
Away Team In Flight

Posted on Fri Aug 23rd, 2024 @ 12:22pm by Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Petty Officer 3rd Class T'Rala H'Zelar
Edited on on Fri Sep 6th, 2024 @ 9:19am

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Standing By


The call from the Lady in Charge actually woke Aaron up. He washed up and donned a fresh uniform, being sure to move at his own pace. This mission was a load of what is usually in a baby’s diaper. When he was finished he grabbed his cane, shouldered a med kit, and holstered a medical tricorder. Moments later he hobbled his way into the shuttle bay."

When the call came, Anahera finished collecting her gear. She placed a couple of extra power backs in the convenient pockets of her jungle uniform. A type-2 phaser clipped to her belt, along with a tricorder, a combat knife strapped to her leg, and a modified type-3 phaser rifle in her hand, the Security Chief headed for the shuttle bay.

Percy was already in the shuttle bay going over every last minute thing he could. He was as ready as he could be for the mission ahead. Trying his best not to cast any doubt upon himself, though internally he was struggling. He would have felt more at ease with Grace or Yiv leading this away team, but it was now or never for him. If he truly wanted to climb ranks and achieve a Second Officer position, Percy needed to notch a few knots in his belt towards command experience.

Doctor Marcus and Lieutenant Commander Chernova entered closely together. "It's giving me Rambo," Percy said looking at Chernova with a smirk. The jungle attire was apropos for Priapus.

"Doc," Percy said with a nod, acknowledging the man. He was certain the Chief Medical Officer would have preferred to be anywhere other than an away team. "I grabbed a few medicinal plants from my lab just in case."

LuAnn arrived just then, dressed in a regulation jumpsuit and jungle boots that were more suitable for the terrain. She also had a cross pack with what she hoped would be the right equipment. She had an herbal spray that should protect her from most mosquito-like insects. She could share it if necessary, but she expected the doctor to be well supplied, if not well-mannered. "Hello," she said cheerfully.

T'Rala entered the Shuttle Bay. She was dressed in the jungle variant of the Security uniform and carrying a type-3 phaser rifle. A smile crossed her beautiful, green features.

Amanda was beaming from head to toe as she entered the shuttle bay. In a sing song voice, she made sure to greet Percy, "Counselor Rose reporting for duty, Lieutenant Balor." She beamed at him with an almost too cheery grin.

Then seeing Dr. Marcus, she turned and said, "So glad you could join us. I'm sure that we will have a great deal to contribute on this jaunt."

Aaron sat with his gear on the floor between his legs. He found it interesting how everyone was out of uniform save for him. He chose to only acknowledge Percival and even then it was with a slight nod, and only because he was in command and it was expected of Aaron. That is until Thorny spoke. She was greeted with the deepest of eye rolls that Aaron could muster. In fact, after the eye roll he closed his eyes and drifted off.

LuAnn had always been a bit of a non-conformist. But on this team, it looked like she was going to be less extreme--for lack of a better word--than the rest of the team. She didn't like it. But she was going to enjoy watching how the others interacted. If the briefing was anything to go by, this was going to be entertaining. At least from a psychological perspective. She was concerned about the scientists and what they might find once they got on the ground.

She stowed her pack and sat in the first available seat and watched the others get settled.

Anahera slipped into the pilot's seat. "This is your pilot speaking, please stow your gear, fasten your seat belts, and return your tray table to the upright position, thank you." She said. "We know you have a choice, so thank you for choosing Chernova Air Lines."

"Excellent," LuAnn said. "At least we'll get to the planet in one piece. Mr. Bálor, captain, your pilot awaits."

"Doctor," Percy replied. "I'm not fond of Mister" he added. Does that make me a narcissist pondered Percy. In Amanda's opinion, probably.

Amanda smiled at the Commander's humor. She just smiled over at the Doctor, closed her eyes, and patiently waited for the trip to be completed.

LuAnn watched as the shuttle left the ship and headed down to the planet. Planets always looked beautiful from space and this, with its lush vegetation, was especially colorful.

Percy had been uncharacteristically quiet especially with a choir of voices in the shuttle that went along with faces he was not the fondest of. They were however necessary for this mission whether they wanted to be here or not. "Commander Chernova, set us down the coordinates I'm sending to your console" Percy said tapping away at the console in front of him.

He had scanned the surface to best of his ability, examining the topography. Percy found a clearing not far from the base camp of the expedition.

"Aye, sir." Anahera said. Her fingers played over the console. Responding to her commands, there was a soft hum of the engines, as the craft turned towards its new destination.

Percy stood from his seat and went to prepare for the landing. "We're touching down about two miles from base camp" stated Percy. "LuAnn, go check on the Doctor. Make sure he hasn't dozed off," added Percy having watched Marcus head back to the aft compartments.

LuAnn raised an eyebrow. She wasn't so sure she wanted to be the one to check on him as he was probably sleeping. Amanda would be a far better choice, but she nodded.

She knew where he went, so she paused outside the compartment and knocked on the door. "Time to rise and shine, doctor."

Amanda interrupted LuAnn at the door with a sharp glance. She shook her head at LuAnn and put a finger to her lips in a hush manner. She then mouthed at LuAnn, "When we land, I will take care of it."

LuAnn shrugged. "Sure. I was just doing what Lieutenant Bálor asked. I'll gladly leave it to you." She beat a hasty retreat. Amanda was welcome to deal with the doctor.

Aaron never slept heavy no matter where he was, so he heard what both women had said. He was about to give few choice words for LuAnn when Amanda saved him from doing so. Aaron continued his not caring rest and decided he would not move until this bucket of bolts landed. Perhaps not even then.


Lieutenant Percy Bálor
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Aaron Marcus
Chief Medical Officer

Petty Officer 3rd Class T'Rala H'Zelar
Security Officer

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant JG LuAnn Lovegood



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