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Just how I want to start my morning

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2021 @ 10:57am by Lieutenant Bardan Dunne M.D. & Petty Officer 3rd Class Pim

670 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Into the Unknown
Location: Sickbay

=/= Begin Log =/=

...this was exactly what Pim wanted to do in the morning before her shift, go down to medical and get the inane physical over with. {Are we not adults, can we not determine when we need medical attention,} Pim thought as she strolled into the infirmary.

"Need a doctor, physical," Pim said simply sounding bored.

Before the start of a shift, there was a turnover; the time when the medical team from the night shift informed the incoming shift about what had passed during the night, usually amid a flurry of yawns and jokes that could probably only be understood by other doctors and nurses. There was an easy camaraderie already that Bardan appreciated and understood. Sickbay was an island floating in a sea of Starfleet personnel. While they spoke, the facility's Head Nurse, Diesch, stuck her head out, brown eyes taking in the individual before her in a sort of first-pass assessment. "Take a seat on a biobed," she said. "Someone will be with you shortly."

{So, I have to wait while you chat,} Pim thought with a sigh and roll of her eyes as she went and sat on a biobed.

Diesch, who was no stranger to recalcitrant patients, made sure that the examination area was ready and then headed back to inform the doctors of the petty officer's arrival. She left out her assessment of body language though she made a mental note.

Bardan, having released Gamma Shift, shrugged on a lab coat and headed over to where the petty officer waited, accepted a tricorder from Diesch as he did so. "I'm Doctor Dunne," he said as he offered a polite smile. "And you are?"

"Petty officer Pim," Pim said simply her face not changing, it was nothing against them personally Pim just wasn't a people person.

"Let me guess," Bardan said as he extracted the wand from the side of the tricorder, "rather be cleaning the hull with your tongue than getting a physical?"

"No, I I...," Pim started but stopped, "...I just have a lot of work to do, and well this isn't helping getting it done," Pim said again with no emotion.

"And you're the type that likes to get in early," he asked as he ran the tricorder up and down the length of her body. The tricorder picked up heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and temperature, all within normal limits. "Get a jump on things?"

"...sure something like that," Pim muttered, {maybe I should have asked for the EMH, hell it would have at least been less talking,} Pim said realizing how boring she found people.

"Sleeping alright," he asked as he logged the readings into her file.

"Yes," Pim said she also found that question weird, for her she always slept well, the normal everyday things that people worried about for whatever reason never really bothered her, so she slept well every night.

"Any unusual pains or suspicious rashes," he asked as he made a second pass with the wand and checked the results.

"None," Pim said as she shook her head, hoping that this was almost over, again just finding this whole thing tedious.

"Okay, everything checks out," Bardan said as he logged the results. "You are free to go."

And with that Pim slid off of the biobed, and doing an odd thing, well an odd thing for her. She gave the doctor a simple nod before leaving.

Bardan nodded back and watched her leave with a thoughtful expression on his face. One of the first things he learned back when he was first dealing with patients was that they weren't always going to be nice about it and it didn't matter. He was still her doctor and he'd give her the best care that he could, same as with all the other members of the crew. "Okay," he said turning toward Dietsch. "Who's next?"


A Post By:

Lieutenant Bardan Dunne, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Ontario


P03 Pim
Encryption Specialist
USS Ontario



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