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A First Look (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Mar 4th, 2021 @ 6:23pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii

1,116 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road


Grace spent a good deal of the twenty minutes it took her to gather what she'd need wondering what to wear. She didn't want to stand out, and she didn't want to give the wrong impression. What the wrong impression was varied from place to place and they had very little information on what they might encounter.

She settled for dark blue slacks and a cream-colored blouse with faint gold threads woven in. As requested, she wore no jewelry, except for a simple pair of stud earrings. After stopping by sickbay to get injected with a tracker, she headed for the shuttle bay to meet with the others.

Upon arriving at her quarters, Amanda rushed to her closet and started rifling through her clothing. I need to wear something casual but not too revealing, yet something that will catch an eye. She thought of Yiv and smiled. I wish I knew what he liked. She looked at herself in the mirror as she stripped off her duty uniform. Audibly she criticized her appearance. "Yuck. Now I know how Tinkerbell felt when she looked at herself. Too much in the hips. Maybe I could work out some?" She shook her head, mentally reminding herself that she needed to get dressed.

Eventually, Amanda settled on a burgundy colored, off the shoulder top with autumn leaves print on it and a long, black A-line skirt. She completed the outfit with some burgundy pumps. She looked at herself again in the mirror and said, "Not bad." With that, she left her quarters and headed to the shuttle bay.

Anahera arrived in her quarters, discarding her uniform and dressed in what could be termed smuggler chic. A brown, padded, leather vest over a purple blouse, dark blue slacks and leather knee-high boots. Around her waist she wore a leather belt with a holster containing an old style Klingon disruptor pistol. She also had other weapons concealed about her person. She looked in the mirror, briefly remembering her time before Starfleet. The nostalgia was tweaked with both excitement and sorrow.

Ready, she made her way down to the shuttle bay, stopping by Sickbay to get her injection.

Having called in with the Medical Staff to get his tracker injected, Yiv arrived in the shuttle bay. By now he was sporting a rust-coloured arran pattern jumper and a pair of green, hard-wearing trousers to go with his boots. Though they were understated enough, they were made of fine material and he felt comfortable in them. Thrown over the top was a coat cut in the style of the old Starfleet excursion jackets, in black. He brightened as he saw the others and waved.

'Nice day for a stroll it seems!'

"So it seems," Amanda replied shyly. "I assume that someone from medical is going to come here and give us our trackers." She hoped that would help her focus on work rather than whatever her emotions regarding Yiv were.

'I suppose if you haven't called in they'll be down momentarily,' replied Yiv warmly as he put his hands in his pockets. 'I like the pattern on your top,' he said casually, 'leaves make great prints.' It felt odd to the Efrosian not to have a tricorder hanging off his waist, and he tried to ignore the oddness, 'I wonder what the station's like?'

Flushing, Amanda thought, He noticed! I can't believe that he actually noticed! But why did he put his hands in his pockets? He's just being nice, I guess. You're being foolish again, aren't you? He just thinks you're a good officer and is being complimentary. There couldn't be anything more, could there? "Thank you for the compliment, Yiv. You seem rather prepared and comfortable. Perhaps I should have chosen something more practical, like you?" she continued, expressing her own doubts.

'This stuff? I just layered up in case it was cold over there. I hate being cold,' he said with conviction, 'can't stand it.' Yiv gave her a quick once over, 'your outfit is fine, don't worry about it. It's civilian, it blends in. The Station is huge, and we don't know the scope and range of employment there. Not everyone needs to dress like a fisherman as I have,' he chuckled. 'Frankly, if we're going to be running about, something's gone wrong.'

Grace stepped off the shuttle. "Hi. We're about ready to go. Have you had your injection?"

Amanda blinked a few times at Yiv, ingesting all of the new information about him. "Do we have a plan about how we're going to mingle?"

Once Grace stepped up, Amanda replied, "No. I haven't. I was not sure if medical was meeting us here. I suppose that I should leave and come back?" she asked uncertainly.

"It's okay. I'll ask if someone can come down here, in case anyone else needs a shot, too," Grace said. She tapped her combadge and quickly made the arrangement.

"While we wait on the medic, I suggest we come up with brief cover IDs and backgrounds." Anahera said this not being her first rodeo.

"Ooh!" Amanda said remembering her experiences on the Avenger. "That's true. Hm. But they should not be overly complicated or you will forget them. Keep it simple. She looked over at Yiv and while she might have liked to play a honeymooning couple, he looked much too different from him. "Hm. I think my name should be Mindy...Mindy Thorn and I'm here why...." She put her right index finger to her chin while she thought out loud.

'How about ... you work for a major corporation looking to push into the region and you're here to scout out likely locations for an HQ?' suggested Yiv while they waited for the Medical Crew to arrive. He looked down at his own feet as he thought, the better to not be distracted by his surroundings. 'I'm a freighter hand stopping by to see the sight before we carry on our way, it seems.'

"Yiv, you can work for me, I'm freighter captain/smuggler, Marisa Fairbourne." Anahera said.

'Sure Commander, I'd be happy to,' replied Yiv. 'I suppose as a freighter hand I'm in on the side hustle?' The Efrosian was rapidly warming to the idea of being a ne'er-do-well. 'All that danger, that cloak and dagger, quite exciting don't you think? What's the name of the ship?' That was a more relevant question, he thought.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive officer

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Amber Rose
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer


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