Arnica: Manic Panic
Posted on Tue Mar 11th, 2025 @ 4:54am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Amanda Rose
2,772 words; about a 14 minute read
Standing By
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 07 | Counselor's Office
Typically, seeing Counselor Amanda Rose would be something that Lieutenant Percival Bálor would avoid with every once of energy he had. The woman made that purple Tellarite blood of his simmer constantly until it boiled over, and there sometimes volatile interactions had left a bitterness. He may have wanted to avoid having her on what was initially his away team down on Priapus, but when it came down to it the two of them were strangely more aligned than they had ever appeared to be previously. He wanted to find answers down there and bring back the scientists alive, press onward into the cave system while their Chief Medical Officer was resistant at nearly every twist and turn. Amanda seemed to genuinely want to save lives on the planet's surface and though the mission may not have gone the way either of them had hoped for, Percy was appreciative for having an opportunity to see a side of Amanda that he had rarely seen, one where they did not feel like enemies but rather on the same team or at least working towards a common goal. It was so strange and so foreign, but it was right.
They were both officers in Starfleet and each took their duties a certain way. Some would argue that Percy did not take his with the reverence that he should nor the discipline expected of a Starfleet Officer. Nevertheless, he felt as though he did and at the very least he was making improvements of taming his wilder tendencies. Grace had placed him in command of this mission, of the away team portion at least. It had been the plan until Percy relinquished it and had been 'abducted' by Doctor Marcus and pumped full of sedatives for what the cantankerous buffoon would deem For his own damn good and perhaps the Chief Medical Officer had a point. Still, Percy was not fond of how he was handled.
He normally would be seeing LuAnn Lovegood as a patient having previously switched his primary emotional care from Rose to Lovegood for obvious reasons. Conflict. In so many ways. So, when it did come time for him to see a counselor aboard regarding what happened down on Priapus he knew Yiv and others were likely expecting him to go the usual route, the safest route and see LuAnn. Instead, he scheduled himself a session with Amanda because they had a lot to talk about. It was time for him to stop avoiding her. It was arguably long overdue.
Percy arrived with a small jar of a vaguely oatmeal colored substance, creamy looking and beige. He intended to hand it over to Amanda as a gift seeing as flowers in their beautiful form did not tend to go over well with her in the past. "For you," he said politely. He remained calm and tried to keep his tone free of any sort of provocation, just even keeled. "It's just cream. Well, ointment really. I made it with some plants from my lab."
Amanda was more than a little stunned to see that Percy had made an appointment with him. Why not Luna? Percy knew that Amanda had no love lost for the pig after he stole her intended romantic partner and made a mockery of her all over the ship. Therefore, it was no surprise that he did not even think to put her as second in command on the mission. After all, he obviously wanted to insult her even more. Did he not know that she had field experience before? Did he care? Likely not.
So, why schedule an appointment with her? This was not going to be another lame attempt to explain himself, was it? What was the pig's game this time? Whatever it was, she could not figure it out, so she let the appointment stand.
Amanda accepted the proffered gift and looked at it as if it might explode in her hand. Thankfully it did not. She looked back at Percy with a confused look and simply asked, "Why?" The question was open enough that he could answer any of the many questions in her head. Whichever he answered, she could sort out from there.
"Because," prefaced Percy. "You had my back down there, Amanda and no, I know. I won't dare mistake that for you having any sort of fondness of me or belief in me as a leader. I know it was primarily because of who you are as a person but also as a counselor. You weren't taking any of Doctor Marcus' sh....shenanigans," he explained.
He continued as best he could. "You also took care of me down there. Sure, Doctor delightful decided to sedate my ass, but I've read the mission reports to fill in my cognitive gaps. You stayed with me."
The Counselor blinked a few times and sat down. Her posture relaxed considerably as she crossed her legs. A small smile crept up at the corners of her mouth. About time that you recognize what I do here after you sabotaged me so much. "So, thank you for the cream, and you're welcome that I tried to help. Feel free to sit and make yourself comfortable. What exactly does this cream or ointment, as you called it, do?"
"It's good for the skin," he replied with a smile. "It is lavender and arnica. So, it should help with some of those insect bites from Priapus. I don't know about you but they bit me the hell up," he added as he did as she instructed, made himself comfortable and found an ideal place to sit. "You know what happened down there. I figured it would be best that I came to you in order to discuss it."
The Counselor had to admit that she suffered some bites and not all were healed. "Again, thank you. I will see if it helps." However, while appreciative of the cream, she was still suspicious of the pig.
"I do know what happened down there. So does Luna and the Doctor. Based on what you said earlier, I can understand why you would not want to see the Doctor. But why see me, Percy? You've been seeing Luna. It would make sense. You have an established relationship with her. Why me? Why now? I think that I have to know those answers, especially since you're seeking my assistance, which is a far cry from how we started when you first got here."
"Amada, when we first started when I first got here, we had started something called a friendship," Percy asserted. "I think communication failed along the way. You were interested in someone that I was interested in, and ultimately all our emotions together...."
He looked at her and sighed. "All that passion was mixed with vinegar, salt, and self-doubt. We became something I don't think either of us wanted and that boiled over at times. I think it's in everyone's best interest to take that pot of stew off the heat. That's partially why I'm here. That and you do deserve answers. Answers that I can only provide if I'm here with you."
"I'm still very upset with both of you, I should have you know," Amanda responded honestly but calmly. However, the omission of either's name made it easier for her to do so. Why was it that every man that she was ever interested in went to someone else? One simply could not trust them. "But, go ahead. I'm listening."
Percy nodded. Of course she was still upset. "The lead scientist on the Priapus team, Doctor Westfall. He and I knew one another from university. We were roommates for several years and at times..." Percy knew he didn't need to say more, but it was in his best interest that he actually said it. "At times our friendship got very close to crossing over into something entirely more."
"Go on," Amanda encouraged. Why am I not surprised? He practically always acts on impulse, not to mention his narcissism and manipulative nature.
"I thought when I initially took on this mission that I was just naturally concerned with the scientist, but it became personal. When we got down there and it was beginning to look like Doctor Westfall was probably deceased, everything caught up to me. I couldn't be an effective leader."
"Well, that's certainly a good bit of insight. This is why parents and spouses are not permitted to do surgery on one another. There is a loss of objectivity. You should have revealed this prior to the mission, you know?"
"I did,' replied Percy. "I even let Counselor Lovegood know, but I thought I could handle it. It had been several years since I've seen Greg - Doctor Westfall. We were never exactly intimately involved. I felt it would be no different than leading an away mission if Anahera were missing. I was wrong and I realized that when I started having a panic attack. So, I took myself out of the equation."
"You weren't in a relationship with Anahera, though, were you? You've never had intimate desires for Anahera, right?"
"Try as I might, alas no" replied Percy. "I have not been intimate with Anahera. I cannot even say Doctor Westfall and I were anything beyond friends. Yes, I had non platonic feelings for him once upon the stars, kissed him once, but he rebuffed any attempt at that nonsense but the friendship was always there. Nevertheless, I feel like part of me froze down there. I short circuited and shut down, and here I am looking for guidance and help."
"I will help you as much as I can, Percy, but you have to put in the hard work. You understand that, right?"
Percy took a deep breath. I do not have a choice in the matter. I'm at a crossroads with life he thought to himself knowing that the hard work was not a question. "I do which is why I'm here. I think we both know that with what happened down there on Priapus, the panic attack but also what we found that I'm not fit for duty. You have the authority, Counselor, to make that determination and place me on medical leave of absence. I am imploring you to do so."
"I have to say, Percy, this is very unlike you. I appreciate your potential acquiescence in this momentous decision. You do realize, Percy, that between the panic attack, as you call it, and such a declaration, that it could be hurting your future career, right?" Amanda's voice, tone, and eyes softened. Could I really be feeling sorry for him?
