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The Dilemma (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 @ 8:34am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Zero & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone
Edited on on Thu Jan 6th, 2022 @ 8:06am

1,269 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Out of Time


"Then tell us your opinion on how both crews will react to being told they're stuck in the future," Grace said to Amanda. "And how you think we should approach both captains."


"It will be difficult for both crews. Losing everyone to the past is difficult to accept. Starting relationships from scratch and adjusting to new technology and ideas is never easy. However, the Federation crew will be much better prepared for it. There is a strong ideology that will allow them to adjust with time and counseling. The Romulans, however, will be more problematic. They come from a time when they were at war with the Federation. Deviousness was reputed to be in their nature. I would suspect that if we outright tell them that they are stuck here that they will reject that hypothesis. Reactions could range from them attacking us to merely trying to get back to the past to fulfill their mission. On a greater extreme, they may see their duty to take out as many Federation souls as possible and self-destruct. I think that would be the least likely reaction but I do not completely rule it out."

The Counselor continued, "Approaching the Federation Captain should not be too difficult. As long as we are sympathetic, the Captain should be understanding, if not disappointed. The Romulan Captain.... Well, I do not know her, so it is more difficult to judge. However, I would be prepared for trickery. Approaching her alone would be a mistake. Preferably, if we could invite her here, it may discomfort her and make it less likely to be able to scheme."

At that moment, the doors of the conference room swished open and a very tired looking Haruna shuffled in. She was covered in all sorts of dirt and grease, obviously from the old Constitution Class which she had spent most of her time leading repairs.

She hesitated and looked around. Smiling nervously, she looked towards the Captain and XO. "Erm... sorry. I kinda missed the start of this, but the Resolute's engines are now purring like a well-fed tribble, oh and I took a nap. Naps are good"

"Naps are very good," Grace said, trying not to smile. "Please, take a seat."

the first officer turned back to Amanda. "Thank you for your analysis." She looked around. "Anyone else wish to voice an opinion?"

Amanda shook her head at Haruna and gave her a look that indicated that the two of them were to have another chat rather soon.

"When we speak to the Captains, I'd like to volunteer to speak with the Romulan, if I may? I believe my past experience with Romulans will be of assistance in this." Anahera said.

Grace nodded. "Yes. That would be appreciated." She turned to Siren. "I apologize for not acknowledging you earlier. You have something to add to the discussion?"

At this point, Siren wondered if her thoughts would simply muddy the waters, but that wasn't her decision to make. She simply nodded. "It's ok." She quickly assured the XO. "I was just thinking. Instead of keeping the Romulans here in order to keep the weapon out of their proper timeline, that we could hack their data on the weapon. We could let them think they have their breakthrough, and let them return to their own time, only to find the weapon doesn't work at all."

Zero raised a slight brow, as if processing her recommendation, however confused by it considering what was already said prior. His confused look seemed to subside as he contemplated her suggestion and wondered if it would work, only to come to the same issues be brought up earlier.

"While the idea has merit, Lieutenant Stone, it may not conclude to the desired outcome you surmised. We have no way of knowing whether the information on the Romulan vessel is the only source of that data." The Liberated Borg paused slightly before adding. "We must conclude that this weapon is only a prototype and, where it was designed or built, has its original plans. However, had this ship been the only source of this weapons configuration, it would not help the memories of the officers on board. Their knowledge of the weapons capability, as well as the event that brought them to this era, will remain intact. That knowledge could, theoretically, prove damaging if they find a means to weaponize it for their own gain." He seemed to pause, looking away for a moment, before looking back to the Lieutenant. "Your contribution still has value." Zero seemed to smile slightly, trying to show he was sincere, but it was difficult to process if it would be received that way or not.

"You know..." Haruna piped up from her chair, which she was swinging back and forth on. "You could just let me go over there and break it. Probably wouldn't be too hard, take a few bolts out here and there, cross a few wires, mix up some computer chips. They're technology is really old compared to ours, I could break and fix their systems in my sleep"

Grace turned to Haruna. "No. Thank you for the suggestion, but no. We are not going to break their ship."

Then she turned to Siren. "That is definitely an option to consider if we send them back. But as Lieutenant Zero pointed out, they already know the weapon works. I'm more inclined to make them think it either didn't work as well as they hoped, or that the nebula had a hand in boosting its effect." She paused. "But if we do keep them here, then it may not matter. Our weapons and shields are superior and would withstand their attacks. We would simply have to ensure that they don't get back to their own timeline."

Grace looked at the Captain, then around the room. "These are all good ideas. I'll let Starfleet know what you think. You brought up some good points and they should consider them before issuing a final decision. Is there anything else to add, or shall we adjourn until we get final word?"

"I have plants to feed and a nebula to study, speculate about, study some more, and hopefully have some more insight to provide the both of you soon," Percy said to Grace, but also shot a look at the Captain. The Chief Science Officer opted to stay out of the exchange of suggestions for the most part. It was safer to remain silent and just listen.

Amanda pointedly ignored Percy. His statement was out of turn and ridiculous. As usual, he required himself to be the center of attention.

Grace nodded to Percy. She'd have to see what his current project was. "Thank you, and thank you, everyone for your feedback. I think we have what we need going forward."

Yiv got to his feet. 'If we're done then?'

"Yes, thank you." Grace nodded. She didn't think the Captain had anything to add. "You're all dismissed."

Amanda dared a small glance at Yiv before squarely focusing on Siren. She rose and said, before walking out of the room, "I'll be in my office if I am needed."


Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara
Chief Engineer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant (JG) Elizabeth 'Siren' Stone
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence & Second Officer
USS Ontario


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