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Back On the Bridge (Part III)

Posted on Fri Mar 1st, 2024 @ 9:38am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant JG Peri Valeri & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus & Lieutenant Zero
Edited on on Fri Mar 1st, 2024 @ 9:47am

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: Bridge, et al


The Borg tapped on the console, closing the channel, before walking out of his bedroom and soon out of his quarters. Zero walked at a calm, but quick pace, with his hands behind his back and eyes locked in front of him until he reached a Turbolift. He directed it to the Bridge and stood there patiently until it reached his destination. As he stepped out, he walked to his Ops Console, only to be stopped by the sudden gathering of senior officers. Upon further examination, he noticed Commander Vetur among them. "Commander Vetur..." He said with almost a puzzled tone as he walked over to them. "I see you have managed to escape your captors. A bold accomplishment. Given the record for Captain Thayne Kilgore, provided by Starfleet Intelligence, there was a likelihood you may not have been recoverable. I am pleased this is not the case, Commander."


"He let me go," Grace replied. "He wanted me to deliver a message for him." She wanted to hear more from Yiv and Percy, but she had to ask. "What more can you tell me about Mr. Kilgore?"

"Only what his file produced. For a more psychological profile I have asked Lieutenant Rose to review the data and produce one." Zero replied quickly and in a calm tone as he continued. "From what I have collected from the Intelligence report, Thayne Kilgore is a former Starfleet Captain who disagreed with a course of action and took matters into his own hands, leading to the death of several alien species and Starfleet personnel. There have been many encounters with Starfleet and Federation outposts. To note: The USS Calypso, USS Arthurian, and Inti Colony. The incident regarding Inti Colony is very concerning. If reports are accurate, he was stopped just before he released a biological weapon which would have killed an entire population all to kill one person on a planet in the same system as the colony itself.:

Grace had a sinking feeling about that. "Do you know the name of the person he was chasing?"

"That information is locked due to my clearance." Zero replied quickly and matter of fact like. "However, I can divulge from this report, that the man he was chasing at the time meet his end regardless. I can relay the details of his demise if the Captain would like a full report."

"Not at this time, but please send it to my computer," Grace replied. "I would like to review it later."

Peri walked off the turbolift and stopped, surprised to see so many people already there. She went over to ops and waited to find out what was going on.

"Now that I see you are on board, it may explain the anomalous reading I detected while in my alcove." Zero said as he turned to the Ops console and made his way to it. "Lieutenant Valeri... I apologize for disturbing your off duty time, but I require your assistance. Can you please review the external sensor logs during the incident with Lieutenant Mizuhara? You should find a reading that was interpreted by the computer as a sensor echo. Would you please compare a portion of this reading with the analysis I from the transporter beam that removed Commander Vetur from the bridge?"

"Yes, sir." Peri pulled up the requested data and transferred it to the main viewscreen. "Here it is."

Zero quickly scanned the data on the console. "As I suspected. The same Romulan transporter array used to remove you, Commander, from the Ontario was used to bring you back. It is clear that Captain Kilgore used the incident with Mizuhara as a diversion in order to bring you back onboard." He taped on his console, bringing up the eternal sensor recording during the same time of the transport, noticing another anomaly. "Curious? It appears the eternal sensors also recorded something outside the ship. It was labeled as a sensor ghost and, therefore, never reported." He said as he gestured to the main viewer.

The image on the main view screen showed the outside of the ship. It would take a keen eye to notice slight ripples in the image, showing a giant mass in a certain area, but there was nothing solid. "Allow me to highlight the area for those who are having trouble seeing it." He tapped on his console as an outline formed around the mass. "If I shift the color spectrum of the image I may be able to extrapolate proper details of the structure."

Zero removed his right glove and placed his right palm on the console. Almost immediately the image began to shift through colors, as if flipping from color spectrum to color spectrum until the outline of the mass began to form more internal details. Finally, the image stopped, revealing a Valdore Class Romulan Ship hidden inside the outline. Zero quickly removed his hand, rubbing it slightly, as the feeling from connecting to the computer in order to pull this trick was beginning to make him feel uncomfortable.

"There." Zero said softly as he eased his glove back onto his hand. "Valdore Class vessel. Same ship reported in the earlier from my last analysis. It would appear, when he was de-cloaked, he was masking his signature from the computer just enough so that the system would read his appearance as a sensor ghost. Clearly, his knowledge of Starfleet protocol is in play."

"Indeed." Grace had no doubt Kilgore was one of the most dangerous men she'd ever met. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I'd like a record of that saved and sent to my computer. I may need that information later."

"I'm no Klingon, but I don't need to be, to know this man is without honour, and therefore cannot be trusted." Anahera said. "Even before joining Starfleet, the last thing my enemies saw was my face, before I ended their lives."

Aaron found a nice corner of the bridge to lean on and stood there separate from everyone. He figured that in due time he would be informed as to why he was asked to the bridge. For the time being he was content to allow everyone to do well whatever it was they did.

"No, he can't. But ignoring him is also dangerous." Grace vividly recalled watching him kill a man in cold blood. She had no doubt he'd done it hundreds of times before. "I've already sent a message to the appropriate people. I'm hoping to hear from them in the next day. Until then, what happened with Haruna?" She waved a hand toward Aaron. "The good doctor needs to know what happened before he goes to meet with her in the brig."

Yiv shrugged, 'Lieutenant Haruna had a ... breakdown of sorts, she claims. Destroyed the door to the Chief Counsellor's office, damaged a corridor wall, then retreated in to the Jeffries tubes.

'We were forced to bring the ship out of warp during pursuit of the pirates, endangering key personnel. I took the decision to lock her out of essential systems as she seemed a danger to herself, the crew, and the ship itself.

Yiv looked at the others and continued. 'Luckily, due to Percy's inventiveness and Chernova's team's diligence, we were able to knock Haruna out and retrieve her without too much delay.'

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Acting CO
USS Ontario

Lieutenant JG Peri Valier
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus
Chief Medical officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Acting XO
USS Ontario


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