Percy's facial expression was that of discomfort with an awkward smile. "Careers are not everything, Counselor. I have something more important to me than my career aboard this starship. He's 6'4" looks good in red and I owe him to be at my best even if that means putting my career on hold and 'hurting' my future because I won't ours."
Amanda did not like hearing about his relationship with Yiv. It was a constant reminder of what Percy had done to interfere and destroy her hopes of a relationship with him. However, she had to agree with his premise. "Well, I have to say, Percy, I'm impressed with this growth, even if it comes with a potentially heavy cost to your career. I hope that we can continue to help you evolve."
She sighed heavily, almost wishing she was not going to say what Percy begged for and what she already knew what must be done. "Very well, Lieutenant Balor, I find that you are currently unfit for duty due to being a potential threat to the ship's crew's safety. You are relieved of duty until a counselor determines that you are able to safely resume your duties." She paused as she made a notation in her log and registered her action. She then looked straight into Percy's face and sympathetically told him, "I am sorry."
"I know, Amanda," Percy replied softly. "I believe that according to Starfleet regulations, an officer placed on medical leave has the authority to select their rehabilitation facility," he added with a bit of an upbeat tone. "Thank you, Counselor. It was important to me that you did this, but I am afraid I'm not done with asking of favors."
"Of course not," she answered Percy wryly. "What do you have in mind?"
He reached over and placed his hand atop of hers, "Soon, I'm going to propose to Yiv. I do not know what he's going to say, but if he does say yes, I want you to think about think. Be my Best man? Well, woman I suppose."
"ME?!" Amanda exclaimed as she leapt from her chair. "A panic attack is one thing. Relieving you from duty is another. But this?! I want to know exactly everything that you did outside of my presence because it is very apparent that you have completely lost your senses! If I did not want to yank out every follicle of hair on the Doctor's head, I would be taking you right now for an examination!"
"Mull it over, you've got time," Percy replied and stood to match her as she had practically leapt out if her skin. "What I did? Reflected. There is no reason for us to continue this endless conflict over hurt feelings and a man. I'm sorry for everything that hurt you, Amanda for words spoken and actions taken. You don't need to give me an answer now, and even if when you do that answer is no... I won't take it personally. This is a lot to ask, but I hope you find it. What you are looking for out here among the stars."
The Counselor's eyes widened and her face went black for just a moment as she quickly tried to analyze the situation. Should I even answer that question? I don't owe the pig anything. He steals MY man and then asks me this?! Even so, what is it that I'm looking for? Love? Well, that's true, but I can't tell HIM that. Respect? Also true, but he took that away and damn all those Betazoid counselors who just have an unfair advantage. I work my ass off in the most classic way to help people. And yes, I want to help people because I want this universe to be a more understanding place. Oh, for the love of God! I can't tell him that because then he'll say, "See, Amanda, this is why you should be my best man, er, woman." GAH! I hate when he does this to me! Am I trapped?
"What does it matter, Percy? At the end of the day, my duty as a counselor is to help you get well and that answer won't help one way or the other." She sighed, before asking, "Why in the world would you want me, anyways? It doesn't make sense. Are you trying to flaunt 'winning'? I don't get that sense this time from you, but I'm certain you can understand why I would come up with that question."
Percy nodded. "I do. I understand why you would come up with that question. Why does it matter?" He echoed her initial question. Looking directly at her he gave a simple answer. "Because you matter" and he proceeded to head towards the doorway before halting with some parting advice. "You're a damn good counselor, don't ever doubt that, but remember that you can try to help all the people you come across and forget the most important patient is the one you look at every morning in the mirror."
Damn him! Damn him! Damn him! He's being all likeable! I don't want to like him! You know you can't trust him further than you can throw him, Amanda! "It still doesn't answer my question. 'Why in the world would you want me to be your best woman?'"
Percy chuckled on his way out. "You're the right person for it. You just don't know it yet," added the half-Tellarite before he finally exited. He knew what he had said to her would leave her up all night.
Watching the partial pig leave, Amanda vowed to herself, One of these days, just one of these days, I'm going to make bacon out of that pig!
Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario
Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario