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Something Science This Way Comes

Posted on Sun Apr 25th, 2021 @ 8:27pm by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Commander Grace Vetur

951 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 07 | Science Laboratory

Grace liked science: there was always something going on. Having a new chief on board gave her the opportunity to see what they were up to at the moment.

Percival was still settling in aboard the living museum, the starship Ontario. Refurbished and upgraded as she was, the old Ambassador class still had that charm about her, a dignified lady. The Ontario was certainly the largest starship that the half-Tellarite had served on thus far. It was not lacking in the amenities nor space department, there was plenty of room, plenty of places to science!

He hated to use the expression 'hog heaven,' but he was piggish in his nasal structure due to his heritage, and the Ambassador class starship's laboratories? Yes, he was in a piece of his own heaven.

Percy was mucking around in one of the laboratories with a plant, disrupting some soil in order to give the plant a larger home than to pot he had acquired it in, when he caught the whiff of a feminine scent. It was distinctly feminine, not his 'brand' that he used to mask his earthly Tellarite musk.

Turning around, he promptly saw a woman standing there in uniform. He had not properly met the woman yet, but he instantly recognized her as Ontario's Executive Officer. "Commander," he said wiping his hands off on a lab coat that had been wearing. "What brings you down to my home away from the bridge?" He was both genuinely pleased and surprised to see her.

"Meeting the new arrivals," Grace said. "I see you're settling in." She smiled as she looked around.

Percy nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I am," he replied with a reaffirming snort of glee. "Ambassador class starship and science officers get along well. There's plenty of room for us to muck around and both primary and auxiliary laboratories on two different decks. I guess you can say that I am a bit eager to dig my hands in."

"Good. Science is a vital part of exploration," Grace said. "So, if I may ask, what is your field of expertise?"

"Biochemistry, ma'am" Percival replied, standing erect and clasping his hands behind his back proudly. He could go on about his education for hours. He was proud of it. "I did my undergraduate and graduate studies at Dartmouth on Earth, a Bachelors in Biological Chemistry with a minor in Classical Literature. Afterwhich, I did a Masters to Ph.D. program in Biochemistry, but I have a knack for plant biochemistry in particular."

He smiled at the First Officer. "I have always been fascinated and curious about how things work, ma'am, not just parts and pieces of machinery and technology, but you and I. How do we work, and why do we work the way that we do?"

"Yes. I do, too. I've been a counselor and a diplomat. Both rely heavily on understanding people and what makes them the way they are. You never really understand everything about people."

The half Tellarite nodded. "People are one of the greatest mysteries, Commander," Percy replied. "A plant will tell you what it is, and a machine you can look how it works, but a person can feel and conceal. It's harder to determine how they tick psychologically, fortunately I'm more interested in biologically and chemically,though those aren't entirely exclusive from your area of work."

She smiled. "I will give you the biology and chemistry. I'm far more interested in the culture and psyche."

"Then I dare say, Commander, we will complement one another nicely," Percival said with a snort of charm. "If I need someone's brain picked apart and an understanding of their cultural background, I'll come to you."

"And I will come to you for the rest," she said, smiling. "Another of the reasons I came here was to see if there's anything you need from me or command."

"This lab," he replied, turning to grab a PaDD where he had begun drafting a proposal. He handed it to the First Officer. "I'd like to make it a botanical and horticultural lab with your permission. I feel as though I can improve on some plants that would be beneficial to Federation colonies in far sectors."

It was a good idea. She looked over the PADD and nodded. "It looks good to me. I'll talk to the Captain and see what he thinks. Barring any problems, you should be able to start ordering supplies in a few days." With the opportunities they had out here, this lab could be quite useful.

"Thank you," Percy replied. "If you don't mind, Commander, I would like to start settling in and getting a bit of a headstart with the supplies I've brought with me. If the Captain decides against moving forward, I'll revert the lab back to something else."

She nodded. "I don't see why not. Is there anything else you need, or any other changes you want to make?"

Percy contemplated for a moment. "Not yet, Commander, not just yet. I still need to get a feel of the ship and my science officers and support personnel," the half Tellarite said. "Give me a week or two and I may have some things for you, but for now, I want to feel it out."

She nodded. "Understood. My door is always open. Let me know once you get settled in." Grace smiled. "Until then, I'll let you get back to settling in. It was nice to meet you, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, Commander," replied Percival Bálor. The Chief Science Officer was looking forward to getting settled in aboard the starship Ontario. This was going to be an important posting for Percy. He could just feel it.


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