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Another Frying Pan? (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Feb 22nd, 2022 @ 1:51pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Zero & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone

3,332 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: CConference Room


Imagine that thought Percy as he listened to the brief synopsis of the situation, and could not help but look at Grace specifically. "And what do they expect us to do about that?" his words carefully and closely mirroring her own regarding his personal request when he informed her about his Zenite situation where pirates had disabled the vessel and stolen most of the zenite.


Zero turned his attention to Percy. "It is my understanding, our orders, are to investigate why the Cordanium shipments are being targeted. If we are given an opportunity to stop it from continuing then we are encouraged to take it. The orders are obvious, Lieutenant."

"Exactly," Grace re plied to both men. "Our orders are vague, leaving it to our discretion, based on what we find. However, we are still Starfleet and will need to act accordingly."

"An important place to begin would be to identify what the Cordanium could be used for. Narrowing down what they need it for, as well as if there are any other thefts performed by this group that may be involved, could lead us to some important answers. Answers which may give us more to work with." Zero replied, in a slightly monotoned voice, before shifting his gaze to Grace. "Has Starfleet’s involvement been requested? It is also possible this a simple private matter between feuding governments who lack one item and are resorting to stealing it from the other."

Percy sat in his seat and let Zero do what Zero did. "He has a valid point. Were we specifically requested? How do we know this isn't a civil dispute?" Percy then made another attempt at his previous rousing. "Commander, it may be Cordanium that's on the tip of everyone's tongue right now, but I suspect that's not the only thing being stolen if we are dealing with pirates."

"These thefts could also be an attempt to single out the supply of Cordanium to a single provider. Allowing for distributions and purchases through one source for monetary gain. The thefts could be an attempt to maintain the market on Cordanium in this area." Zero paused slightly. "Perhaps, it would be wise, to investigate who, in this area, has not suffered a lost due to these thefts."

"As this is the only place Cordanium is being mined, it is an area of dispute--in spite of the HTA--and may become a viable fuel source, I'd say you have a point. The HTA wants to claim this territory, but they are only one of several governments seeking access to the mineral. We also need to remember that the last time we were here, we caused some trouble."

Zero knew nothing of the last time or whatever trouble the Executive Officer was referring to, due to his service to the ship only beginning on the last mission, however, this mission was beginning to sound like something they were being tricked into participating in. "From what you are saying, this does sound like a private matter held only inside this area of space. If our assistance has not been requested than we have no business here. Is this area, or the 'H.T.A' affiliated with the Federation or Starfleet in anyway?"

"This is more frontier area," Grace replied. "It does not belong to the HTA. This area was destabilized when the Romulans left. There are Federation merchants who have asked for help, but the HTA itself has not."

'Starfleet has been asked, and we're the closest ship?' Yiv asked as he fiddled with a whisker. 'If Starfleet wants this done quietly and efficiently, we're not the best choice - as we know, we've already stirred the plomeek pot with the HTA. Likely if we go in, the HTA will seek to make an example of us and move in force.' He shrugged, 'if they know what's good for them.'

Percy watched Yiv fiddle with his whisker, probably blushing slightly before composing himself. "You are probably correct even without our previously stirring the pot. An Ambassador class starship rolling on through a star system means something. Starfleet could have sent another starship. Instead, they send us. That's either a risk or a statement."

As one of the pot stirrers, she knew going back would be problematic. "We are the closest ship and were heading back here anyway." She hesitated. "I think they expect us to redeem ourselves." At least she hoped so. "We'll need to be careful around the colony itself, but we should be safe enough in the system."

Percy looked at Grace. Should he thought. He was not a fan of should, maybe, probably, or otherwise. "If my request still stands approved, when we hit the system, I'd like to take the shuttle out to fetch my is in the neighborhood."

'Just a shuttle?' queried Yiv quickly, flashing a glance in the direction of Percy. 'Perhaps something a little bigger, take a few crewmembers with you, just in case?' What's this Zenite even? Yiv made a mental note to ask Percy later.

"I made a private request to Commander Vetur," Percy clarified. "And not alone. I have asked Siren to accompany me. I did not want to hog," Percy looked around the room. Don't make a pig joke he thought. "I didn't want to take crucial people away from the ship for something that seemed insignificant."

"You are the Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant. The Lieutenant Commander's concerns are valid. As we have been informed, this is an area with potential hostiles, who have already shown a desire to harm anyone in their path. Not only are you taking a shuttle, yourself, and one other officer but you are also putting yourself in danger." Zero replied quickly, looking to Percy, as he continued. "You have already decided to take crucial people away the ship by included yourself and another officer. It would be crucial for you to consider bringing more with you or foregoing your desire to retrieve the Zenite altogether. There will be more Zenite. There is only one of you and the Chief Helmsman."

"Lieutenant." Siren turned to Zero. "The matter has already been approved by the XO. While I appreciate your concern, the matter isn't open to discussion." She realized that wasn't her call to make after the comment was out of her mouth though. She turned to the XO with an apologetic look. "Unless you have changed you mind of course, ma'am." Siren held in a sigh. These meetings were tedious, with input coming from places that to Siren had no business having an input. But then she wasn't making that call. This was one difference between the branches that she was having the most issue adjusting to. It felt like a high school debate club meeting instead of a military briefing. She decided she needed to close her mouth before she stuck her foot in it again.

