All Together Now
Posted on Tue Mar 11th, 2025 @ 2:27am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus & Lieutenant Zero & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Petty Officer 3rd Class T'Rala H'Zelar
1,797 words; about a 9 minute read
Standing By
Location: Shuttle on Priapus, Ontario Bridge
Timeline: Seven Hours Later
It was seven hours later when Grace returned to the bridge. She'd slept, but not well, and hopefully it was time to get the away team back. Or at least get answers. So far, there were far too few of those.
She walked onto the bridge and paused at the back to watch those currently on duty monitor the system for a few moments before speaking. "Report."
Yiv, tired from having slept only fitfully, swiveled around in the XO's chair. 'The storm is finally abating,' he said quietly. 'Should be able to make out the party in a few minutes again.' His voice was strained with hope and foreboding.
"Good. As soon as we get the away team back, I'll contact Starfleet." Grace hoped all would be well, but she had to be prepared for anything. At least they would have answers soon.
She then turned to the ops station. "Open a comm channel to the away team as soon as we have a clear signal."
Zero tapped onto the ops console and opened a channel. "Channel open." He said just before picking up a PADD. He walked down to the command area and stood there for a moment, before holding out the PADD. "Since you were last on the bridge I devised a few methods we can use in order to retrieve the away team should their shuttle not make it passed the threshold of the planet."
The PADD was very detailed. One method had them firing a torpedo with a compound he pieced together from a species the Borg assimilated that had similar atmospheric problems. The issue with the method was the length of time they had to pull them out was short, so timing had to be precise. Another method had them convert three probes with transporter enhancers that linked the beam from the Ontario to the Away team using the probes as a piggyback system. This method was another that required timing and energy, but the math behind it seemed sound. The last method was a bit more drastic. Flying the ship into a layer of the atmosphere and beaming the shuttle itself, along with all its occupants, into the shuttle bay. This method would be risky because the shields would need to be lowered and they would have to work against the pull of the planet's gravity which might cause mild damage.
"Of the many methods I pieced together, these are the ones that were the most promising. Should you require them, please advise me." Zero added matter of factly as he stood there in front of them.
Grace looked it over and nodded. "This is well thought-out. Thank you. If we don't need them now, I'd like them stored in the computer so they are available to use later."
LuAnn didn't sleep. Between the thumping outside and the music, she couldn't relax. In truth, it was mostly the music as she trusted that the hull and shields would be enough protection. But if the music helped the others feel calmer, it was worth it. Once they were back on board, she'd sleep for a solid eight hours.
When the sun began to rise outside, she stretched. Now, hopefully, they could get off the planet. "How is the storm?" she asked the others in general.
Amanda, surprisingly fell asleep after a couple of hours of the pounding. Knowing that they could not get in, was a comfort to her and she figured she must have been exhausted from the Doctor's shenanigans and Percy's testing. Her hair was a bit out of sorts, but she did not notice. "Is it morning already?" she asked everyone.
Aaron had been awake for roughly two hours already. However, he feigned sleep. Hours ago, while everyone slept he took a couple of his pills to stave off the pain in his leg. Fact was after the events of yesterday he was fairly sure he would be looking into a transfer away from the insanity that was this crew. Aaron was of the opinion that the only sane and competent person was the Captain. Until they were safely back aboard the Ontario Aaron was resolved to do pretty much nothing unless someone was injured or dying. After all an oath was an oath.
Over time Anahera had taught her body to rely on short naps, as such she was awake for most of the night in the pilot's chair. She'd noticed the Doc feigning sleep and LuAnn inability to sleep. Amanda had surprised her. It hadn't taken much time for her fellow redhead to fall asleep.
"Who wants breakfast?" She asked.
Amanda asked, "Can we just get back to the ship now? We could have breakfast there."
"How soon can we launch?" LuAnn asked Anahera.
Then LuAnn turned to Percy. "Do you want to contact the ship?" She looked at him for a moment. "Never mind. I'll do that."
She sat down at the nearest console and opened a comm channel. "Away team to Ontario."
On the ship, Grace sat up straighter. She signaled for ops to answer. "This is Ontario. What is your status?"
"This is LuAnn. The away team is fine. However, we found one scientist alive. The planet has a number of large predators. We'll be returning to the ship shortly."
"I look forward to your report when you return. Ontario out."
Grace turned to Yiv. "I'd like you to meet them in the shuttle bay."
'I'll make my way down,' Yiv replied softly, and eagerly. Getting to his feet, he set off at a quick trot to the turbolift, eager to greet them.
At the shuttle's controls. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Pilot speaking, please fasten your seatbelts and return your trays to the upright position. We will be taking off shortly, thank you."
As she spoke her fingers moved quickly and precisely though the pre-flight checks.
"Oh, thank goodness," LuAnn thought. It had been a very long trip and she wanted to get back to the ship, take a hot bath, and go sit by some flowers. Then she would have a talk with Percy.
Percy wanted to be back aboard the Ontario, see Yiv again, possibly meet with Grace when he could. He had some personal matters to get in orders and then several professional matters that needed addressing.
"I hope everyone's comfy, because we're go for launch." Anahera said and initiated the launch engines and the shuttle began to climb. She knew she was mixing jargon, but she didn't care, she was just glad to be leaving this paradise of death.
Amanda buckled herself in and told Percy, loudly enough so the Doctor could hear, "All your tests seem to indicate that you could resume duty. I'll just want to confirm everything on the ship once we get back." In the Counselor's opinion, she could not get back quickly enough. Everyone on this shuttle was driving her crazy in one form or another.
Percy echoed Amanda's audibly notable tone. "Oh really? I would have never thought. It's as if you dedicated yourself for this sort of work professionally." Perhaps Doctor Marcus would get the message.
Finally, the ship came into view. LuAnn, still technically in charge, contacted the ship and asked for permission to dock. The answer came immediately. "Anahera, we have permission to land. Commander Ra-Gruvloveii will meet us."
"Understood, Lieutenant." Anahera said and began to manoeuvre the shuttle into the Shuttle Bay.
Moments later the Shuttle was on deck and Anahera was powering down its systems. "We're home. You may disembark when ready, thank you for flying Chernova Airlines."
Aaron who had been asleep basically this whole time. Well in truth he was in and out of sleep however, when he was awake he feigned sleep. It was better than having to engage with the pig and the thorn. However, when Chernova mentioned that they were down safe. He stood, grabbed his bag and cane and made his way for the door. "Commander Chernova thank you for the safe and restful flight. I hope you do not take offense to the statement that I hope we never do this again." He left the shuttle and found the executive officer standing there. "Commander mustache man I will see you next time." He made his way from the shuttle bay as quickly as his bad leg would allow him. All Aaron wanted was a sonic shower and the absolute silence of his quarters.
Thinking a moment he should rebuke the man, Yiv watched him stalk off, and simply nodded, 'you can consider yourself dismissed, Doctor.'
The Executive Officer turned to the rest of the shuttle complement, wanting to see what shape they were in.
Anahera stayed aboard the shuttle in order to assess the damage. She let T'Rala accompany Doctor Khan out of the shuttle.
LuAnn left before Percy and Anahera. That would allow Percy and Yiv some privacy and Annora would be a while. "Hello, Commander. We're physically well, but that was not the outcome we hoped for. I'll write up a report later. Right now, may I go to my quarters? I would love a shower and some sleep."
Looking at her sympathetically, he nodded. 'You should all get some rest - get some medical attention where it's needed too. Consider yourselves dismissed.' He watched them go. 'Light duties for the foreseeable as well,' he called out as an afterthought.
Percy hobbled out of the shuttle and hurried his pace towards the First Officer of the USS Ontario. That Efrosian was the one reason, arguably the only reason he was back aboard the Ontario in one piece. He wrapped his arms around Yiv's waist. "I've missed your steely gaze and that fuzzy face" commented Percy. "It's good to be home," he added.
Yiv closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Percy, 'it's good to have you home,' he said quietly, voice breaking slightly. He pulled back, took his face in his hands and smiled a little tearfully. 'No away missions for a while. Let's get you back aboard and comfortable.'
"Food and a comfortable bed," quipped Percy. "I do enjoy comfort even if I enjoy digging into dirty and planting flowers. It's much better than leaving the Ontario" sighed Percy.
Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Ontario
PO3 T'Rala H'Zelar
USS Ontario
Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
First Officer
USS Ontario
Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus
Chief Medical Officer
USS Ontario
Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario
Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario
Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario
Commander Grace Vetur
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario
Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood
USS Ontario