BE ACCEPTED BY THEM!" she shouted again pointing at the door as if to indicate everyone else outside the room.


"That doesn't even make sense!" Haruna snapped back. "You say I need to fir into societal norms, but I shouldn't change?!" Her eyes narrowed as she stared directly into Amanda's eyes. "Why can't society CHANGE TO ACCEPT ME! Instead, I've got to change to BE ACCEPTED BY THEM!" she shouted again pointing at the door as if to indicate everyone else outside the room.

"You know what!" Haruna said. "Kuso kore!" she exclaimed switching to her mother tongue of Japanese. She stomped over to the door and instead of waiting for it to open, she drove her first through the glass control panel shattering it. She yanked out a fistful of wires causing the door to swish open and remain open. She threw the wires onto the floor.

"I don't need ANY OF YOU!" she yelled as blood dripped from the cuts she had sustained from the shattering of the glass door panel.

Now Amanda was left without any choice. Haruna was not only harming herself but the ship. She found her commbadge and called out =^= Commander Chernova, this is Counselor Rose. Please find Lieutenant Mizuhara and confine her. She has damaged my quarters and I believe she is now a threat to herself and the ship.

"Understood, Counsellor. Are you injured?" Anahera asked as she prepared to find their wayward Chief Engineer. She'd undertake the search alone. She didn't want to spook Haruna.
=^= Not injured, but she has damaged my door to my quarters so it will not shut. I probably could use someone from ops or engineering to repair it. =^=

"I'm glad to hear you're not injured. I'll send a tech to you soon. Is Haruna armed?"

=^= I'm fairly certain she has her hyperspanner on her and she has an uncanny ability to fashion anything into something else. She drew blood on herself earlier, so there is no telling what she can do at this moment. =^=

"Thank you, I'll take precautions. Chernova out." Anahera said and closed the comm. Making her way to the armoury, the Security Chief checked out a pulse phaser rifle, two phaser pistols, and a handful of stun grenades and began her hunt.

Haruna turned very slowly and stared at Amanda with a deranged look on her face. She slowly lowered her head to one side allowing some of her hair to cover her face. A twisted strange smile spread across her face, almost as if she had no control over what she was doing. "Oh... You called security..." she said with a slow disturbing laugh. "What makes you think they'll find me...?" she said.

She pulled the comm badge off her chest and threw it at Amanda's feet. She then produced a hyperspanner from inside her clothing and held it tightly in her right hand. She then turned slowly and began walking away down the corridor, dragging the hyperspanner along against the walls creating deep scratches in the wall panels. All whilst she laughed to herself in a rather creepy tone.

There was nothing more that Amanda could do. She tried but Haruna was not fit for duty now or likely any time in the future. Hopefully another engineer could fix her quarters so she could sleep.

Rose then contacted Yiv and Percy. =^= Commander Ra-Gruvloveii, I am sorry to disturb you. I am informing you and Lieutenant Balor that I am relieving Lieutenant Mizuhara of duty. She is a threat to herself and the ship. I am notifying you pursuant to protocol. Security has already been notified.=^=

Percy grunted and rolled out of the bed, plopping his hooves down to the floor. "I got it," he said to Yiv and looked over at the Efrosian he was sharing a bed with tonight.

Eyes looking up at the ceiling, Yiv nodded. Personally, he was surprised that it had taken this long for Haruna to snap. Starfleet's not for everyone, he reminded himself as he ran a hand down Percy's back.
'You got this,' he murmured, before lifting and twisting his body so his feet met the floor, 'I'll see to the admin,' he concluded cryptically.

Percy quickly assembled himself and trotted out of Yiv's quarters and started heading towards Amanda.

En route, however, Percy heard the concerning sounds of screeching and maniacal laughter. Part of him was a bit afraid of what he was going to discover. Then he encountered Haruna. "Uh...let's not do that" said Percy approaching her slowly. He and Haruna were close. He was hoping that would play in his favor.

"Haruna," he said calling out to her. He opened his arms wide and gently began to place her into an embrace. "It's okay. I have you. You're safe."

Haruna had seemed to 'look right through' Percy at first, as if she hadn't even noticed him. However, once he had grabbed hold of her and held her close she suddenly realised what was happening. She began to wriggle and squirm against him.

"No! No! NO!" she cried out. "I don't want to change! I DON'T WANT TO!" she cried louder, more tears surfacing and streaming down her face.

Percy glared at the Chief Engineer. If she was going to be acting like, Percy would have to handle it by deescalating if possible. "I'm not asking you to, Haruna. I am telling you. Do you want to stay on this Ambassador class, be able to visit dozens of Engineering rooms?"

It didn't matter what Percy did, Haruna continued to struggle against him. A wave of strength overcame her and she managed to break free from Percy. She jumped backwards, now more alert and in the same mind as a wounded animal. "No!" she said. "No!" she repeated over and over again. "Must get away. Must..."

Her eyes looked around the corridor, then her eyes were drawn to a nearby Jeffries tube hatch.

"Haruna Mizuhara! Don't you dare do that!" shouted Percy firmly. "You need to stop and think about what you are doing."

Ignoring Percy, she rushed towards the tube hatch with one movement swung the hatch open and disappeared inside. The hatch closed behind her and clicked as she locked it from the inside. With that Haruna was gone.

Percy slammed his knuckles against the closed, locked hatch. "Haruna, open the damn hatch!" Percy sighed and tapped his comm badge =^= "Percy to Yiv, she's locked herself in a Jefferies tube. Locked the hatch behind her."

'We can track her through internal sensors - isolate out her bio-signs,' Yiv replied with a sigh. He closed the terminal, his message to Starfleet Command sent. 'We'll need to lock her out of the ship's systems in case this escalates.'

"Commander Chernova, I'll need a second officer to confirm the lockout, per regulations."

"Aye, sir." Anahera said. "Computer confirm lock out, authorization Chernova-Alpha-Gamma-three-seven-six."

'Computer confirm lockout,' Yiv called out after hearing Anahera's reply, 'Yiv-Delta-Echo-four-nine-two.'

The Computer was quiet a moment as it worked the necessary clearances from today's passcodes.

'Confirmed,' came the neutral feminine voice. 'Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara locked out.'

'A pleasure doing business with you,' Yiv muttered as he settled in to the Captain's chair.


Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara
Chief Engineer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Executive Officer
USS Ontario


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