Percy cleared his throat. "I'll also add said request was made and approved before any of this came to the surface. It may be connected, it may not. I would have brought someone from Operations, Lieutenant, but they generally seem busy elsewhere. I will proceed however the Captain and Commander Vetur wishes."

"I do not believe you statement is true, Lieutenant." Zero replied, almost without thinking, looking to Percy with an almost firm look. "Had you made such a request I would have ensure one would be available to you. It is my belief, your person interest in gaining the Zenite, is clouding your judgement and leading you to danger. You request, not that this situation has been brought to light, can be altered to include more officers and another shuttle if necessary. you are placing yourself, the Lieutenant, and Starfleet property in danger for something that can he obtained again with no personal lose to you." He looked to Siren before adding. "You are also incorrect, Lieutenant about this being a closed matter. This new information about the potential hostilities in this area, as well as the rogue element of the pirates, places this matter open to discussion. I am sorry, but that is a matter of true. As an officer with a Marine background, I would think you would understand how this may fall under the category of unnecessary risk. I mean no disrespect, I assure both you of."

Siren just glared at Zero. She had misspoken, yes. And immediately made amends by putting it back in the hands it belonged in, the XOs. She didn't comment, knowing she would say something inappropriate, or just go ahead and hit the man.

'How're your weapons certifications?' Yiv cut across the burgeoning discussion to address Siren. 'And your assessment of the personnel requirements of the situation now the underlying data has changed?'

Yiv's comment brought Siren's focus to him. "My weapons certification is current, but not high." She admitted. She'd lost her marksman status with her wrist injury, and it didn't look like she'd be getting it back. "I don't see how the requirements have changed. Starfleet isn't 'safe'. I don't see how risking more people makes anything safer. But again, it's not up to me.'

Amanda merely looked at Percy and his antics. She could not believe that he was tolerated as much as he was. It appeared that even Siren was starting to tire of him. For the moment, she remained silent, trying to get a sense of what she was going to do with everyone.

Percy caught Amanda looking him in that way which she often did. Percy said nothing though because it would do nothing. For a counselor, you are awful at dealing with your emotions. Why are you so fixated on me, just get over it the Chief Science Officer thought as he shrugged off the Counselor's gaze.

"If Commander Vetur nixes our request, then we will of course stand by that," Percy noted. "Though if it is still a go, Commander, whatever amendments you want to make, we will work with."

Siren looked toward Vetur as well. Finally, attention drawn to the person who would actually be making these decisions.

'For what It's worth, Commander Vetur, if Siren still has her certifications, she'll be worth an officer or two with her skills etc.,' Yiv said quietly. It gave him no pleasure to say it, but he pushed his personal feelings for Percy aside and concentrated on the data.

"Thank you for your input," Grace said to the group at large. "I think we should amend Lieutenant Bálor's request to adjust for the new information." She turned to Zero. "I think someone from Operations should accompany them--at your discretion, Lieutenant."

Zero nodded, unsure if his concern would fall back on him in some way, before speaking allowed. "If the Lieutenant can provide me with the necessary flight plan, I will review my departments personnel and assess which one would best suit the situation."

Siren blinked. Operations? What the hell were they going to do with an Ops officer? She schooled her features quickly though. "I will get you that flight plan as soon as I can Lieutenant Zero." She replied.

Percy had thought about asking if Amanda Rose could be added to the excursion, but thought better of it. The less dead weight, the better, and he couldn't really reason out a good argument for her to go. She would have just been an extra body. She was more suitable to remaining on the Ontario. "Thank you, Lieutenant Zero."

Zero sat there, unsure of whether to respond or not. Prior to this exchange the Lieutenant's seemed anxious to go on this excursion on their own. They seemed hostile toward him stating his opinion. Now, they seemed fine. Balor, the one Zero had interacted with previously, seemed to be thanking him now. This discuss had taken an odd turn. He could only look at them both and give them each a nod in return. It was the polite response.

Grace nodded. "Lieutenant Ra-Gruvloveii, I'd like you to look into the pirate activity in the sector. the more we know, the better prepared we'll be."

The Efrosian nodded. Nothing out of the ordinary was expected of him this time. The Ontario's second officer beamed, 'we'll have an analysis ready for you as soon as possible.'

"Thank you." Grace smiled at Yiv and looked around at the others. "Anything else we need to discuss now?"

"No, Commander," the Counselor responded, after narrowing her eyes at Percy's questioning look. She then got up and moved to Zero and whispered, "When this meeting is over, would you mind heading to my office?"

Zero found the request a bit odd. He identified the woman as the Chief Counselor and her behavior, during the meeting, seemed difficult to identify. "Is there an Operations request you would like to make, Counselor?"

"I would appreciate it if you waited until I actually dismissed you," Grace said pointedly. "Lieutenant Zero is not going to disappear."

