Spider Lilies: Content with Commitment
Posted on Tue Mar 11th, 2025 @ 5:00am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
1,255 words; about a 6 minute read
Standing By
Location: Yiv's Quarters
Percy had spent several hours cleaning the laboratories and putting things back to some sense of normalcy, surrendering space that he had used for dozens of months for his little pet projects and grandiose schemes to become famous and make his mark in the botanical circles of the scientific world. Soil was turned over and his lab jackets hung on the racks for future use though missing the embroidered mark of the mad genius. He had done all of this before speaking with Counselor Rose. It would have only been a matter of time before access was slowly but surely sifted and Percy had plenty to do before all of that dried up.
Inside Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii's quarters, Percy sat on the edge of the bed holding a duvet to his snouted little nose. His nostrils taking in the sweet yet musky scent of Yiv. He loved the way his person smelt and though it was not pungent, his half Tellarite genetics gave him a heightened sense of smell. Eau de Ra-Gruvloveii was a personal favorite. Percy had spent many of nights in that bed. He had his own quarters still but it was no secret that he spent most nights out of the month not leaving the First Officer's quarters until breakfast.
In time, Percy had gotten up from the mattress and made the bed with its several layers of sheets, duvet, and a throw. Both of them enjoyed the finer things in life, and the thread count on the Tholian silk was moderate. A carry on piece of luggage rested on the bed as Percy collected some of his clothing that had taken up residency in the Efrosians quarters. He was expecting Yiv back at any moment and smiled when he heard the sound of the doors of the main living compartment open.
'Hey, the Computer said you were in here,' Yiv called affable from the main living area as he leant on a sofa arm to kick off his duty boots and unzipped his jacket. Letting it fall to the floor, forgotten, he looked around, wrinkling his nose in confusion.
Hearing some noise from his the rear of his quarters, Yiv a smile grew across his face as he moved to the doors to the bedroom.
'Knock, knock!' he said enthusiastically as he stepped through the door, spying Percy, his smile faltering a little as he saw the suitcase. 'Travelling somewhere .. are we?' he asked uncertainly.
Percy was happy to see Yiv, expected to see him, but was not ready for the almost defeated look that came with a faltering smile. "Counselor Rose placed me on a medical leave of absence" stated Percy. He wasn't in a uniform and clearly wasn't going to be back in one anytime soon. He approached his Efrosian love and gently nuzzled his head into the man's chest.
"Its not like," prefaced Percy. "I went to Amanda. I asked her to do this. I'm playing chess here and Counselor Rose was kind enough to assist me though she doesn't know it" continued the half Tellarite. He gave some space between his head and Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii's chest.
Percy looked up into his eyes. "I saw what happened to Lieutenant Mizuhara when she..." Percy paused. He didn't want to bring up his friend. "Doctor Marcus is a tyrant. He tried to control things down on Priapus after I relieved myself, and Amanda did what she could to stop him, but I'm afraid he won't accept that much longer. I wanted her to do it before he tried to relieve me permanently. At least with a medical leave of absence I can choose my own rehabilitation facility and program."
The half-Tellarite gently placed a comforting hand on Yiv's forearm. "I love you more than you can ever imagine Yivliph. I would ask you to come with me, but I can't take you away from your duties here."
'I don't ...' Yiv trailed off, held Percy closer. Smelling his scent brought comfort. The thought of him not being near was unbearable. 'You can't do it here?' he asked, a plaintive tone creeping into his voice.
Percy brushed his hand against Yiv's face. "I could do it here, Yes. The problem with that is everything that transpired during the away mission between Amanda and Doctor Marcus. If I stay here to do it, Doctor Marcus would make it difficult. Amanda would do her best to step up and protect my rights as a patient, but ultimately that stubborn grouch would do something. He'd try to get Amanda transferred. I'm not going to be pawn in their power struggles, and I refuse to be the reason Amanda is off the ship."
He looked at Yiv. "I also have something I need to do off the Ontario. It's important because I love you."
Looking to the floor, then back up to Percy, Yiv took a deep, shuddering breath. 'I love you too,' he said with feeling. 'I don't want you to go.' He trailed off. 'But I understand,' he said finally.
Percy let out a sigh. He did not want to leave Yiv, not one bit. He looked up at the Efrosian. "Yiv," Percy said his voice shaking slightly with his body trembling a bit. "Marry me? I don't have everything figured out...I don't have all the answers and hell, I am leaving to get a ring anyways, but Yivlipth Ra-Gruvlovelii, Commander, lover. Will you please consider my words carefully. Would you marry this mad scientist?"
His heart skipping a beat, Yiv looked at Percy, momentarily lost for words, then nodded. 'Yes. Before you leave, absolutely I will.' His knees began to tremble, knowing that Percy would be the man he'd spend the rest of his life with.
Percy smiled and snorted a happy snort. "You were awfully quick to say yes. I'm a lot to handle you know. Ask Counselor Rose. I'm textbook narcissistic and who knows what else the little diagnostic manual says" quipped Percy. "I think she forgets it's a diagnostic tool at times and just thinks about me when she's lying there restless ar night, takes it out and plays word search to diagnose me. Today I'm a narcissist, tomorrow maybe I'm anxious."
The Chief Science Officer took Yiv's hand "I know Efrosian culture and relationships aren't as simplistic nor monogamous as Humans can be or Tellarites for that matter. I accept your yes, but I'm still going to give you plenty of time to reconsider before we have the planning talk."
Yiv looked at him and snorted, 'Percy I'm quite sure of my decision.' He held his hand, 'I won't need any time to reconsider.'
"Then I'll leave you with time to contemplate what you want for a wedding, find a best man or whatever the Efrosian equivalent is, just don't pick Doctor Marcus" Percy replied making a face at the very mention of the man. "I shall return to the Ontario with your ring, completion of treatment, and become yours as witnessed by the stars."
This was not a decision Percy had taken lightly. He had proposed to Yiv, decided to seek treatment off of the Ontario in hopes of sparing himself and Amanda the ire of Doctor Aaron Marcus, and in that time, Percy would undoubtedly have an adventure. There was a ring to secure for his betrothed.
Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
First Officer
USS Ontario
Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario