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Sweet & Sour

Posted on Thu Apr 22nd, 2021 @ 11:52pm by Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

1,214 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 08 | The Maple Leaf - Main Lounge

It was practically bewildering that in his time aboard the starship Ontario, Percy had avoided the crew's main lounge which had undergone some changes itself, keeping up with modern times. The starship itself was over sixties years old. Percy was unsure what to expect when he rounded the corner and headed down the corridor, but he was off duty and looking to relax. He was not due back on duty for some time, and he head heard murmuring that the bar in the lounge had a decent stockpile.

When the doors parted, Lieutenant Percival Balor found himself walking into a rather spacious yet cozy lounge with some wood paneling, several chairs, and a small sofa here and there, a bar with a few stools along the frontside of it. The lounge itself had the proper illumination that was just bright enough to make out the shape of people and softly show their features, but still dim enough to have a nice romantic ambiance to it.

There were model sailing ships as part of the decore, and behind the bar was a large red maple leaf. "New faces are easy to recognize," said the bartender. "Welcome to the Maple Leaf Lounge, lieutenant. Can I get you something to drink? Synthale?"

Percy waved dismissively. "No, no, not tonight." The half Tellarite smiled and brushed his bangs aside and had a better look at the barkeep. "I have a while until I have to be back on duty. What do you have special? Anything that makes this place really stand out?"

The bartender chuckled and took an old cobbler-style glassware out and started to make quick work of giving Percy something special. "One cinnamon maple whiskey sour coming up, lieutenant." Soon the cobbler glass which had some ice in it was then being filled with an amber colored liquid after the bartender mixed ingredients into a shaker. "Bottoms up, lieutenant."

Lieutenant Balor was used to whiskey sours, but this one was different. It had a nice punch to it, bitter and sweet rotated around in his mouth, and burn in the back of his throat was soothing in its own unique way. The doorway to the lounge parted, and the light from the brighter outside corridor shone in momentarily as another officer walked in, an Efrosian.

It had been another long shift for Yiv as he integrated the new arrivals that had boarded after the end of the Ontario's last tour. He was looking forward to a nice drink, synthehol or not. The Efrosian scanned the crowd for a familiar face, eager to keep his new leaf turned, but finding none headed for the bar.

Signalling the bartender he was quickly served with a synthehol beer, and it started going down a treat.

Percy noticed the Efrosian has taken a seat near him at the bar. "Come here often, lieutenant?" asked the half Tellarite science officer with a tone of intrigue. "This was my first time coming in here. I was expecting some run-of-the-mill watering hole, but this is a pleasant little surprise you Ontarians have here."

'Not as often as I'd like,' replied Yiv with a small smile. 'My first tour aboard was ... difficult, and I didn't socialise much.' He smiled as the man enthused about the Lounge, 'the Captain did feel the crew should have somewhere comfortable to gather. And let's face it, and Ambassador-class vessel may be old, but they have the space for luxury.' The Intelligence Officer held out a hand, 'Lieutenant Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii, Chief Intelligence Officer.'

"They don't make them like this anymore," Percy said nodding about the observation on space a d luxury. "Not since the Dominion War at least. Design changes after Wolf 359 and straight on through the war brought about sleeker designs, and everything was more tactically oriented, comfort took a back seat," noted Percival.

The half Tellarite took a look around. "My only complaint is the lighting. It's nice and all, if you have perfect vision, but it's a gambit for the two of us with this dim lighting, meandering tables and chairs."

Yiv laughed, 'Yes, well. It's less harsh on my eyes than bright light, so I don't mind.' He looked about the lounge, 'if I'm careful, there shouldn't be too many accidents. And I couldn't miss such a lively space. It's invigorating, don't you think?'

Percy snorted and nodded. "Hopefully they don't send the two of us anywhere too dark or too bright, otherwise it will be the blind leading the blind," teased the science officer. "Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii, now that's a mouthful. What's that Italian or something?" Percy added in jest. He knew the man was Efrosian. There was no mistaking that once you had a good look.

'An obscure dialect of Italian, yes,' replied Yiv with a grin. He liked this new member of the crew. They were refreshingly carefree in their manner. 'But if it's easier you can call me Yiv. And I should call you?'

"Mmmm," the Tellarite began. "Percival is formal, but you can call me Percy." The Chief Science Officer took another sip from his drink. "Intelligence sounds interesting, working with a bunch of data and star charts."

'It's not just number crunching,' Yiv laughed, 'there's signals data, updates on political developments on worlds of relevance. You'd be surprised at the amount of information Ferengi accidentally pass on while they're bragging too, Percy.' He nodded, 'I like that name, short and sweet.'

"Short, but sweet is debatable," he replied with his best charming smile. "Ferengi. Now that's a species that knows how to have fun," added Percival. "Politics happen to interest me a little."

'Politics is interesting in a professional capacity,' Yiv replied with a smile, 'but in my downtime I enjoy steering clear of it. Ferengi on the other hand are a hoot, professionally and personally. You're never far from the action when there's a Ferengi around.'

"That's for sure," Percy replied finishing off his drink. "I had better cut myself off early before I get too foolish," he added, knowing his limitations and how excessive he could be. "Yiv, I'll be seeing ya 'round, and if you ever need someone to hang out with," Percy added, reaching for a PaDD and handing it to the Chief intelligence Officer.

"My assigned quarters," explained Percy. "I still haven't properly unpacked. Looks like I'm living in a cargo bay currently. Though I'm sure you'd know where my quarters are anyways...intelligence and all that jazz."

'Thankyou,' replied Yiv as he took the PADD and waggled it. 'I'll be sure to look you up. In the meantime I hope you have success unpacking your belongings and getting settled in.'

Percy snorted. "Thank you," he added shaking his head. "It is a task,that's for sure," the half-Tellarite noted before he disembarked. He was begining to socialize with the crew. Perhaps things would not be so bad on the starship Ontario.

Smiling at the receding half-Tellarite, Yiv reflected that the Percy would be a breath of fresh air to serve with. He returned to his drink, and smiled at a passing crewmember.

Lieutenant Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario


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