"My apologies, Commander," Amanda answered simply. "I mistook your statement for a conclusion," she bristled slightly.

Percy looked at Grace. "I suspect most of us are a bit on edge and anxious. Potential piracy? That is certainly a change from dealing with starships misplaced in time and space."

The half-Tellarite did make a bit of a play. "Actually," he said as a off the cuff transition. "Counselor Rose may prove to be a proper asset" Percy said, though he made a point to emphasize the 'ass' part when enunciating. He looked at the woman directly. "You have experience with veterans with PTSD and were stationed on Luna."

Amanda did her best not to let her face change expression but the smirk betrayed her. He just confirmed everything she knew about the manipulative bastard. He looked into her background. He toyed with her and everyone else on this ship. Why was she the only one that recognized it? Putting on her sweetest voice she said, "I do. Thank you for noticing."

Percy chuckled, he was not going to bite whatever bait was getting dangled. Instead, he just focused on the mission and personnel. "Some of the merchants and smugglers are the closed off sort. You may be ideal for getting past that."

Looking at his PADD, Yiv tried his best to keep a look of surprise crossing his face. He knew that both Percy and Amanda had rubbed each other up the wrong way, but he was pleased at least one of them had tried to cross the divide between them.

"Michaels to Conference room. We've just picked up a distress call from a Ferengi Merchant ship, they have been ambushed by these Bandits and are needing urgent aid." The Captain said over the intercom. He'd allowed Grace free reign to lead the investigation as First Officer, he also knew it would help in her promotion chances for her third solid pip.

"Acknowledged." Grace sighed. "Take the shuttle out, Mr. Bálor, but don't take long. Meanwhile, the rest of us will answer the distress signal and see what we can learn." She stood. "Everyone else, report to your stations." She turned to Amanda. "You'll need to speak to the lieutenant at another time." With that, she headed for the bridge.

What else is new? Amanda thought to herself. The Commander stole her relationship with the Captain and now Percy was stealing through his games the rest of the crew. She had such a good relationship with everyone, especially Yiv until Percy came around. She sighed and simply answered, "I can see that," as Grace departed.

Zero stood up from his chair, a bit unsure of his next course of action, as he looked over to Grace. "Commander? Are you still requiring someone from Operations to accompany the Lieutenants on their excursion?"

"I'll be quick," Percy said swiftly. He did not mind if someone from Operations came with them. Either way, he had his orders and approval to take a shuttle out.

Grace paused and turned to answer the question. "I'll leave that to your discretion, Lieutenant Zero."

Once Grace left the room, Percy looked at Zero. "I have a shuttle to get through preflight inspections and out of here two shakes of a lambs tail. A Ferengi ship requires assistance, so send someone down to shuttle bay one if you have someone for me, but I'm not waiting any longer than I have to," he said swiftly and glanced at Siren. "You're with me."

Zero gave him an odd look before replying. “Is the movement of a lamb’s tail the traditional object you use to measure the length of time you require for specifics tasks? This information is relevant for future references, Lieutenant.”

"It's an idiom, Lieutenant. You'll assimilate it in due time. I have hope for you," Percy replied as he darted from the table to the doorway, and on his way out. He would have to get the shuttle ready with Siren quickly. Though he personally felt his shuttle excursion could have waited in lieu of responding to the Ferengi, Grace' orders were clear. They were to disembark immediately.

Zero raised his brow before nodding his head in understanding. He had assimilated several idioms thus far, and while his lack of understanding seemed apparent, he would do his best to comply. Especially if they were generally part of natural conversations. It was in his best interest to adapt and learn. If he were to become a valued individual on this crew it was a requirement. As he left, in his mind, he reviewed who would be best suited for the task. In the end, as he exited the Conference Room, only one choice was obvious.

Watching the exchange between the officers, Yiv shut off his PADD and got to his feet. Nodding at the others present he flashed a small smile, and went for the door. He was already thinking about the Ferengi vessel. He hurried his step as he saw Percy in the corridor. Catching up to him he leaned in and hissed, 'you better take care of yourself out there.'

Percy sighed "Now, Commander, if you keep trying to get me alone, you are going to have people talking," teased the Chief Science Officer. "Now, is this the concern of the Second Officer or is this a more personal concern, Sir?"

He thought for a moment, the sighed softly. 'Both. You're taking our crew out there. And you're, uh, personally valued, shall we say.' Yiv's voice trailed off at the end as he heard the door to theCpnferrnce Room swish open again.

Amanda left the room and headed to her office pensively. Percy was a pest and she needed to figure out a way to deal with him, as well as win the crew's goodwill back from him.

"Your hair looks especially fierce today," Percy commented to Amanda, but it looked as thought she was in a rush which made sense. They all were being called to their stations. Percy looked back at Yiv. "Since you are off to see some Ferengi, perhaps you kind find one with the lobes to date her."

Percy sighed. "Anyways, thank you for your concern. I appreciate it, Commander. I'll be as safe as I can" finished the Chief Science Officer. "I'll see you when we get back" he finished.


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence & Second Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Percival Bálor, Ph.D
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Elizabeth 'Siren' Stone
Chief Flight Control
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario


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